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Just a Nice Pic....

Do they have some sort of warning system to let them know if they are tail striking on fighter jets?

Yes of course, they have an angle of attack limiter during landings they need to pay close attention to it.

Not to take anything away from the other two which look great and you can easily see the dramatic influence of the F-22 Raptor in them with of course some differences like the obvious DSI intake (which seems to be something all the Chinese jets will be getting), but if you look at the first pic of the F-22 at what appears to be the final stages of assembly of that aircraft, it's overwhelming to think of how much work goes into building one of those from the first powering up of the design computer to the first flight. Truly incredible amount of labor.

Did you post this first pic of these SU-24s already, Fatman? Sorry if it's a repost.

A gaggle formation.



You can easily see the "cupping" of the wingtips area towards the end. Who knows if this is something that was planned in the original plane or an improvement at a later stage.

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