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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

After investigation they will reveal ... India might be involved in this attack ... But it can be said after investigation ..........
Pakistan is not an irresponsible country :)
Height of incompetency! :coffee:

Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India!


Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India

Well at least the retarded Taliban clearly separated himself from Pakistan in his statement!!!

Taliban claim deadly attack on Karachi airport

The Pakistani Taliban have said they were behind an attack at the country's largest airport that killed at least 28 people, including 10 militants.

The raid happened late on Sunday at a terminal used for cargo and VIP flights at Karachi international airport.

Following reports of fresh violence early on Monday, airport officials said the siege was now over and flights were set to resume in the afternoon.

Karachi has been a target for many attacks by the Taliban.

A spokesman for the group, Shahidullah Shahid, said Monday's assault was "a message to the Pakistan government that we are still alive to react over the killings of innocent people in bomb attacks on their villages".

The dead terminal staff were said to be mostly security guards from the Airport Security Force (ASF) but also airline workers. At least 14 people were wounded.

Analysts say the attack further undermines Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's attempt at initiating peace talks with the Taliban.

The negotiations have made little headway since February. Critics have argued that they could allow the militants to regroup and gain strength.


I was with police at the Fokker Gate where some of the militants initially entered - and a few hundred metres from the fighting. We spent five to six hours at the airport while the militants were battling.

Witnesses told us the militants came in a high-roofed van, which dropped them at the entrance to this terminal and then quickly left.

We were told several militants jumped into the buildings and shortly afterwards a very heavy deployment of the Pakistani army arrived and firing began.

We took cover while loud bomb blasts could be heard. Officials told us it was suicide bombers detonating their vests. Later they discovered live suicide jackets from militants shot dead in the encounter.

Their intention may well have been for a longer and deadlier siege as one official told me that the militants had brought dry food supplies with them.


'Well trained'
The army said the 10 gunmen stormed Jinnah International Airport in two teams of five on Sunday at 23:00 local time (18:00 GMT).

Authorities shut Jinnah shortly after the assault began and diverted flights other airports.

The attackers are believed to have entered the area using fake ID cards, although some reports suggest they cut through a barbed wire fence.

They threw grenades and fired at security guards in the old terminal, which is now only used for cargo and VIP operations.

The Chief Minister of Sindh province, Qaim Ali Shah, said the attackers "were well trained".

"Their plan was very well thought out," he said, adding that they had failed to destroy some of the aircraft as they had intended.


Seven of the attackers were later shot dead during a gun battle which lasted until about 04:30. Another three detonated their explosives.

The militants set fire to cargo, but no aircraft were damaged, the officials said.

Army officials said there were indications that some of the gunmen may have been foreign nationals.

There were also reports of at least two huge blasts at the airport.

Sarmad Hussain, an official with Pakistan International Airlines, told the Associated Press news agency: "I was working at my office when I heard big blasts - several blasts - and then there were heavy gunshots."

He said he and a colleague escaped by jumping from a window. His colleague broke a leg.

At least 14 people have been injured in the attack
Pakistan has been fighting an Islamist insurgency for more than a decade, with the Pakistani Taliban the main militant group.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif recently told the BBC he was still hopeful a peace initiative with the Taliban could succeed.

But violent clashes have continued and Karachi has been a frequent target.

Gunmen attacked the city's Mehran naval base in 2011, killing 10 personnel and destroying two aircraft in a 17-hour siege.

BBC News - Taliban claim deadly attack on Karachi airport
No your heart doesn't go out to anyone. So stop the dramaibazi and leave us without your hypocritical comments.
Ok. I presume, you do not represent the educated youth of Pakistan, who have more interest in peace than hate. Or is it other wise?
Height of incompetency! :coffee:

Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India!


Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India

I've said before and let me repeat again. Karachi do not need any one from out side Karachi to cause trouble let alone out side Pakistan.

It happened in Karachi!!
Does Karachiats need help from outside? This city has now law and run by mafias. We may not be able to count numbers of law enforcement people died to bring peace without even scratching the very fabric of Mafia/ Gunda/ Terrorist establishments

Who know someone got pissed and want to burn something important to other group or important to freedom of some one.
Please tell me more. I am interested. You can remind of Kashmir as many times you want but that wont change the reality. People living in glass houses should not throw stones at others. Do i need to tell you that Balochistan is a big glass that one can break?
Please do remind me how many times a curfew has been imposed in Balochistan or if the locals ever pelted security forces with stones .
where was the SMGs & RPGs they used manufactured ? We dont manufacture them in India..

ah,then wait for the confirmation please.

Don't change the context and answer. You're talking about the involvement evidence of RAW in Pakistan and I gave you the statement of Chuk Hagel who is not an Internet warrior like you and me.... He clearly said "Indian involvement in Balochistan and supporting terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan by Indian". And if you didn't listen/watch his live statement .. I think you should better to leave PDF and join some other forum where you only hear woW woW news of Indian thats it....
Its Pakistani's. Their 'facts' are world renowned. Need I say more. Modi and Gandhi and all sort of names will be inscribed in the bullets now.
very professional indeed...not even reading that it was TOI reporting BS and then ranting that others are the ones who are unprofessional or not! Go look in the mirror and kindly dont ever quote me Mr. Troll!

Height of incompetency! :coffee:

Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India!


Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India
what exactly are people thanking here...I clicked the link and I got a personal attack page ...lovely isnt it?
Than your DG is a retard who does not know basic facts like AK's , RPG's and SMG's are not manufactured in India. We use INSAS, MILAN and UZI's in these three categories.

Indian arms and ammunition found on the body of terrorists .................
Height of incompetency! :coffee:

Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India!


Rizwan Akhter, the Karachi super cop regrets he mistook chinese toy guns labeled made in India
Taliban claim deadly attack on Karachi airport
Now what will the Pakistanis do!
Have a depression I think. Their competent DG and their Government!

No wait! Must be a RAW and Mossad operation that is now being blamed on innocent Taliban, their Sharia loving blood brothers!

Wait, what happened to the bullets with Modi's name inscribed on them?!
Your government is yet to allege,but your rangers do,as do Pakistanis (see this thread itself)

He said it will be revealed after investigation ... But Indian nation, govt, leaders & media immediately make responsible to Pakistan for every bad deed which happens in India ..............

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