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Just a Nice Pic....

The lost helo
A true beast soon to alter the balance in the ME to a certain extent, appears to be testing some interesting weapons including the longer range R-77-1, possibly the R-74, wingtip jamming pods and I have no idea what the red ones are. Guessing they are red because they're inert and just being tested but the two reds on the wingtips look like some type of new cruise missile of some kind.


A lot of different stories about how Gary Power's U2 spy plane was brought down some claiming the SA-2 never reached it and the Soviets launched a massive salvo of them at it including sending MiG-21s to intercept it. But it was flying at 70K ft which is pretty high for interceptors but the MiGs were already setting high altitude flight records in the MiG-21 but kept it a secret. Another theory is that one of the SA-2s exploded near one of the MiGs and its debris is what hit Power's wing and brought him down. Just thought this was a cool rendition with the vertical MiG-21.

I think this is probably the more accurate story since it matched what Powers himself said although I thought Powers said his wing was what got hit.
"Decades later Soviet pilot revealed story of attempted 'zoom-climb' ramming of U-2C. Su-9 missed U-2C but near miss of SA-2 blew off U-2's horiz stab bringing it down."

A true beast soon to alter the balance in the ME to a certain extent, appears to be testing some interesting weapons including the longer range R-77-1, possibly the R-74, wingtip jamming pods and I have no idea what the red ones are. Guessing they are red because they're inert and just being tested but the two reds on the wingtips look like some type of new cruise missile of some kind.

View attachment 739295
That's the Khibiny EW suite on the wing tips. The system is designed for radio direction-finding and probing signal source irradiation allowing it to distort reflected signal parameters. This helps to
  • Delay aircraft detection;
  • Mask the true subject against false reflections;
  • Cause range finding difficulties, namely in speed and angular positions;
  • Degrading Maintenance Mode "on the aisle" when scanning antenna beam radar;
  • Increase the time and difficulty of capturing an object during real-time active scanning.
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That's the Khibiny EW suite on the wing tips. The system is designed for radio direction-finding and probing signal source irradiation allowing it to distort reflected signal parameters. This helps to
  • Delay aircraft detection;
  • Mask the true subject against false reflections;
  • Cause range finding difficulties, namely in speed and angular positions;
  • Degrading Maintenance Mode "on the aisle" when scanning antenna beam radar;
  • Increase the time and difficulty of capturing an object during real-time active scanning.
View attachment 739373View attachment 739374

Yeah we had a good couple of pages IIRC on the EAF thread about those. They have some impressive capabilities and we were wondering mostly if the aircraft that carry them have them basically permanently installed of if the process of installing and removing them was something that was done on a certain basis between fighters. Good stuff.

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