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Kalabagh Dam - Damn anti-Dam Lobbies

Because provinces make the federation, remember the federation?. The notion that any government can just ignore the dissenting voices in three of the four federating units is absurd.

I know that there is a compelling case of building the KB dam nut there are equally valid concerns about the Indus delta and the ecosystem of the lower Indus that need to be addressed before any construction takes place.

Remember that big construction and big politics go hand in hand. To complete any major project that has an impact on the life in the whole of the country we need the public to be on board.

Agreed with the bold part.
Punjab is not ignoring the concerns of other provinces. The reason that Kalabagh dam is not built yet is testimony to that. But what is sad is that no province is willing to discuss it ,considering it a non issue.

However don't worry. It will never be constructed because there is no political will to do so.:frown:
the flood disaster could have been avoided if we have Kala bagh but coz tht capacity of Kalabagh is greater than 16 million cusecs and
currently the water which is creating havoc in punjab and sidh and Balushistan is just 11 million cusec .........
As much as i understand the benefits of the project, this argument in terms of cusecs is misleading. cusecs is flow rate. Wiki says discharge capacity of Kalabagh is only 11,000 cusecs(unit mentioned there must be wrong). May be you have mistaken dam capacity with flood water flow rate. I sense that somebody wantedly introduced this misleading figure in a press statement. IMO any dam could not have held all that flood water there. It is just that you get an advance warning to evacuate people, which itself would have helped in saving lives in our case.

Besides it is not like there are no alternative options to Kalabagh. Smaller dams can always be built to manage water and produce electicity. In fact smaller dams AFAIK are more efficient in water management and also from an environmental POV. Some reasons why politicians always favo biiig projects are that their 'percentage' means larger sums and the bigger the project the bigger ads and PR their party can manage, and it stays longer and larger as a symbol of their achievement. One simple solution is to build say three or four smaller projects, one in each province with its own independent power plant.
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Little info abt proposed Bunji Dam available in Wikipedia on following link:

Bunji, Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Installed capacity of Bunji Dam will be 7200MW.

Original Installed capacity of Tarbela Dam was 3478MW. Now enhanced/upgraded capacity of Tarbela Dam is 4200MW.

This is the place you are referring




This is a unique place in the world where three mighty mountain ranges Himalayas, Karakorum, and Hindukush converge. It can be developed in to a great tourism resort as well.
Thank You Alibaz for taking us to the right place which is basically the junction point of three great Mountain Ranges of Asia i.e. Himalayas, Karakorum, and Hindukush. Here Indus is coming from valley between Himalayas and Korakorum. Gilgit River is coming from valley between Karakorum and Hindukush. Junction point of Mountain Ranges is also the place where Gilgit River empties into Indus River.

Onward from this point, then Indus continues journey in the valley between Himalayas and Hindukush.

Gilgit River before joining Indus is also joined by Hunza River. So at the junction point of Mountain Ranges Gilgit+Hunza Rivers join Indus.

But I think Dam will be located at point at Indus where Hunza+Gilgit have not yet joined it.
^^ When I went to Skardu last year I saw the site for Bunji Dam. It was way up from the joining point of Gilgit+Hunza river with Indus.
Well whatever people say - Some Dams need to be built otherwise Pakistan will be called a dammed fool.
DAILY TIMES, August 12, 2010

Floods and Kalabagh Dam

Sir: I can recall Prime Minister (PM) Gilani’s first speech in parliament, when he categorically rejected the construction of the Kalabagh Dam. Later, it was observed that he appeared very political about the subject. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf also refused to reject the scheme. Now PM Gilani has come up with an even more surprising stance that the destruction caused by the floods could have been averted had the dam been in place. It is baffling to see that the PM thinks that the amount of floodwater is just six million acre feet (MAF), which is the capacity of the Kalabagh Dam. The volume of floodwater runs up to 1.2 million cusecs (more than 100 MAF). What does PM Gilani propose for the rest of the 94 MAF of water? Moreover, the disaster would have aggravated if the water had flown upstream due to the dam on the Indus River. In addition, to collect water from a flood (which is a rare occurrence in Pakistan), the country’s leadership is prepared to destroy the Indus delta permanently. I humbly request the PM to avoid making such statements in public that perplex the people rather than giving them courage to face the calamity.


hi, I am in Karachi and from here, most of the people from sindh are blaming their own government for not been able to handle this issue properly. Sindh Government had ample time unlike KPK and Punjab to somewhat reduce the intensity. but look what has happened. Only military seems to be on the scene I havent seen the government yet taking any significant attempt to address the issue(In fact my colleagues from interior Sindh pointed towards a disappointing fact that in order to save their lands in the way of natural way of flood. Many feudal lords broke the banks and diverted the flood to the other villages and it is also said that CM himself was involved in this because his fish farms were in danger)....so if someone is to be blamed is the Sindh Govt itself because it has done virtually nothing to address this disaster. Had it not been the military in place, God forbid much much worse could have happened.:coffee:
Jackobabad and many other flood areas are situated far away from River Indus as it appears from usual maps.

I never visited Sindh. What it is actually?
Jackobabad and many other flood areas are situated far away from River Indus as it appears from usual maps.

I never visited Sindh. What it is actually?

The water in Jackobabad is not Indus River Water I presume. Its the water from Bolan
Those who say that Dams shouldn't be build are worse enemies of Pakistan than India.

Those who want to build, controversial Kalabagh dam in Punjab, they are worst enemies of Pakistan compared to any outsider country as they want Pakistan to be weaken and provinces should fight with each other.

The integrity and solidarity of Pakistan should be more important compared to any controversial dam in Punjab
What exactly is the problem with Kalabagh Dam MK Sial.I don't know much about it's disadvantages.Could you please explain what will be the side effects of this dam in technical terms (Not Political)?
Those who want to build, controversial Kalabagh dam in Punjab, they are worst enemies of Pakistan compared to any outsider country as they want Pakistan to be weaken and provinces should fight with each other.

The integrity and solidarity of Pakistan should be more important compared to any controversial dam in Punjab

Why not dissolve the provinces before building kalabagh dam.
It is better to shoot few hundred than millions getting displaced and thousands dying and loss of revenue every passing moment.

What exactly is the problem with Kalabagh Dam MK Sial.I don't know much about it's disadvantages.Could you please explain what will be the side effects of this dam in technical terms (Not Political)?
There are non, this is why it is called political issue.
It mean some people earn their vote by lying to their public that they are saving their lives by not favoring its construction.

BTW.. I never heard any one other than PPP and ANP leaders talking against the construction of kalabagh dam.
The issue is very simple:

The DAM will be built some of the villages would get effected they will have to be moved , in Paktoon region - no problem these are mostly huts and sheds a new city can be built , its already distroyed now

Electricity should be distributed based on population%
30% to Paktoon PK , 25 % Punjab , 25% Sindh, 20% Balouchistan

Paktoon PK prolem solved

Sindh , has coal reserves , install a 5 billion dollar Water desalination plant in Sindh , we are talking ones like in Saudi Arabia , and fuel them with Coal produced in Sindh

So no water shortage in Sindh !!! Problem Solved

The story that Punjab will steal 100% water is not true, a water dam can only hold
so much water, if you try to hold more then what it is capable of holding the dam breaks, so engineers always release water daily !!!

**Initially when damn is being filled , yes there will be 3-5 month time when there will
be shortage as ppl will be trying to fill the dam with water

Balouchistan :

Link up the Indus river with Lakes , in Balouchistan so when extra water is available these artificial lakes in Balouchistan can save up water and help provide fresh water to new cities like Gwadar

So there is no problem - We need a good dictator for 50 years , who can come in , put all the political parties in prison , and build the damn - really someone like Chavez STRONG nationalist

Remember COST of Dam 5 Billion dollar
Cost of Flood : 100-200 Billion dollars , over 1-3 years

What we need is referendum , Yes / No , and let engineers do their work after that

GOP can't pay reconstruction cost over and over again, this is why we need educated member of parliment , with University Education and High credentials
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