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Just for laugh


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
before watching below documentary, I did not know we have comedy documentary as well.
I seriously can not believe this is real and we have this much retarded opposision.
I remember, Rouholah zam was VOA persian source for Iran Analysis.
Both of these funny traitors (ruhollah zam and mehdi jalali tehrani) are son of clerics. Also their names...ruhollah ... Mehdi.... I think when they were kids they were taught by their fathers to hate Iran and Iranian history. Now they are doing the same as their fathers but without wearing robes.
Mioo Mioo Avaz Mishe.
Nima Zam

Mioo Mioo Avaz Mishe.
Nima Zam

View attachment 544321
روح‌الله زم سازنده سایت و کانال تلگرامی خبری- تحلیلی آمد نیوز می‌باشد. او یکی از مخالفان فعال حکومت فعلیایران است که به انتشار اسناد فساد حکومتی معروف شده‌ است

روح‌الله زم فرزند حجت‌الاسلام محمد علی زم از روحانیون حکومتی کشور است و به همین دلیل امکان نزدیکی او با فرزندان مسئولان فراهم شد. پدر روح‌الله زم مدتی در کسوت تهیه‌کننده در سینمای ایران فعالیت داشت و سبب ورود فرزندش به آثار سینمایی شد. محمد علی زم همچنین نامزد پنجمین دوره مجلس شورای اسلامی شهر تهران در تاریخ بیست و نهم اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۶ بود اما نتوانست رای لازم را کسب کند و در سمت پیشینش یعنی معاون فرهنگی و اجتماعی دبیرخانه شورای عالی مناطق آزاد ایران به کار خود ادامه داد. دفتر سینمایی او به طرز مشکوکی طعمه حریق شد
Both of these funny traitors (ruhollah zam and mehdi jalali tehrani) are son of clerics. Also their names...ruhollah ... Mehdi.... I think when they were kids they were taught by their fathers to hate Iran and Iranian history. Now they are doing the same as their fathers but without wearing robes.

Son of Noah also was an Atheist.
Both of these funny traitors (ruhollah zam and mehdi jalali tehrani) are son of clerics. Also their names...ruhollah ... Mehdi.... I think when they were kids they were taught by their fathers to hate Iran and Iranian history. Now they are doing the same as their fathers but without wearing robes.
You reason is loose and comes from personal emotions.. So what about %90 of other so called opposition activists who are not cleric born! The son of the last shah is also supporting separatists... %90 of all opposition members are separatist and want to destroy it for a bone... and guess what those who get money from natural enemies of Persians and Iran as a whole (Saudi, Israeli, French, CIA) are not only traitors but also enemy...
You reason is loose and comes from personal emotions.. So what about %90 of other so called opposition activists who are not cleric born! The son of the last shah is also supporting separatists... %90 of all opposition members are separatist and want to destroy it for a bone... and guess what those who get money from natural enemies of Persians and Iran as a whole (Saudi, Israeli, French, CIA) are not only traitors but also enemy...
seyed diba is one of the worse traitors in Iranian history.

You reason is loose and comes from personal emotions.. So what about %90 of other so called opposition activists who are not cleric born! The son of the last shah is also supporting separatists... %90 of all opposition members are separatist and want to destroy it for a bone... and guess what those who get money from natural enemies of Persians and Iran as a whole (Saudi, Israeli, French, CIA) are not only traitors but also enemy...
I think islamist emotions are funny and childish... changing the name of ruhollah Zam from arabic to Iranian name Nima Zam to make the impression that traitors have Iranian names, and those who're not traitors have arabic names. WTH is this childish arabo-islamism in Iranian media? who is controlling media in Iran? Saudis?

Son of Noah also was an Atheist.
Noah is just a fake/myth story. The Noah story of the Pentateuch is almost identical to a flood story contained in the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, composed about 2000 BC. The flood story in Genesis 6–8 matches the Gilgamesh flood myth so closely that "few doubt that [it] derives from a Mesopotamian account." What is particularly noticeable is the way the Genesis flood story follows the Gilgamesh flood tale "point by point and in the same order", even when the story permits other alternatives.
The Encyclopædia Britannicasays "These mythologies are the source of such features of the biblical Flood story as the building and provisioning of the ark, its flotation, and the subsidence of the waters, as well as the part played by the human protagonist.
seyed diba is one of the worse traitors in Iranian history.

I think islamist emotions are funny and childish... changing the name of ruhollah Zam from arabic to Iranian name Nima Zam to make the impression that traitors have Iranian names, and those who're not traitors have arabic names. WTH is this childish arabo-islamism in Iranian media? who is controlling media in Iran? Saudis?

Noah is just a fake/myth story. The Noah story of the Pentateuch is almost identical to a flood story contained in the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, composed about 2000 BC. The flood story in Genesis 6–8 matches the Gilgamesh flood myth so closely that "few doubt that [it] derives from a Mesopotamian account." What is particularly noticeable is the way the Genesis flood story follows the Gilgamesh flood tale "point by point and in the same order", even when the story permits other alternatives.
The Encyclopædia Britannicasays "These mythologies are the source of such features of the biblical Flood story as the building and provisioning of the ark, its flotation, and the subsidence of the waters, as well as the part played by the human protagonist.

None of these clowns (opposition) are important, neither Nima Zam, nor that maniac Reza Pahlavi who practices overlooking our army's parade in his house!

Yet western intelligence services specially DGSI of France were truly humiliated by Iranian forces.

They Protect Nima Zam and escort his car to make sure he wont be assassinated by Iranian forces, yet they have no clue even while in the car, Nima is live chatting with an undercover Iranian agent, there couldn't be any bigger scandal for them.

and the full story:
Iran’s Intelligence Body Rolls out Documentary on Infiltrating France-Based Anti-Iran Media

TEHRAN (FNA)- Television Channel 2 of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Broadcasting (IRIB) aired a documentary film on an anti-Iran figure famous for his self-proclaimed leaked information against the country, revealing how the country’s intelligence forces had extensive surveillance over him and played him for a long span of time.
Amad News, a website and a Telegram-based news outlet with over one million subscribers, was a glimmer of hope for anti-Iran groups and their financial supporters who are mostly based in Western countries, with its self-proclaimed leaked pieces of information allegedly disclosing “much less known realities” about Iran.


Ruhollah Zam (Nima) claims to have access to highly classified information from Iran

After the Telegram channel of Amad News invited people to use violence and instructed how to assemble Molotov cocktails in last year unrests in a number of Iranian cities, the channel was closed by the social networking platform and the owners of the outlet opened a new one with the new name of Sedaei Mardom. Iran filed a complaint to shut down the new channel on charges of provoking violence, but Telegram's Russian owner defied the request.

The anti-Iran mouthpiece was founded in 2015 mainly by Ruhollah Zam, the son of an Iranian official of 1990s.

In the documentary made by an Iranian intelligence service and aired by the IRIB’s Channel 2, an insider who had been cooperating with Zam is first identified and detained by the intelligence forces and the collaborator, self-called Alireza and sometimes Hajj Ali, continues his relationship with the head of Amad News.

Alireza had been in touch with Zam, who is known to his audience as Nima, for a long time from his room in Tehran through Whatsapp, and he was found and arrested through monitoring all of Zam’s contacts with his links through the application. Intelligence forces discovered that Alireza happens to be among the most important people in Iran that Zam is in touch with via Whatsapp.

A room in an intelligence organization of Iran is specified to the operation with changes in the decoration so that Nima would feel nothing suspicious. Alireza is still keeping in touch with Zam on a regular basis but this time under round-the-clock surveillance by cameras and microphones of the intelligence forces.

The operation is managed and commanded with a team of scenario writers of the intelligence body who are directing Alireza through this new chapter of his relations with Nima.

The intelligence experts conduct a series of gimmicks to find out more about the depth of Nima’s character and the nuances of his personality.

At first they find out that Nima is thirsty for more attention with more surprising news. They concoct new stories to feed the attention-beggar with fake stuff to see how he would deal with weird stories.

Much to their surprise, the sky is the limit for him and Nima’s obsession with astounding others has blinded him with stupidity. The con man likes fake news and the more fictional, the merrier.

In the film, you can see all the video dialogues of Alireza and Nima via Whatsapp recorded; in one of the scenes, Alireza is dictating a piece of fake news about travel ban to Iran’s central deserts, and Amad News chief hesitates not for even a single moment to release the news immediately on November 22.

During the dialogue, Nima asks Alireza if it is OK to publish the news also on the Asharq Al-Awsat, which shows the close ties between the anti-Iran figure and Saudi-funded media.

However, it is not the first time that the links between anti-Iran elements and Saudi funds is disclosed and, earlier, there were reports about financial supports for the Amad News by entities linked to Saudi Arabia, Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and Turkey.

Seven days later, Nima is fed with another fake news which he again publishes on his outlet, supposing that he has insiders with access to highly classified documents.

This time, Nima surprises his audience with the news that Telegram will be replaced by Elegram by a British national Vasily Dorsiev, a name that you will find no bearer for it online, with zero results in Google. Nima even believes such a big lie, and reassures his followers that he has access to very high secretive information which no one else can verify but he himself.

Little by little, the intelligence experts are more reassured with the fact that Nima is suffering from a malign level of delusions of grandeur.

At a time in the film you can see that Alireza has won Nima’s trust and Zam discloses more of his inner feelings to him.

Once Zam tells Alireza that a Jewish astrologist has told a friend of him that Nima will surely become an important person by the future 22 months. He then calls himself as a sun-like god who is shining and kills those who approach him too much.

Gradually, Zam spins more stuff around this illusion and asks other friends to enquire his fortune from more palm readers and horoscopists.

Music to his ear, Nima hears more of this sort of flattery and is offered more mesmerizing soft soap by friends and manipulators.

With his mind-blowing pieces of news, now Zam has accumulated a high level of reputation for himself among the anti-Iran figures linked to Western intelligence services.

Accordingly, the intelligence commanders and experts involved in the operation decide to find out more about other anti-Iran figures in touch with Zam who are mainly residing in France and the US. They decide to use the newly won fame of Nima, as bait to attract other anti-Iran people.

Alireza asks Nima to establish closer relations with former Iranian president Abolhassen Banisadr who was impeached by the Iranian legislature in June 1981 and fled to Paris the following month.


Banisadr tells Zam that the Islamic Republic of Iran is too strong to be challenged by US’ regime change campaign

Nima calls Banisadr’s office and an appointment is arranged. French security forces escort him to the venue and while he is in a bullet-proof vehicle, he tells Alireza through a video call that bodyguards with machine guns are accompanying him. With his cellphone, he films one of the machine guns and says, “The French intelligence service is perfect.”

After meeting Baniasdr, Nima tells Alireza that guards protecting Baniasdr’s place were shocked with the bodyguards in his company who all carried machine guns, and did not let Nima and his protectors to enter in till a call from superior French security ranks issues the permit. He adds that even Banisadr has lost his hope for regime change in Iran.

He adds that Banisadr has reassured him that the US will never attack Iran and Reza Pahlavi is a minor player with no significance.

Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran’s last dictator who left the country along with his father in 1979, is another anti-Iran person Nima is asked to get in touch.


Reza Pahlavi, the son of Iran’s former dictator, is described by Zam as an incompetent person under tight control of his mum, the widow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Nima downplays Reza Pahlavi, saying that Pahlavi is under total control of his mother, the widow of the toppled king of Iran, and is regarded as an unimportant pawn in this game.

"Reza Pahlavi is no good even for occupying the post of a governor in a village," Nima (Zam) says, despising the son of the deposed king.

“I have information from his close buddies, and I know that he even walks at home at nights imagining himself as reviewing Iran’s army,” Nima says, quoting a link named as Yasser.

Nima says that the heir to Iran’s toppled throne has repetitively sent him messages through mediators to ask for help.

In another scene, Pahlavi and Zam are exchanging messages, and Nima asks Pahlavi what his rank and position will be in the post-coup government of the dreaming prince, hoping that the US will help for staging a coup in Iran.

Amir Abbas Fakhravar is another anti-Iran figure Nima talks about in his video calls with Alireza.


Zam: “Nobody likes to sit beside Fakhravar (the right in the photo). He is the most abhorred…”

He says that Fakhravar is the most hated anti-Iran person among the US-backed fellows, adding that he is paid $300,000 per annum for anti-Iran operation.

Zam recounts that a Jewish American is funding Fakhravar, adding that he squanders the whole sum of money with luxurious travels to Washington and other cities with no accomplishment.

Zam brags about his contacts with all anti-Iran figures, and to prove his close ties to Alireza, Nima calls Ardashir Amir Arjmand - the top advisor of Mir-Hossein Moussavi the leader of the 2009 post-election unrests in Iran who is now under house arrest - telling him that he is in Paris and he wants to meet Amir Arjmand.

Amir Arjmand had a destructive role in post-election unrests of 2009 in Iran. Thanks to his brother’s high rank in the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI or PMOI), Amir Arjmand escaped to Iraqi Kurdistan and there he met with French security agents who took him to Paris.

About the status of MKO terrorist group among US-sponsored anti-Iran groups, Zam tells Alireza that Americans have an instrumental approach to the MKO. Nima says that if Americans manage to stage a coup in Iran, they would use MKO for a short period of reign of terror. “They will be tasked with carrying out a flash massacre to kill a few millions in the first phase, and then they will be eliminated,” he adds.

Touching upon Masih Alinejad, Nima says that she is a sentimental and minor role player of no significance.

About his own source of finance, Zam says he and his family were given a bank account upon their arrivcal in France, adding that he is paid 12,000 euros a month through the bank account of his daughter Mahsa by French authorities.

In their long video talks, Alireza asks for Zam’s opinion about other anti-Iran fellows like Noureddin Pirmoazzen, Fatemeh Haqiqatjou, Mohsen Sazgara, Farah Diba, Masih Alinejad, Davoud Kashi, and in most cases, Nima uses pejorative language to describe his fellows as foolhearted idiots, saying that all are his puppets looking up to him.

In another scene, Fakhravar, in a telephone call, tells him that he is looking forward to hearing the latest announcement of the Amad news.

Zam also talks about the network of Western-sponsored media run or presented by Mohammad Hosseini, Bijan Farhoudi, Hassan Shariatmadari, Ali Javanmardi, Hassan Etemadi, and Manouchehr Mohammadi, all the figures who claim to be the noteworthy and at times leader of the opposition of the Islamic Republic.

He boasts in most of the dialogues that all of the media people of anti-Iran networks are lower than him, manipulated by his news.

Early in December, Iranian intelligence experts make up another fake news, concocting that a top secret operation will kick off in Tel Aviv to revive a new monarchy in Tehran with the new king named as Cyrus the Second.

Following that, Nima released the news about operation Cyrus the Second on December 09 with keywords like “Tehran’s Conquest” and the “Big Operation of Restoring Cyrus the Great”. The piece jolts the disintegrated opposition front like a powerful quake with many claiming to be the next king!!!

With the latest fake news on line, all the opposition of the Islamic Republic from Mohammad Hosseini, a TV host who has been nicknamed as the clown of opposition, to Farah Diba the widow of the deposed King Pahlavi and her son Reza Pahlavi start new programs to say that they are part of the operation, informed of it, and even claiming to be the Cyrus the Second.

Pressured to realize US National Security Adviser John Bolton’s dream of preventing Iran from seeing the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Zam was awarded funds to join a big anti-Iran campaign, codenamed as the Hard Winter.

Zam knows himself as the spiritual father of riots in Iran and the leader of the last year’s sporadic protests. He thinks that he can stage a second winter of protests.

In the operation Hard Winter, all anti-Iran people are formed in three ties and all the people involved are promised to be disclosed to the public in future episodes of this documentary by Iranian security bodies. The first tie is called the Council of Media Coordination with ten members.

The tie is comprised of the media people tasked with stirring discontent and unhappiness among the masses of people in Iran.

Ali Javanmardi, a reporter the Voice of America (VOA), is commissioned with stirring disruptions in Iran’s foreign currencies exchange markets through fake news to stir anxiety among the Iranian public. He runs a Telegram channel with objectives to sabotage Iran’s economy, and is stationed in one of Iran’s neighboring counties.

Americans were hopeful to hold the Warsaw conference concurrent with the promised operations of people like Zam inside Iran.

But much to their dismay, all these efforts fruited nothing and the Western funders of the operation got angry.

Following the massive turnout of Iranians in the public rallies of February 11 to mark the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Zam tells Alireza that he is very disappointed and he will turn into husbandry to change his job.

Revealing more of his inner feelings, in another dialogue with Alireza, Nima says that the Islamic Republic of Iran is formidably strengthened.

Angry and disappointed, he says that he was very dispirited how he was treated after he softly criticized Reza Pahlavi. “I found out that these people would hang all our mothers and fathers if they could claim the throne in Tehran.”

Shocked with Iran’s intelligence superiority in dealing with Western-backed groups, Maziar, the technician in charge of supporting anti-Iran media, tells Nima and Alkireza that Iran has managed to gain access to all data transactions through Whatsapp and Instagram social media platforms saying that the Iranian security bodies have eventually broken the key codes of these two social media networks.

Disheartened and much concerned, Zam says that all their connection channels are leaked with holes and Iran is exercising surveillance over them.

The Iranian TV has already aired two episodes of the documentary and promised more in coming days.
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