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Jordan Peterson Glorifies Apartheid pf israel

Lol, you schizos are funny

Cope retard

It's true

We hate Jews, our numbers are increasing

Slowly you build businesses, communities, gain positions of influence from where you can make your voice heard

Any supporter of apartheid in Israel gets called out when the support democracy or human rights anywhere now and it will only get worse

This is why they are so desperate for the Abraham accord's, because they can see the writing on the wall and want to make relations with Muslim states before they get cornered

Now bibi and a right-wing coalition is in power in Israel and it's easier then ever
It's true

We hate Jews, our numbers are increasing

Slowly you build businesses, communities, gain positions of influence from where you can make your voice heard

Any supporter of apartheid in Israel gets called out when the support democracy or human rights anywhere now and it will only get worse

This is why they are so desperate for the Abraham accord's, because they can see the writing on the wall and want to make relations with Muslim states before they get cornered

Now bibi and a right-wing coalition is in power in Israel and it's easier then ever
Cope lmao you will always fail
Cope lmao you will always fail

Muslims for the last millennium and a half went from one city to across the world

There are more of us then ever before

Jews need to slip up once just a crack that we get get through and tear the Jews a new hole
You are the arrogant lol.
You believe your own lies.

Getting what westerners against us? Liberal idiots and Muslim refugees that always hated us?
Everyone is ignorant.
Don't worry. Lying Jews are nothing new. 3000 years u wondered the earth as the chosen people with no land. Now you are nazis and nazi demise is inevitable even though it will take time. You will never live in peace.
Peterson is nazi jew whore nothing else
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Muslims for the last millennium and a half went from one city to across the world

There are more of us then ever before

Jews need to slip up once just a crack that we get get through and tear the Jews a new hole
Has your average IQ increased though?

Not even 2 billion of you can handle just under 20 million Jews around the world.
Has your average IQ increased though?

Not even 2 billion of you can handle just under 20 million Jews around the world.

It's Jews who have their claws sunk deep In to the superpower of the day

The Jews have sucked out hundreds of billions of aid from the U.S tax payer and got decades of protection

But you are trying to hold back the tide, and like I said you only need to slip up once, and as the cracks which are now starting to appear we will be waiting
You are the arrogant lol.
You believe your own lies.

Getting what westerners against us? Liberal idiots and Muslim refugees that always hated us?
Liberals always hated you? Please stop playing the victim.
Most Muslims never really hated you either, but people like you did a good job turning them against you.

Has your average IQ increased though?

Not even 2 billion of you can handle just under 20 million Jews around the world.
Yes it has and Muslims become more powerful as each day passes.

You had control of the western Nations since ww2, but that is fading fast.
The open arrogance of Jews like you, is one of the main causes.
Keep up the good work Benny, These westerners will turn on you and rapture you.
They put you there, they kept you there, they did it for a reason.
These 20 million will pay the price, it cant and wont, last forever.
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Exposing? You are living in times when your stupid agenda is represented by a bipolar Kanye West praising Hitler and portraying Netanyahu as a talking mosquito net on a stick with an elmo voice:

95% of Jews are Zionists lol. And the non-Zionist ones are either unbelieving Jews or Neturei Karta which believe Israel should exist in the future when the Messiah comes and all non-Jews in Israel should be killed or enslaved.

We all know you hate Jews.

The Jews I know have nothing to with idiots and racists like you.

Kanye is just another planted mole to make Zionists look good.

He is mentally sick A hole and needs medical help or jail time.

…. And so do you….
Kanye is just another planted mole to make Zionists look good.
Yeah man, it's all a conspiracy theory to make you retards look bad lmfao

Liberals always hated you? Please stop playing the victim.
Most Muslims never really hated you either, but people like you did a good job turning them against you.
Yeah lol, who is behind the BDS movement? Who owns the "human rights" groups coming from Europe? Far right extremists? Nope, liberals.
Muslims hated us since a little before Khaibar and especially after when a Jewish woman poisoned Muhammed.

Yes it has and Muslims become more powerful as each day passes.

You had control of the western Nations since ww2 and that is fading fast.
The arrogance of Jews like you is one of the main causes.
Keep up the good work Benny, These westerners will turn on you and rapture you Beny.
They put you there, they kept you there, they did it for a reason.
These 20 million will pay the price, it cant and wont last forever.
No lol, the average IQ didn't.

You don't become more powerful you become more powerful you just become weaker and more irrelevant.

It's Jews who have their claws sunk deep In to the superpower of the day

The Jews have sucked out hundreds of billions of aid from the U.S tax payer and got decades of protection

But you are trying to hold back the tide, and like I said you only need to slip up once, and as the cracks which are now starting to appear we will be waiting
Yeah, because we're stronger than you. Gather 100 billion of you and you won't be able to do shit. You'll just have more civil wars.
It's correct.
Arab refugees only started appearing when the Arab armies attacking the Israeli frontlines started to lose ground.

Good thing smart and globally respected people like Jordan Peterson side with Israel. Even funnier to see all of his Muslim fans that were previously calling him a genius suddenly get mad when he supports something that doesn't fit their agenda.
"smart and globally respected people like Jordan Peterson"

Smart? No.

Globally respected? With incels, not in any serious academic circles.

For fucks sake, this moron fantasized about his grandma masturbating, and shoving her pubes in his face. Is this the type of jackass you want supporting your cause?
"smart and globally respected people like Jordan Peterson"

Smart? No.

Globally respected? With incels, not in any serious academic circles.

For fucks sake, this moron fantasized about his grandma masturbating, and shoving her pubes in his face. Is this the type of jackass you want supporting your cause?
Yeah, smart. Smarter than you that's for sure.

Globally respected. Everywhere besides the hardcore Socialists.

Nice way to flip things, he dreamed about it, didn't fantasize about it, are you trying to suggest you never had weird dreams? Maybe you're trying to suggest you are controlling what you dream about?
Yeah, smart. Smarter than you that's for sure.

Globally respected. Everywhere besides the hardcore Socialists.

Nice way to flip things, he dreamed about it, didn't fantasize about it, are you trying to suggest you never had weird dreams? Maybe you're trying to suggest you are controlling what you dream about?
He literally thought an all meat diet was a good idea, because his daughter told him to.

He's a well educated retard.

He's also not respected, not even among his own peers.

I've had weird dreams, even wet dreams, but that's just fucked. It was 100% a wet dream, aka a fantasy.

Also, he doesn't know how to argue against anyone above a college student level. Listen to his debates against actual academics, he's shows his incompetence constantly.
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