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K-pop Superstars BTS to Hold Concert in Saudi Arabia


LOL osmanali and I were chatting about nork music cpl days earlier. This is actually one of my favourites, very soviet style base aesthetic, but amped up nicely by guttural "angry" north korean.

On topic, K-pop twinks are all that is wrong with libtards and neo-lefties.....KSA is stupid to let these in. There are lot other things MBS should seek to reform before inserting stupid hyper-libtard effeminate crap among oil rich bedouin mentality types....its so cringey to try flex an ironbar this way so you can feel the ends can get closer.
I am slob men should not wear make up it's not normal

Instead of saudis taking korean technology and science they are too busy importing degeneracy all in the name of modernisation.

What benefit does kpop bring to a country? But muh tourism. If a country relies on tourism they are nothing more than a doomed nation.
na kpop singers except the females I do not what to say.. for woman playing the cute girl may work great specially koreans are masters in cuteness :D

but for men hey.. we gotta have look like men.. have a beard a little bit hairy if we fart than we are farting and no make up no pink hair colors and all that woman stuff from shoes to bags.. keep it away from yourself :)

I think it must be some hype and TV thing.. the state should give korean males better role models than that.. they may be just for girl dreams but if a girl wishes such role models than ppl will be forced to act alike you know what I mean ;)

its just my opinion no offences (someone with other culture may also think different than me) so with that I say greetings and best wishes for our korean brothers and sisters :)
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