There is no army left in Syria, only militias, the former SAA has been completely broken, by mass defection of it's personal and professionals, losing vast areas and military positions, and thousands of destroyed/seized equipment and tens of thousands of catualties. Jordanian army is mainly equipped and trained to defend Jordanian territories from a strong army like Israel, so a broken army like the SAA would be crushed.
The only threat Bashar thugs can pose on Jordan is their Chemical weapon, and Jordan prepared well for this possibility by deploying additional Patriot Pac-3 batteries, getting counter measure warfare training and equipment.
Here is a drill of Jordanian army was conducted as a strong message to Bashar thugs after their indirect threat of attacking Jordan with Russian-made Ballistic missiles Iskandar-E upon Jordan decison to deploy Patriot Pac-3 batteries:
This drill stimulates a war with the formerly called SAA including the possibility of using Chemical attack: