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Once again India has chosen a "More difficult than normal" way of doing things....and copied a Soviet Doctrine...
Lets see when these are deployed on subs...

It achieves superior results as well. And it is harder to engineer. That DRDO has been able to do it is a matter of note for our neighbouring nations.
Some more Details from the Horse's Mouth :

India successfully tests submarine based ballistic missile system Video: NDTV.com


Some information spurted out here in this video is really making Dr. Saraswat uncomfortable ... they are inadvertently making certain information public which is not supposed to go public.

Particularly when Pallava Bagla (Stupid Moron) spoke about "the missile goes up and then goes down and then goes up again" .... Dr. Saraswat seems to have not liked this information being made public.

Also what is that "Beep" ... Dr Saraswat said : ..... missile has to "beep" within the water....

Now Jingos can fill in the blanks for the following quiz ...

Missile has to ......... within the water.

Possible correct answer will get a Thanks for the Post !!!

India successfully test fires underwater missile B-05 - The New Indian Express

India successfully test fires underwater missile B-05

A day after 64th Republic Day, India successfully test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) of its most ambitious ‘SLBM’ series from an underwater platform off the Vishakhapatanam coast on Sunday making the weapon ready for its user trials.

Defence sources said the final developmental trial of the missile, code-named B-05, was conducted from a submerged pontoon (replica of a submarine) in full operational configuration at about 1.38 pm. The pontoon was positioned inside the sea, about 10-km from Andhra Pradesh coastline and the missile was fired from about 50 meters deep.

Though all the tests of the missile were conducted secretly earlier and the DRDO had never disclosed its name, for the first time the defence organisation through a release on Sunday confirmed that it had a successful test of B-05 missile.

Talking to 'The New Indian Express' Director General of DRDO V K Saraswat said the mission was fantastic and achieved a ‘copy book’ success. “The missile destroyed the target with a single digit accuracy. All the parameters of the missile were monitored by the radar all through the trajectory and terminal events have taken place exactly as expected,” he said.

Developed by DRDO, the B-05 missile, formerly known as K-15 is about 10 metres in length and about one metre in diameter besides its launch weight about ten tonnes. This missile uses solid propellant. It can carry a conventional payload of about 500 kg and also be fitted with tactical nuclear warhead.

Launched underwater, it surges to the surface and is the world's best weapon in this class. The missile will equip the country's first nuclear-powered submarine ANS Arihant and if every thing goes as per the plan, the missile will soon be test fired from the indegenously built submarine. Meanwhile, the DRDO has begun the production of the missile.

“The missile traveled a distance of about 700 km in just six minutes and maintained a perfect trajectory. This missile has got both the versions SLBM and SLCM (submarine-launched cruise missile). While cruise missile is a loose trajectory missile guided to its destination by an onboard computer, ballistic has a high-trajectory and transcends the atmosphere to re enter from above the targeted site,” said a defence scientist.

The DRDO was focusing on the success of the missile as very few countries have the triad of firing nuclear tipped missiles from air, land and undersea. Other countries, which have the capability, include Russia, USA, France, Britain (UK) and China.

This test, however has paved the way for the maiden trial of its long-range variant, which has a strike range of nearly 3000 km and under development since long. The source further said that the Navy had reportedly been insisting for the test of B-05's cruise variant as it is difficult to be obstructed and has pinpoint accuracy. It can also engage in a series of terminal manoeuvres designed to defeat enemy missile defences.

Among others, Director of Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) A K Chakrabarti and senior scientists of DRDO witnessed the mission. Defence Minister A K Antony congratulated all the scientists for the successful launch of B-05.

B-05 another new name :hitwall: :D
China's response to K-5: China carries out land-based mid-course missile interception test
China: no ballistic misiles can threat me and my dearest friends :victory:

This missile is only 1,500km? :lol:

I read on indian media its 700km, which is correct?

I mean we tested out JL-1 in 1982. So congrats on doing something we did 30 years ago :D
Now comes the hard part of deploying it on an SSBN. Lets hope it's an indigenous indian SSBN with 100% indian components.
If it has even 1% foreign component, it's not indian. It's foreign.

Congrats to the Indian scientists and engineers.

Then y-20 and JF-17 will be russian ....and most of your planes are also
One thing is sure..If this missile gets deployed on INS Arihant...Pakistan and China will need Second strike capability as DT SLBM are well known method of launching surprise attack to take out enemy Nuclear assets in the first strike scenario...

Well sir you've got the Depressed Trajectory Ballistic Missile part right. Contrary to what has been claimed by some posters the shaurya/BO-5 does not maneuver in its flight phase or its "terminal" phase, instead, its meant for a shallower and faster path to the target with intense hyper-sonic speed and precision. There have been many concerns that this system is only range appropriate against Pakistan, that happens to be true since to utilize it against the PRC would require the Indian Submarine to get painfully and dangerously close to the Chinese coast which is not optimal in the least. But people tend to forget that India has been making range leaps once every 2 years in the last decade with regard to its strategic strike systems. It took us a good decade+ from the late 80s to the end of the 90s to gain mastery in solid fuel rocket technology and guidance technology but after that its been a rather flatteringly fast progress. Its true, as you say, that in various areas indigenous efforts have faced delays but our missile program is the exception, a fact which we have already proven. While the DT SLBM tech is indeed complex- bare in mind that this is the 10th successful test of the naval system while the land launched system has been tested 4 times successfully and is already in series production (keep in mind that the land launched system was developed after the naval system), this is also the 4-5th successful underwater test of the B0-5. The system is being tested with an intense frequency so as to ensure that we do not have a mishap like the Chinese did a few years back, unlike them we may no be able to recover so quickly from a mishap (although trying to launch a liquid fueled missile from a submarine was not their most inspired moment, but then all countries go through their own hurdles and teething issues). The complexity of the system is offset by its repeated success so its deployment is solely dependent on how quickly the Arihant can complete its sea trials and be made available for tests and deployment, the development phase of his system is finished. In fact this was the last developmental test of the said system and that is why it is so significant.

The other part of your post is a bit flawed, the Chinese already have a second strike capability although it may not be as extensive or proven as its American or Russian counterparts but then neither is ours- in fact we have quite a bit of catching up to do with the PRC as we are still 7-8 years away from operationally deploying a 8000- 10000 tons nuke boat with proper intercontinental SLBMs. So the Chinese need not worry yet. Pakistan on he other hand could bridge the gap to a certain extent by deploying submarine launched derivatives of the Babur cruise missile (There have been persistent rumors about the PN contemplating upon a submarine launched derivative although we are yet to see any tests conducted) on the type-043 submarines the PN is said to be procuring from the PRC but such a measure will be no where as effective as a nuke boat and SLBM combo specially due to the Kamorta class ASW corvettes (the first of which is to be commissioned this year with 11 more in the pipe and the 20+ littoral ASW platforms which will also see fruition in the next 2 years along with the P-8Is which are already being delivered to the IN). This is one of the reasons that Pakistan has been expanding its nuclear arsenal- in order to enhance the survival chances of its land based deterrent since developing an 'SSBN' is not within the current reach of the PN due to economic and technological reasons. Although the ever increasing nuclear arsenal does make it nearly impossible for India to attempt a decapitation/extensive counter-force strike against Pakistan's nuclear assets- so I don't think it should make Pakistan sweat much or cause it any severe inconvenience unless further destabilization takes hold of the sub-continent in the future which will change the scenario and the criteria on which I've based my analysis/opinions.
Some more Details from the Horse's Mouth :

India successfully tests submarine based ballistic missile system Video: NDTV.com


Some information spurted out here in this video is really making Dr. Saraswat uncomfortable ... they are inadvertently making certain information public which is not supposed to go public.

Particularly when Pallava Bagla (Stupid Moron) spoke about "the missile goes up and then goes down and then goes up again" .... Dr. Saraswat seems to have not liked this information being made public.

Also what is that "Beep" ... Dr Saraswat said : ..... missile has to "beep" within the water....

Now Jingos can fill in the blanks for the following quiz ...

Missile has to ......... within the water.

Possible correct answer will get a Thanks for the Post !!!



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