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Joint search for oil in Kashmir - Jawed Naqvi


Sep 23, 2007
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Joint search for oil in Kashmir

By Jawed Naqvi

NEW DELHI, Feb 22: Have geologists from India and Pakistan joined hands to explore oil in Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan?

“It is believed the Valley has rich oil reserves,” Mumbai’s DNA newspaper reported on Friday.

It said some 150 internationally reputed geologists, including seven from Pakistan, are holding an international conference in Jammu to explore the huge oil wealth. “J&K, Pakistan and middle-eastern countries come under the same geological set-up which has prompted the experts to explore oil reserves buried under rock beds in the state,” DNA said in a report from Srinagar.

It said the experts were also likely to survey some areas in Katra, Patnitop and other high altitudes to study the rock structure for old oil. Geologists say there are some rocks rich in old oil which can be used as an alternative fuel in view of the fact that oil wells are exhausting worldwide.

“It is a research-based study in which we want to cooperate with Pakistani experts and vice versa. We will be sharing the data with each other,” said Dr G.M. Bhat, noted geologist, who teaches the subject in Jammu University.

Reports say there are rock beds with huge oil reserves but its exploration is very difficult. It requires persistent efforts and deep drilling to explore old oil from the rock beds, DNA said.

Joint search for oil in Kashmir -DAWN - Top Stories; February 23, 2008
I don't mean to be pessimistic, however I think this joint search is absolutely worthless. First of all, both countries are fighting for this land and suppose there are some natural resources. These discoveries will only lead to hidden agendas and I firmly believe that both countries should not exploit these resources. These are Kashmir's Oil reserves and should be untapped untill the whole Kashmir issue is resolved. I mean how would the kashmiris themselves feel about this operation? Even if Oil is discovered... India and Pakistan will not use the money to modernize Kashmir, but their millitary potential. Hence, it is better to first Resolve the Kashmir dispute...to which country Kashmir belongs to; or what do the Kashmiris want in general? If this operation is successful, it still won't change India's or Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

Allah Hafiz
LOL... if found we can be assured the Americans will want to liberate us... heeheehee

The discovery of oil would help the economy of Kashmir, but should remain totally untapped until we have refferendum.
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