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Jordan Peterson Glorifies Apartheid pf israel

He literally thought an all meat diet was a good idea, because his daughter told him to.

He's a well educated retard.

He's also not respected, not even among his own peers.

I've had weird dreams, even wet dreams, but that's just fucked. It was 100% a wet dream, aka a fantasy.

Also, he doesn't know how to argue against anyone above a college student level. Listen to his debates against actual academics, he's shows his incompetence constantly.
What's wrong with an all meat diet? every mineral and vitamin humans need is in meat.

"Not respected" my ***.

Anyways, you've proven yourself to be a manipulator when you conveniently swapped "dream" with "fantasize" to make him look worse. A person can't be judged by his dreams. Wet dreams aren't your fantasies, and it wasn't even a wet dream of his, just a weird dream that was the result of his subconscious thoughts about his grandma sick with Alzheimer.

He knows how to argue well enough.
What's wrong with an all meat diet? every mineral and vitamin humans need is in meat.

"Not respected" my ***.

Anyways, you've proven yourself to be a manipulator when you conveniently swapped "dream" with "fantasize" to make him look worse. A person can't be judged by his dreams. Wet dreams aren't your fantasies, and it wasn't even a wet dream of his, just a weird dream that was the result of his subconscious thoughts about his grandma sick with Alzheimer.

He knows how to argue well enough.
An all meat diet almost killed him.

He ISN'T respected. The only ones who respect him are incels and idiots.

You can call me a manipulator all you want, but you can't deny what I said is fact. Youre making a distinction between "Dream" and "fantasy" without proving that there is a difference.

And no, he doesn't know how to argue. The fact you say this is evidence that you haven't seen his debate against serious academics, where he ends up getting absolutely annihilated.
An all meat diet almost killed him.

He ISN'T respected. The only ones who respect him are incels and idiots.

You can call me a manipulator all you want, but you can't deny what I said is fact. Youre making a distinction between "Dream" and "fantasy" without proving that there is a difference.

And no, he doesn't know how to argue. The fact you say this is evidence that you haven't seen his debate against serious academics, where he ends up getting absolutely annihilated.
How did it "almost killed him"? He is still eating the same way.

He is respected, that's just what you think lol.

You are a manipulator, only a retard doesn't know the difference between literally having a dream about something and intentionally fantasizing about something.

He does, he doesn't get annihilated.
How did it "almost killed him"? He is still eating the same way.

He is respected, that's just what you think lol.

You are a manipulator, only a retard doesn't know the difference between literally having a dream about something and intentionally fantasizing about something.

He does, he doesn't get annihilated.
And he is extremely unhealthy. He was literally hospitalized because of this shit diet his daughter got him on.

He's also a wack job who went to Russia to get treatment for depression(I think?) Drug detox Using methods that have been completely disproven and are nothing more than pseudoscience.

You can call me a manipulator all you want, doesn't change the fact that he's a dumb **** who no one in academia respects.

You're the manipulator trying to make a distinction without any real difference.

Only retards think he's a smart and respected. He absolutely gets annihilated.
And he is extremely unhealthy. He was literally hospitalized because of this shit diet his daughter got him on.

He's also a wack job who went to Russia to get treatment for depression(I think?) Drug detox Using methods that have been completely disproven and are nothing more than pseudoscience.

You can call me a manipulator all you want, doesn't change the fact that he's a dumb **** who no one in academia respects.

You're the manipulator trying to make a distinction without any real difference.

Only retards think he's a smart and respected. He absolutely gets annihilated.
Peterson had severe health issues because of his benzodiazepine withdrawal, nothing to do with his meat diet retard. Again you are proven a liar and a manipulator.

"Drug detox using methods that were disproven" my ***, he wanted to stop his benzos addiction, and he got hospitalized in Russia because of he had pneumonia in both of his lungs.

You're again lying about no one respecting him.

And here's the difference between the way Peterson used dream:

And the way you use fantasize:
Peterson had severe health issues because of his benzodiazepine withdrawal, nothing to do with his meat diet retard. Again you are proven a liar and a manipulator.

"Drug detox using methods that were disproven" my ***, he wanted to stop his benzos addiction, and he got hospitalized in Russia because of he had pneumonia in both of his lungs.

You're again lying about no one respecting him.

And here's the difference between the way Peterson used dream:
View attachment 904763
And the way you use fantasize:
Once again, a distinction without a difference, you dumb ****.

No one respect him except morons and incels.

He was hospitalized due to his shit diet. He also was hospitalized due to his drug addiction.

The only reason why he went to Russia was because the method he wanted to use to detox was so dangerous it has been BANNED in the US and EU.

You wanna talk about manipulation, but all I see you doing is making excuses for his shittiness.

It's not a surprise you defend a dumb **** like him.
Peterson had severe health issues because of his benzodiazepine withdrawal, nothing to do with his meat diet retard. Again you are proven a liar and a manipulator.

"Drug detox using methods that were disproven" my ***, he wanted to stop his benzos addiction, and he got hospitalized in Russia because of he had pneumonia in both of his lungs.

You're again lying about no one respecting him.

And here's the difference between the way Peterson used dream:
View attachment 904763
And the way you use fantasize:
View attachment 904764
You know what it is? It's because he defended Israel.

If he had condemned Israel, you should be talking even worse shit about him than I am.

It's your own confirmation bias at play here.
Once again, a distinction without a difference, you dumb ****.

No one respect him except morons and incels.

He was hospitalized due to his shit diet. He also was hospitalized due to his drug addiction.

The only reason why he went to Russia was because the method he wanted to use to detox was so dangerous it has been BANNED in the US and EU.

You wanna talk about manipulation, but all I see you doing is making excuses for his shittiness.

It's not a surprise you defend a dumb **** like him.
Lol retard, doesn't even comprehend the difference between dream and fantasize.

Millions respect him.

No, he was hospitalized because of pneumonia in both of his lungs, and had health issues because of his anti-depressant withdrawal. Pathetic manipulator using negative connotation words that fit his agenda of making Peterson look bad.

You are doing semantic manipulation, deliberately changing the meaning of words or phrases in order to influence the way people think or to deceive them. You are using ambiguous and vague language, using loaded and emotionally charged words and using words and phrases out of context, in order to manipulate people's opinions and beliefs. Pathetic manipulator, good thing I'm smart enough to see through your lies.

You know what it is? It's because he defended Israel.

If he had condemned Israel, you should be talking even worse shit about him than I am.

It's your own confirmation bias at play here.
I have been a follower of Jordan Peterson before he made any remarks on Israel/Jews.

It's your confirmation bias, you are talking about a theoretical scenario in which he condemns Israel, an imaginary scenario in which I talk shit about him, what you don't see is that it's merely a projection of the way Muslims reacted to his support of Israel *in reality*.
Lol retard, doesn't even comprehend the difference between dream and fantasize.

Millions respect him.

No, he was hospitalized because of pneumonia in both of his lungs, and had health issues because of his anti-depressant withdrawal. Pathetic manipulator using negative connotation words that fit his agenda of making Peterson look bad.

You are doing semantic manipulation, deliberately changing the meaning of words or phrases in order to influence the way people think or to deceive them. You are using ambiguous and vague language, using loaded and emotionally charged words and using words and phrases out of context, in order to manipulate people's opinions and beliefs. Pathetic manipulator, good thing I'm smart enough to see through your lies.
No, you're just arguing semantics, trying to do a gotcha, where none exists.

By the way Peterson has been hospitalized multiple times. But nice of you to ignore that to try and defend your confirmation bias.

My language is actually quiet clear, but its ironic that you accuse me of being ambiguous and vague, because that's literally the strategy that Jordan Peterson engages in when he debates someone.

🤣 cope more.
No, you're just arguing semantics, trying to do a gotcha, where none exists.

By the way Peterson has been hospitalized multiple times. But nice of you to ignore that to try and defend your confirmation bias.

My language is actually quiet clear, but its ironic that you accuse me of being ambiguous and vague, because that's literally the strategy that Jordan Peterson engages in when he debates someone.

🤣 cope more.
Cope you semantic manipulator, go learn the difference between fantasize and dream.

You are being vague, you say he's fantasizing (instead of dreaming) about his grandma, fantasizing vaguely meaning dreaming, and thus you "see no difference". Manipulating ****.

You are lying when you say he was hospitalized because of his diet even though his diet has nothing to do with it.

You are negatively charging your words by calling him a drug addict when I said he had a benzos withdrawal syndrome, benzos *he was prescribed with*, and wanted to stop using, something that's practically an epidemic in the US.
This guy is a fringe thinker who cries on TV for his incel followers who believe in a world where things should be handed to them - that explains his love for Israel lol!
"smart and globally respected people like Jordan Peterson"

Smart? No.

Globally respected? With incels, not in any serious academic circles.

For fucks sake, this moron fantasized about his grandma masturbating, and shoving her pubes in his face. Is this the type of jackass you want supporting your cause?
Not to mention he literally sounds like kermit the frog
No, you're just arguing semantics, trying to do a gotcha, where none exists.

By the way Peterson has been hospitalized multiple times. But nice of you to ignore that to try and defend your confirmation bias.

My language is actually quiet clear, but its ironic that you accuse me of being ambiguous and vague, because that's literally the strategy that Jordan Peterson engages in when he debates someone.

🤣 cope more.
I stopped listening to him after hearing his ridiculous interpretation of George Orwell's 1984. He always sees politics from a cold war lens, which is why his political takes are ridiculous to say the least.
Cope you semantic manipulator, go learn the difference between fantasize and dream.

You are being vague, you say he's fantasizing (instead of dreaming) about his grandma, fantasizing vaguely meaning dreaming, and thus you "see no difference". Manipulating ****.

You are lying when you say he was hospitalized because of his diet even though his diet has nothing to do with it.

You are negatively charging your words by calling him a drug addict when I said he had a benzos withdrawal syndrome, benzos *he was prescribed with*, and wanted to stop using, something that's practically an epidemic in the US.
He was a druggie, no matter what he chose to call it.

You can claim whatever you want, the fact remains the same.

You can call me a liar, a manipulator, or whatever else you can think of, everyone knows the truth.

The fact that you're stuck on making semantic arguments instead of addressing my points is proof enough that you lost this argument.

Again, the only reason you defend him is because he conforms to your confirmation bias.

If he criticized Israel, you would be at his throat.

Lol retard, doesn't even comprehend the difference between dream and fantasize.

Millions respect him.

No, he was hospitalized because of pneumonia in both of his lungs, and had health issues because of his anti-depressant withdrawal. Pathetic manipulator using negative connotation words that fit his agenda of making Peterson look bad.

You are doing semantic manipulation, deliberately changing the meaning of words or phrases in order to influence the way people think or to deceive them. You are using ambiguous and vague language, using loaded and emotionally charged words and using words and phrases out of context, in order to manipulate people's opinions and beliefs. Pathetic manipulator, good thing I'm smart enough to see through your lies.

I have been a follower of Jordan Peterson before he made any remarks on Israel/Jews.

It's your confirmation bias, you are talking about a theoretical scenario in which he condemns Israel, an imaginary scenario in which I talk shit about him, what you don't see is that it's merely a projection of the way Muslims reacted to his support of Israel *in reality*.
No, I admit that a lot of Muslims would 100% support him if he started talking shit about Israel.

I wouldn't though, his stance on Israel doesn't affect me.

By the way, you keep doing this in all our arguments. You keep repeating the same arguments over and over again, hoping their stick. It's a childish way to argue.

Think of something better.
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