and we have even Internet in the caves along with AK 47 geeeeeeeeeez when bharati slums gonna get connection ???
Dharavi - Economy - Source = BBC, India Daily (Exchange Rate: 45 Rps per dollar)
Official population of Dharavi 600,000
Probable population of Dharavi 700,000
GDP in Rupees 30,000,000,000
GDP in $$$ 666,666,667
Per Capita GDP in Rupees using official population number of 600,000 50,000
Per Capita GDP in Rupeesusing population number of 700,000 42
Per Capita GDP in $$$ using the official population number of 600,000 1,111
Per Capita GDP in $$$ using population number of 700,000 952
welcome to Indian slum... you can afford more luxury than an avg Pakistani in an Indian slum..