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Justice Rare for Victims of Christian Persecution in India

Why for every thread about India you ask me about posting link about Pakistan? I am not representative of Pakistan government here, and if you want to do so, go ahead, open a new thread and post whatever you want.

Keep discussion on this thread strictly to the topic.

You can deny anything what you want, if you think report on page one is not accurate, I can post yearwise details of crimes against Christianity in India, or against all minorities.
please do...
by mentioning Pakistan, i am implying that what are said in the reports is not always true, because they use the exceptions and worst cases to highlight their arguments. Such reports are present aplenty.
yes, your are right, the economic expliotation is always there, it even exists in West and imperialism have made it worst in todays world.

If such things exist on class level or to the extant of certain segments of society, it wont hurt the social fabric, but if these things become a norm and sponsored by state power, which is responsible to ensure the equality, then it is going to be a problem.

We can see racism in West and killings on racial and religous grounds as well in developing world, but when a certain religious group takes over the state power and starts killing the minorities, that is something which needs to be taken care of immidiately.

If a world body like UNO or EU puts severe sanctions on India and trade and finance is conditional with improvements in sectrian and ethnic improvements, the government would have no choice except to take care of these issues, what do you think?

Since you have agreed to me why are you back to square 1 when talking with malay?

Let me tell you why you have a acute psychic problem and that is why I wont discuss with you any further because it is of now use, one time you agree with me another time you "yes yes minority persecution india india burn divide", the very reason your not here to discuss but push your agenda is what refraining you from discussion with open minds.

But let me reply you.

yes, your are right, the economic expliotation is always there, it even exists in West and imperialism have made it worst in todays world.
Economic explotation is the most moot thing, You have elite hindus living peacefully in pakistan but you have elite muslim politicians living in idnia peacefully exploiting the poor, so you see it al bogs down to economic exploitation which is bound to happen in a capitalistic society, not too different in china, but you just dont get to hear any news.

If such things exist on class level or to the extant of certain segments of society, it wont hurt the social fabric, but if these things become a norm and sponsored by state power, which is responsible to ensure the equality, then it is going to be a problem.
Very sensible reply, who defines a state power? a monarch or a non-monarch? the very way of working of a state powerr in a democratic government churns out two respectives,

1> Using politics to exploit
2> Exploitation based on coorruption.

I daresay the poors have have remained poor is more due to politics of vote bank and false apeasement than exploitation which do happen but is not rampant and is very irregular.

We can see racism in West and killings on racial and religous grounds as well in developing world, but when a certain religious group takes over the state power and starts killing the minorities, that is something which needs to be taken care of immidiately.
Talking without statistics doesnt suits you mate,
Which state are you talking about?

gujrat? Do you have any idea muslims/christians are way way way more prosporous in gujrat than in west bengal which is communist, dont you think communist means athiest government so where is the religious angle of your argument? what is the reason behind the Muslims being worst financially compared to some other in a state which is communist?

If a world body like UNO or EU puts severe sanctions on India and trade and finance is conditional with improvements in sectrian and ethnic improvements, the government would have no choice except to take care of these issues, what do you think?
Our government suffers from babudom, a glaring example is the indo-us nuclear deal, My Anil kakodkar is alone taking on the govt on this issue thanks to the scientific community and its glaring achievements instead of sanctions, and now Us wants to stop our FBR programme when it is in final stages vias the nuke deal, the very reason of russia supporting it is we will remain "buyer" of uranium instead having 1/3rd thorium.

But since dmeocratically elected the judiciary is there look at sacchar report and govets plea to implement quotas for vote bank which Supreme court rejected!! (Chief justice of supreme court comes from so called OBC class). why?

There is always a tussle of implementation of policies in democracy all over the world in parliament.some gets done some doesnt, getting the narrower picture of a 3rd world country will yield thinkers of the worst scenario instead start from somewhere middle.
Any report in this world you consider to be true, pease name it, i would try to go through that for batter understanding of this issue.
i agree tht not everything can be proven with links, but the reality is that the situation of Muslims in india is pretty bad....those indians who are trying to prove that all are well treated in india shud go and see the Muslims majority areas of delhi such as Basti Nizamuddin and Darya Ganj. they are the worst areas i have been to in all my life, and they are Muslims majority areas. i really feel pity for them, their lives are worse than animals.
So what, There are poor Muslims. Welcome to reality South Asia is poor place. Do you think of 300 Million Poor India, There are only 150 million muslim population. So who do you think is the other 150 million?

People are poor, Poverty has no religious barriers.

About Time Mods start butting IN
So what, There are poor Muslims. Welcome to reality South Asia is poor place. Do you think of 300 Million Poor India, There are only 150 million muslim population. So who do you think is the other 150 million?

People are poor, Poverty has no religious barriers.

About Time Mods start butting IN


Dalit, Sikhs, Christians................dont you get 300 million figure?

looks around & goes back to sleep

Pulls Rahman by his ear, Gives him a cup of Coffee.... ***shouts look around carefully... rahman gets a revalation and starts doing his job.............
Dalit is Hindu, There are rich and poor one's, I am quite well off. And I am a lower caste.
Christians and Sikhs together dont constitute 150 million....

Get off from your anti-india, religious eyes... Understand that people are just poor irrespective of religion.
Dalit is Hindu, There are rich and poor one's, I am quite well off. And I am a lower caste.
Christians and Sikhs together dont constitute 150 million....

Get off from your anti-india, religious eyes... Understand that people are just poor irrespective of religion.

OK, watch this video and then we can see what Dalits are actually........wow, it is made by me ! no, it is on youtube and would tell the story, I like its title actually;

"I am Dalit, How are you"

It says the entire story of their sufferings.
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I know I can never teach you anything, I have just posted the other side of story, you dont like it, just ignore it, BTW it is not an easy video to watch, first time I watched it, I was unable to eat whole the day.

A word of caution for other members too, dont watch it unless you have very strong nerves.
Cheena Bibi, a teen age Christian girl gang raped by Muslims on Easter Day in Punjab

Police arrested four men including Safdar on 11th April 2007, but released three rapists.


Bam! there goes the whole story a swirling down the toilet...lol I love impartial articles.......:lol:

I love the part about being left in a warehouse with a mobile phone within easy reach!:lol:
If that happened that is sad and at the most can be called an isolated incident, it have nothing to do with persecution of minorities.

The source is also baised, but lets us not deny that isolated incidents do not happen.

Now compare that news item with this video and see what is state sponsored persecution and what is a crime commited by an individual.

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