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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Hmm, Saudia Arabia (handed over one of the masterminds to India), the US (bounty on LeT chief ), the UN (LeT added to list of terror groups) and pretty much everyone but your nation. Even "big brother" China is wise to your games:

China blames terror camps in Pakistan as 20 killed in for Xinjiang violence - The Times of India

But oh well, this is all lies, right? The world is with Pakistan aren't they? The world doesn't consistently refer to you as the biggest threat to global security do they? It's all just some evil Hindu/Jew/RAW/Mossad conspiracy.
1) LeT is also declared a terrorist organization in Pakistan...before accusing get the basic facts right!

2) TOI is the same BS site that just last night was reporting tweets of Lucknow people who went from GEO news talking about A to tweets talking about B as though its a fact!

3) I never brought in Hindu nor Jew nor RAW nor Mossad....thats your mentality talking

4) Yes world points fingers here without realizing who created this monsters to fight their cold war and forgot to neutralize them!
You dont know a dime about what history is?
For start up, it was all USA and Europeans who bring in Jihad in Afghanistan. At that time go watch Hollywood glorifying these Mujaheddin. For start-up go watch "Beast of War" or the "The Living Daylights"

Once Soviets were defeated they left all the mess, which includes 3.5 million refugees for Pakistan. You dont know a shit what Pakistan has faced in last 4 decades. And Mr. We are not dumb as you like to think us, dont we know what terrorism you did in East Pakistan? Dont we know how you created Mukti Bahini? The False Flag operation of Ganga Airline?

Kindly Zip up..

hows that explanation working for you and pakistan?
many news agencies said there was no Osama in pak too... your reputable ones are not saying so...
The very same news agency did we want shut down but Indians cried it a river :enjoy:
7 people are struck no one to help PPP members not attending phones

fire is not properly extinguished relatives of those 7 people are protesting but no fire brigade no ambulances are on scene weseem akhter is busy on the phone calling to i don't know whom neither he's facing media.... they are protesting from 3 pm no one is hearing them
WTH? since 3pm? werent security forces there even at that time?

7 people are struck no one to help PPP members not attending phones

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aur do kameenoun ko vote! kameenay will always be kameenay!
you need to have a coherent argument for once
well, if you are going to dig at news agencies well at least have the balls to admit the fact of how Indians were all against the shut down of false news spreading agency in Pakistan? Yup the very false news spreader which you want to quote when it suits you about Osama....why the double face? You blame the agency about Osama not being there but when we say its telling lies close it....you guys cry tears?
WTH? since 3pm? werent security forces there even at that time?

aur do kameenoun ko vote! kameenay will always be kameenay!

now they are taking some action Malik Riaz called that machinery is on it's way administrator of Karachi now respond when Shahzeb of Express News called them but PPP members are still not receiving calls
So, let's focus on how to improve the security something missing in this Karachi airport backyard and old terminals.

Bring more full investigation in full hours.


hows that explanation working for you and pakistan?
We dont need to explain. And an Indian would be the last one we like to explain. We know how much problems your agencies have created for our country in the past. We know how you are supporting Terror in Balochistan. We know how you are involved in Karachi disruptions. We know what you are upto by inciting Shia-Sunni violence. We know how and when ever we release your agents from jail, how on reaching India they start telling the truth.
What you have done in East Pakistan is all in Black & White now.
You cant deny that your Army Chief admitted that yes we have been running secret missions against Pakistan.
And for your record, this is the same Al-Qaeeda and Wahabi militants who are waging a war in Syria against Assad government. And are duly supported by USA and Israel. 2 of your best buddies. Would you like to shed some light on it?
Rescue members are saying that we don't have proper equipment to go inside to help the people stuck inside cause the water on the floor mixed with chemical which burned the feet of the people who are trying to get them inside

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