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Jordan's King Abdullah calls early elections

His options are -- Become a Constitutional monarch and live his life with dignity with a lasting legacy with young Jordanians OR wait for his time, to become the next in line to be knocked down by the Arab spring and be chucked into the dustbin of history.

Guys, let me give you this example which would simplify what I am going to say:

No one is supposed to interfere in your issues at home, because what happens there among you and your family is non of outsiders business, not even the relatives. But if the outsider tried to get nosy in your own affairs, your first normal reaction wouldn't be very nice, unless the father or any member starts killing his own family, at that point, the priority goes here to closer relatives and so on to interfere.

The family that has issues among it's members is Jordan, yet, it's non of others business to give options regarding ousting the father, my friend, it's not very nice.

While the family that has a father who kills his own family members has to be stopped and that's Syria, the priority for intervention goes for Syrians brothers who happen to be Arabs.

I don't know, but I have never heard an Arab neither here nor anywhere else giving options to your presidents or even talking about your internal affairs, because we believe it's non of our business, we don't care, of course I wish you all the best, but I don't like being nosy.

So, plz leave us alone guys, I know that you think that it's your duty to interfere since you think we are one Ummah, but it's time wake up to the reality that very few of Arabs give a $hit about this Ummah, and you can check that by visiting any of Arab countries or ask your fellow country men who already visited them.

Thank you for your understanding...
Guys, let me give you this example which would simplify what I am going to say:

No one is supposed to interfere in your issues at home, because what happens there among you and your family is non of outsiders business, not even the relatives. But if the outsider tried to get nosy in your own affairs, your first normal reaction wouldn't be very nice, unless the father or any member starts killing his own family, at that point, the priority goes here to closer relatives and so on to interfere.

The family that has issues among it's members is Jordan, yet, it's non of others business to give options regarding ousting the father, my friend, it's not very nice.

While the family that has a father who kills his own family members has to be stopped and that's Syria, the priority for intervention goes for Syrians brothers who happen to be Arabs.

I don't know, but I have never heard an Arab neither here nor anywhere else giving options to your presidents or even talking about your internal affairs, because we believe it's non of our business, we don't care, of course I wish you all the best, but I don't like being nosy.

So, plz leave us alone guys, I know that you think that it's your duty to interfere since you think we are one Ummah, but it's time wake up to the reality that very few of Arabs give a $hit about this Ummah, and you can check that by visiting any of Arab countries or ask your fellow country men who already visited them.

Thank you for your understanding...

How much more hypocricy can come out of your mouth ( in this case how much more lies can you type)

Palestine has been suffering since 1948 and you have done nothing .... and now you are telling me you care about Syria and there should be intervention because they need it??? Go ahead and ask NATO to destroyer Syria like Libya and maybe NATO can kill more this time last time they killed 50k which it seems you are not happy with... that you want more killing.

How much more hypocricy can come out of your mouth ( in this case how much more lies can you type)

Palestine has been suffering since 1948 and you have done nothing .... and now you are telling me you care about Syria and there should be intervention because they need it??? Go ahead and ask NATO to destroyer Syria like Libya and maybe NATO can kill more this time last time they killed 50k which it seems you are not happy with... that you want more killing.


Any proof?!
You are right, Syria is for Syrians and they have been calling for help for a pretty long time, I hope Arabs respond to Qatari suggestion to liberate it from the monster Bathar...
Any proof?!
You are right, Syria is for Syrians and they have been calling for help for a pretty long time, I hope Arabs respond to Qatari suggestion to liberate it from the monster Bathar...

any proof of what?
and who the heck has been calling for help? when 1% say something then that means every Syrian??

Again Palestine has been calling for help for years and no one did anything... but for Syria..

any proof of what?
and who the heck has been calling for help? when 1% say something then that means every Syrian??

Again Palestine has been calling for help for years and no one did anything... but for Syria..


Yes I have a proof, what my eyes have been seeing and my ears hearing for 20 months, anyway, you are late, Syrians are concluding their last episode of the revolution, so I don't want to prove anything, screw the world.
Yes I have a proof, what my eyes have been seeing and my ears hearing for 20 months, anyway, you are late, Syrians are concluding their last episode of the revolution, so I don't want to prove anything, screw the world.

You have been saying that for years.... Those cowards can't fight ... they ask for NATO... what revolution is that that calls for HELP... a real revolution should come from the people and done by the people.... with all the help that terrorists group F"S"A get they are still losing....
You have been saying that for years.... Those cowards can't fight ... they ask for NATO... what revolution is that that calls for HELP... a real revolution should come from the people and done by the people.... with all the help that terrorists group F"S"A get they are still losing....

Alright, let's wait and see...:pop:
Alright, let's wait and see...:pop:

You have been waiting and watching Syrian blood spilled by your beloved terrorists... enough is enough...

Question why you don't like peace? why don't you support peace? why you love seeing blood? why can't you learn from history? why cant you see Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan "freedom and democracy" ? a revolution should be done by the people not by the UN...
You have been waiting and watching Syrian blood spilled by your beloved terrorists... enough is enough...

Question why you don't like peace? why don't you support peace? why you love seeing blood? why can't you learn from history? why cant you see Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan "freedom and democracy" ? a revolution should be done by the people not by the UN...

Unfortunately, some Syrians took advantage of our kindness and hospitably by going to show up in the demonstrations in Amman till the police prevented non Jordanians to show up. That was a reprehensible behavior. I am not going to generalize, and I still hope the best for Syrians in liberating their country from your illegal president.
Unfortunately, some Syrians took advantage of our kindness and hospitably by going to show up in the demonstrations in Amman till the police prevented non Jordanians to show up. That was a reprehensible behavior. I am not going to generalize, and I still hope the best for Syrians in liberating their country from your illegal president.

and who says that Alasad is illegal? again I repeat IF THE MAJORITY OF SYRIANS WANTED ALASAD OUT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE LONG TIME AGO.. BECAUSE THE POWER AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT... For example look at Egypt...... all protested and all went out again Mubarak.... if the same thing happened in Syria, then Alasad would have been gone.... why you keep ignoring the facts.... can you tell me how Alasad can last when the west, gcc, and other regional countries are against him? and if the people were against him he would have lost long time... but no Alasad is still in office because of the people... his power is from the people...

I'm done with you... all you want is the destruction of Syria... I know your motivations...
As you like my friend, but let's be realistic, the world have issues with your regime not the people, either people side with their regime and suffer or act out against it and save Iran, after all, the victim is Iran here. I am not only telling my opinion but it's the truth whether you like it or not.

Brother brother please understand what im saying u r Muslim?, u bear Muslim name? u believe in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? n finality of prophet-hood on him? n u believe in ones Of God? if u do believe in that thats enough 4 u to call yr self a Muslim, either Shia Or Sunni we all believe in that, its enough to call us a Muslim n if cask me im a human first, then in humans im a Muslim then in Muslims im a Pakistani. Thats enough to Identity us n this should be same way of yr patter of identity too n then to the people of entire world's including Iran. Islam actually Teaches to believe in the Ideology of Islam n the same Ideology in which Prophet(PBUH) had spend his life entire life upon. As far as Iran is concerned Im a Sunni myself but here in Pakistan people really dont think that way anymore abt Shia or Sunni for us its enough if you are a Muslim thats all our Prophet(PBUH) didnt had any shia or sunni neither do he believed in any of these small things as a Muslim it should be enough for us to live n accept each other we all pray 5 times a day direction is towards Kabba, read the same Quran regardless of either we r Shia or Sunni.
So whu to argue that u have a Shia or Sunni gov or either we are Shia or Sunni individually.Get out of these things bro, our real enemy is in yr neighbor sitting there n laughing at us as we Muslims r fighting against each-other they r benefiting from that fight.Its their created propaganda u know that MOSAD was ranked as the 3rd best intelligence by the American Crimes Report in feb-4-2008 for being 3rd best intelligence known in the world for performance. So there would be some reason to give them the 3rd rank n we r seeing n listening to Shia, Sunni fight in Arab world n their thinking that everything is because of Iran. Bro im very sorry but u r very very mistaken here. The is the Jewish State Of Israel in the Middle East. It is actually the root cause of the Problems in the Middle East it is our real enemy n we r fools to have been fighting against each other on small issues. Do u even know how many r sects(shia, sunni) in Judaism they r much much greater there they will put us into shame.
We must not focus on each-other but on the real enemy which is the enemy of Jordan as well as Iran n all the Muslims of the World That is only Israel n Jews. Adolf Hitler wrote in the end of his book THE STRUGGLE that if i wanted i could have eliminated entire Jews from the World but i left a few so that u could know in the future why as i telling them!!!!!!!!!!!
and who says that Alasad is illegal? again I repeat IF THE MAJORITY OF SYRIANS WANTED ALASAD OUT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE LONG TIME AGO.. BECAUSE THE POWER AND THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER WHAT... For example look at Egypt...... all protested and all went out again Mubarak.... if the same thing happened in Syria, then Alasad would have been gone.... why you keep ignoring the facts.... can you tell me how Alasad can last when the west, gcc, and other regional countries are against him? and if the people were against him he would have lost long time... but no Alasad is still in office because of the people... his power is from the people...

I'm done with you... all you want is the destruction of Syria... I know your motivations...

he's a sectarianist. Apparently Muslim brotherhood is good in syria but somehow bad in jordan.

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