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Joint development of 5-generation fighter by Pakistan and China?


Jan 2, 2009
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In today's PLAAF, the main planes are Su-27/J-11 and J-10,
while in PAF it is F-16 and JF-17, which are all 4-generation fighters.

As far as I know, the Chinese 5-generation plans include two fighters, which will developed in Shenyang and Chengdu.

Since Pakistan and China have a successful cooporation in the JF-17 project,
maybe it's a good idea that we can develop a 5th MRCA together to meet the demand from PLAAF and PAF.

After Taihang, China has fully aquired the design and production of 4th generation fighter engin, a 5th generation engin is also in development now.

Would it be possialbe that we develop this fighter together with chinese engin, and then produce it in both China and Pakistan, just as JF-17?

In today's PLAAF, the main planes are Su-27/J-11 and J-10,
while in PAF it is F-16 and JF-17, which are all 4-generation fighters.

As far as I know, the Chinese 5-generation plans include two fighters, which will developed in Shenyang and Chengdu.

Since Pakistan and China have a successful cooporation in the JF-17 project,
maybe it's a good idea that we can develop a 5th MRCA together to meet the demand from PLAAF and PAF.

After Taihang, China has fully aquired the design and production of 4th generation fighter engin, a 5th generation engin is also in development now.

Would it be possialbe that we develop this fighter together with chinese engin, and then produce it in both China and Pakistan, just as JF-17?


We cannot say since the development of such a plane has been kept secret. But Pakistan being a partner in it is very much possible.

Sino-pakistani cooperation, especially in the defense sector, is far beyond what is commonly known. Both pakistan and china like to keep their military advancement secret until the product is fully developed.

Hopefully, this will become known somewhere between 2012 - 2015, which is the rumored expected first flight.

i wish it happens soon,,,

50 to 60 5th generation planes along with 60 FC20 and about 150 JF17 and some old F16 with MLU and Turkish Upgrades!!
backed by AWACS and air to air Refuelling systems!!!

and our airforce problems will be all gone!!
Lol. Its a no-go. China is dependent on Russia for engines till date among numerous other things. And Russia doesnt export China its most sensitive technology. Only after Russia starts using its FGFA will there be export of items to China.
China is working on a fifth generation fighter project. The capabilities of the fighter are not yet available as it is perhaps still in drawing phase.

However surprises can be expected from China so keep watching.
China is working on a fifth generation fighter project. The capabilities of the fighter are not yet available as it is perhaps still in drawing phase.

However surprises can be expected from China so keep watching.

not intending to criticize them or their work but the most important thing in the fighter esp. fifth gen is the engine so there cant be any progress without good engines and from the international DEFENCE relations china has it cant rely on any other country too so they gotta have a PW F-119 somewhere down the road :china:
I think Pakistan is Looking seriously on this project and Pakistan will Love to Induct such Aircrafts in PAF. There is no doubt that China is working on the fifth Generation Fighter and Both the Top Aeronautical Companies of China have came up with their own Prototypes.

They need lot of Technology to make this a reality and they are facing troubles in Engine sector. BUT don't underestimate the Chinese they have their own ways of getting things Done.
ok my indian friend China used a missile to shoot down a satellite before even the US now please don't tell me they can't make stealth fighters....or engines... WS-13 is an engine that is ready... made in CHINA....but yes u r right china making a stealth fighter is a bit far off but no worries....i guess neither do the russians nor do the indians have it....and the american price tag is tooo high to purchase a stealth fighter...so all we need our good 4th or 4.5 generation fighter as a stopgap until the technology evolves...
as they made a 4th generation fighter Now they are looking for 5th..............?
As far as I know, the Chinese 5-generation plans include two fighters, which will developed in Shenyang and Chengdu.

Does this mean they are taking the American approach, one Air Dominance and one Multi-role 5th Gen fighter? Are there any sources that confirm your statement?

If you are correct, then China will have to develop most of the 5th Gen technology indigenously, which is a tall task seeing that they are not at the forefront of 4th Gen design (unlike the Americans, Russians and Europeans). However, I will not entirely rule out the possibility of the Chinese accomplishing this task, seeing that they've advanced light-years in aviation technology in only a few years.

If the Chinese offer, it will be a proverbial no-brainer for Pakistan to invest in these projects for the development of its aerospace industry. Rest assured, if China offered a collaborative effort or ToT, Pakistan would jump on the opportunity regardless of cost, because it may just give Pakistan an industrial edge over India for once.
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Lol. Its a no-go. China is dependent on Russia for engines till date among numerous other things. And Russia doesnt export China its most sensitive technology. Only after Russia starts using its FGFA will there be export of items to China.

its funny to see your post , which is based on just typical indian jealousy & biasness towards CHINA & PAKISTAN, plz wake up , china is the biggest economy right now in the world, guss what? russia is not going to putting any hurdles in the way of china, its the china with its money behind, russian defence industries!:enjoy:

well we can put it in this way, PAKISTAN , CHINA + RUSSIA WORKING on 5th gen stealth aircraft?;):enjoy:
its funny to see your post , which is based on just typical indian jealousy & biasness towards CHINA & PAKISTAN, plz wake up , china is the biggest economy right now in the world, guss what? russia is not going to putting any hurdles in the way of china, its the china with its money behind, russian defence industries!:enjoy:

well we can put it in this way, PAKISTAN , CHINA + RUSSIA WORKING on 5th gen stealth aircraft?;):enjoy:

Lol. Why did i even bother!
[Maybe to see the reactions here! Expected really!]

But Your right mate! And Pakistan+China+Russia will whip India+USA+Israel's a$$ whilst working on the 5th gen plane!
Lol. Why did i even bother!
[Maybe to see the reactions here! Expected really!]

But Your right mate! And Pakistan+China+Russia will whip India+USA+Israel's a$$ whilst working on the 5th gen plane!

India+USA+Israel's story is on its ultimate end, politicaly & economicly!:azn::lol:
Pakistan+China+Russia is the new ultimate future, working on the 5th gen plane:agree:;):tup:
just to see the reactions here from you?:lol:
chinese 5 genertion fighter jet expectedly will be better than F 22
chinese 5 genertion fighter jet expectedly will be better than F 22

I very seriously doubt that statement. Too early to say anything. It took 30 years to design the F-22, and they took every single inch into consideration. By the time any new Chinese 5th Gen fighters come out, the F-22 will have been much improved. This was anticipated by the Americans long before they had even decided which type of fighter to build, air dominance or ground attack.

Any 5th Gen aircrafts built by Russia or China will be able to challenge the F-22 like no 4th Gen fighter can, but to expect them to be "better" (in quotes because the term doesn't mean anything in engineering without proof) than the F-22, or even the F-35, is just not intelligent.

Originally Posted by malaymishra123
Pakistan+China+Russia will whip India+USA+Israel's a$$ whilst working on the 5th gen plane!

You are correct.

I have a name for the US, India and Israel partnership, "The Little DICKS" (DICKS - Divide, Impose, Conquer, Kill and Suppress). By the way, how is that joint collaboration on the military base on Jupiter coming along?
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