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JUI-F Fata To Boycott Polio Vacation Campaign Against Merger Plan

shahbaz baig

Aug 6, 2013
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JUI-F Fata To Boycott Polio Vacation Campaign Against Merger Plan

May 19, 2018

PESHAWAR: The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Fata chapter has announced boycott of polio vaccination campaign in protest against the government’s move to merge Fata with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The JUI-F Fata ameer Mufti Abdul Shakoor, general secretary Mufti Ijaz Shinwari and secretary information Qari Jehad Shah Afridi said the party activists will boycott the polio vaccination campaign in the whole tribal region and all the agency chapters of the party have been issued directions in this regard. They said the JUI-F will continue efforts for establishment of Qabailistan province.

Mufti Abdul Shakoor said the merger of Fata with KP is part of a foreign agenda, adding that the JUI-F will never allow implementation of this agenda. He appealed to the Ulema throughout the country to endorse the boycott of the JUI-F. He said those holding power in the country should concentrate on establishing durable peace in Fata. He said peace could not be established completely despite 10 years of operations against militancy.

This is the first time that the call for boycott of polio vaccination campaign has been made by the leaders of a main political party of the country. Earlier, such calls were made on small scale in Fata by people or groups for fulfilment of their demands.
Something has to be done for these jahils..what does polio got to do with Fata merger..it proves that these guys are only look for trouble for the sake trouble..
I think these jahil mullah should be rounded up at the point of a bayonet and paraded infront of the people and questioned on Islam. I promise you other than recitation they have no idea what they are reading.
It should be banned in Pakistan that anyone who is a hafiz and doesn't know Arabic from saying he is hafiz.....you might as well recite Chinese as you have no idea what you are reciting.
Problem is masses still think the mullahs are the rightful leaders of islam
these animals were created by our own gov and public . hor choopo
Mullah diesel is a filthy animal. JUI-F is an enemy of Pakistan. We need to really sort this out. These are filthy Afghans pretending to be Pakistanis. Their loyalties lie with Afghanistan. They have zero loyalty with Pakistan.

PML-N and Nawaz Sharif loves to make deals with fat Mullah diesel.
what has polio to do with this
this is not just polio.. If you understand the dynamics of politics in pakistan. It is a clear indication by mulana that they dont want to see Govt rit in FATA either polio, census or anything.
JUI-F threatens to block Pak-Afghan, Indus highways over FATA merger
By News Desk
Published: May 20, 2018

The introduction of the Fata reforms has become a divisive issue.PHOTO: EXPRESS

The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) has threatened to close down the Pak-Afghan highway and Indus highway on May 22 in protest against the Federally Administered Tribal Areas’ (Fata) likely merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Addressing a news conference following an emergency party meeting on Sunday, amir of JUI-F’s Fata chapter Mufti Abdul Shakoor, general secretary Mufti Ijaz Shinwari and information secretary Jihad Shah said Fata’s merger with the K-P “is an international agenda which will not be supported at any cost.”

They said the party will stage a protest demonstration at the Pak-Afghan highway in Landi Kotal and a separate one at the Indus Highway in Darra Adam Khel simultaneously against ignoring the will of tribal people and imposing decisions on them against their wishes.

JUI-F to part ways with govt over FATA reforms

The two highways will be closed for all traffic, they warned.

Earlier today, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman announced that the party had decided to part ways with the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) over the implementation of reforms in Fata.

Strongly opposing the 13th Amendment Bill, Rehman termed the reforms a global conspiracy. The JUI-F chief claimed that the government had backed off from the promise it made with their party for not going ahead with the merger; not going ahead with Rewaj Act and not announcing the national and provincial assembly seats.

Civil and military leaders endorse Fata’s merger with K-P

In a National Security Committee (NSC) meeting on Saturday, the top civil and military leadership of the country had put their weight behind the merger and directed the relevant ministries to take steps in this regard.

The committee also endorsed the provision of additional well-monitored development funds for the Fata region during the next ten years, with the stipulation that those funds would not be re-appropriated to any other area of K-P.

Read more: FATA merger , JUI-F , Latest
this is not just polio.. If you understand the dynamics of politics in pakistan. It is a clear indication by mulana that they dont want to see Govt rit in FATA either polio, census or anything.
then that mad man should be dealt with
JUI-F threatens to block Pak-Afghan, Indus highways over FATA merger
By News Desk
Published: May 20, 2018

The introduction of the Fata reforms has become a divisive issue.PHOTO: EXPRESS

The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) has threatened to close down the Pak-Afghan highway and Indus highway on May 22 in protest against the Federally Administered Tribal Areas’ (Fata) likely merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Addressing a news conference following an emergency party meeting on Sunday, amir of JUI-F’s Fata chapter Mufti Abdul Shakoor, general secretary Mufti Ijaz Shinwari and information secretary Jihad Shah said Fata’s merger with the K-P “is an international agenda which will not be supported at any cost.”

They said the party will stage a protest demonstration at the Pak-Afghan highway in Landi Kotal and a separate one at the Indus Highway in Darra Adam Khel simultaneously against ignoring the will of tribal people and imposing decisions on them against their wishes.

JUI-F to part ways with govt over FATA reforms

The two highways will be closed for all traffic, they warned.

Earlier today, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman announced that the party had decided to part ways with the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) over the implementation of reforms in Fata.

Strongly opposing the 13th Amendment Bill, Rehman termed the reforms a global conspiracy. The JUI-F chief claimed that the government had backed off from the promise it made with their party for not going ahead with the merger; not going ahead with Rewaj Act and not announcing the national and provincial assembly seats.

Civil and military leaders endorse Fata’s merger with K-P

In a National Security Committee (NSC) meeting on Saturday, the top civil and military leadership of the country had put their weight behind the merger and directed the relevant ministries to take steps in this regard.

The committee also endorsed the provision of additional well-monitored development funds for the Fata region during the next ten years, with the stipulation that those funds would not be re-appropriated to any other area of K-P.

Read more: FATA merger , JUI-F , Latest

Absolute enemies. Kick their teeth in and parade that Mullah like he is an Indian enemy.

I see absolutely zero difference between JUI-F Afghan Mullahs and RSS Indian scum.
Frustrated Fazal ur Rehman comes up with his disgruntled move over FATA merger with KP
21 May, 2018


*PESHAWAR: *The Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl Chief Fazal ur Rehman after feeling ditched and frustrated over the FATA merger with KP has come up with his disgruntled plan.

JUI-F has threatened to close down the Pak-Afghan highway and Indus highway on May 22 in protest against the Federally Administered Tribal Areas’ (Fata) likely merger with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

READ MORE: Mujeebur Rehman Shami apologises over his controversial remarks against Imran Khan’s third wife
Addressing a news conference following an emergency party meeting on Sunday, amir of JUI-F’s Fata chapter Mufti Abdul Shakoor, general secretary Mufti Ijaz Shinwari and information secretary Jihad Shah said Fata’s merger with the K-P “is an international agenda which will not be supported at any cost.”

They said the party will stage a protest demonstration at the Pak-Afghan highway in Landi Kotal and a separate one at the Indus Highway in Darra Adam Khel simultaneously against ignoring the will of tribal people and imposing decisions on them against their wishes.

READ MORE: Fazal ur Rehman feels frustrated after being ditched
The two highways will be closed for all traffic, they warned.

Earlier today, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman announced that the party had decided to part ways with the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) over the implementation of reforms in Fata.

READ MORE: Fazal ur Rehman breaks silence over Nawaz Sharif’s controversial statement on Mumbai attacks
Strongly opposing the 13th Amendment Bill, Rehman termed the reforms a global conspiracy. The JUI-F chief claimed that the government had backed off from the promise it made with their party for not going ahead with the merger; not going ahead with Rewaj Act and not announcing the national and provincial assembly seats.
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