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John Kerry snubbed Modi over Mulla Fazalulla patronage

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May 2, 2011
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Indian Premiers excuses rejected strongly by American team

  • Modi told to tame Ajit Doval, RAW in the backdrop of Doval’s ‘Vibrant’ confessions about TTP use
  • Kerry and his team came to India with solid evidence of Indian hand in terror across Pakistan
  • During his visit to US, General Raheel’s background interviews with Americans made Washington shift its approach towards Delhi
  • Abrupt end to RAW-TTP nexus placed as a prerequisite for positive outcomes of Obama’s India visit

From Christina Palmer & Anjali Sharma
NEW DELHI- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was humbled by the US Secretary of State John Kerry and when Kerry met him a couple of days beck here on his official visit to India that was considered to be an advance visit by a high level US team in connection with the upcoming visit of the US President Barak Obama to India, later this month.

Very credible and authoritative sources at PMO, reveal that John Kerry and his team though started deliberations with Modi and his team in a very polite manner but the heat was generated when Indian side completely refused to admit having any role in TTP-led terrorism in Pakistan. “The atmosphere in the room after Kerry and Modi had lunch together, changed when Premier Modi very blatantly stated that he and his government so shocked to hear about the Peshawar School Terror that the schools and both the houses of the Parliament observed moment of silence to mourn the Peshawar School Terror and thus there could be no Indian hand involved in it,” the sources said. At this occasion, the sources say, American team got furious and showed some hard evidences of Mulla Fazalulla and RAW nexus in Afghanistan to influx terror in Pakistan.

The American side took the Indian side quite aggressively and also snubbed Modi over the highly objectionable role of his National Security Advisor Ajit Kumar Doval in the entire dirty game. Modi and his team were grilled over the admissions of Ajit Doval of funding and utilizing TTP terrorists to destabilize Pakistan and Modi was asked to tame Doval and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) both in this direction. Modi was told to end India’s patronization of Mulla Fazalulla in Afghanistan and it was made it clear to Modi and his team that the US was about to place Mulla Fazalulla on list of global terrorists and an Indian pampering of him would jeopardize the US-India relations and can also have its implications on the upcoming visit of the US President to India.

Sources that the Americans had come with an immense homework and were very easily refuting all the pleas that were being taken by the Indian side. These sources say there was a perception at PMO after Kerry left that the American side had done its homework in the backdrop of Pakistani Army Chief General Raheel Sharif’s recent high profile visit to the United States. It was concluded at Delhi that Pakistani General’s background interviews with the Americans and most likely his handing over of certain solid proof to support his arguments during his US visit had really given enough arsenal to the Americans to come with a very heavy shelling on Modi. These sources also say that it has been conveyed to Delhi that if India desires to have some fruit, other than symbolic benefits and photo shots, out of the upcoming visit to India by the US President, it must bring an abrupt end to RAW-TTP nexus and pull its horses back from the field.

It may be mentioned here the former US Secretary of State, Chuck Hegel had also crystal clearly accused India of exporting terrorism to Pakistan via Afghanistan and his remarks in this regard are still on official record.

Kerry snubbed Modi over Mulla Fazalulla patronage
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Enough said.

Lol :lol:
what an imagination.
US already took a lot of effort to repair the damge after that diplomatic crisis.

They are not in a position to dictate us.
Till now US didnt say anything about it.
wow that is Awesome loook at the faces of indians now ...............that is highly reputable newspaper and what ever is written there makes sense ..................................

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Very goods news finally the truth comes out in the open , trying to play hide and seek and causing terror from other means is just pure wrong may justice be done good job US .

You should atleast be able to think to be able to justify that tag which goes with your moniker. Christina Palmer? Seriously? Have Pakistanis become so desperate that they have lost any ability to use their noggin? This piece of writing is so juvenile that all it elicits are laughs & you guys actually believe it? Little wonder your country is in the state it is.
Haha investigative journalism by Christina Palmer & Anjali Sharma

I wonder Kapil Verma Daily Mail's "investigative reporter" from Mumbai..did not pitch in.

Christina Palmer, Anjali Sharma, Kapil Verma are all aliases for Ahmed Quraishi.

Cafe Pyala: Connecting the Dots
"Incidentally, our persistent friend Marvi Sirmed had actually called up the Mumbai Press Club after that post, only to discover that no journalist by the name of Kapil Verma is known to anyone there. Big surprise. Not. Another of The Daily Mail's regular ace reporters named Christina Palmer, a foreigner based ostensibly in Delhi, apparently does not exist either according to the Indian government (which did try looking for her). The Daily Mail's editor Makhdoom Babar even admitted as much, claiming it was a pseudonym "to protect her identity." (Since she stopped writing soon after the Indians arrested one of their Islamabad-based diplomats, Madhuri Gupta, for spying, there was even speculation that Ms Palmer was actually Ms Gupta... which, if true - Babar denies of course - might give you a little more insight into The Daily Mail.)"

Here are some of their other investigative masterpieces

RAW buying Geo TV thru 3rd party arrangement

India’s National Security doctrine is ‘defensive offense’ against Pakistan

India NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peace
London Institute of South Asia

How India’s RAW manipulates, funds media
The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan
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wow that is Awesome loook at the faces of indians now ...............that is highly reputable newspaper and what ever is written there makes sense ..................................

Yes.. a news story whose first line has a spelling mistake is incredibly believable. beck back same thing.
Sounds like it was written by a child :lol:

NEW DELHI- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was humbled by the US Secretary of State John Kerry and when Kerry met him a couple of days beck here on his official visit to India that was considered to be an advance visit by a high level US team in connection with the upcoming visit of the US President Barak Obama to India, later this month.

Come on pakistanis, didn't know you were that stupid. But hey! You learn something new everyday
Haha investigative journalism by Christina Palmer & Anjali Sharma

I wonder Kapil Verma Daily Mail's "investigative reporter" from Mumbai..did not pitch in.

Christina Palmer, Anjali Sharma, Kapil Verma are all aliases..No such people exist

"Incidentally, our persistent friend Marvi Sirmed had actually called up the Mumbai Press Club after that post, only to discover that no journalist by the name of Kapil Verma is known to anyone there. Big surprise. Not. Another of The Daily Mail's regular ace reporters named Christina Palmer, a foreigner based ostensibly in Delhi, apparently does not exist either according to the Indian government (which did try looking for her). The Daily Mail's editor Makhdoom Babar even admitted as much, claiming it was a pseudonym "to protect her identity." (Since she stopped writing soon after the Indians arrested one of their Islamabad-based diplomats, Madhuri Gupta, for spying, there was even speculation that Ms Palmer was actually Ms Gupta... which, if true - Babar denies of course - might give you a little more insight into The Daily Mail.)"

Here are some of their other investigative masterpieces

RAW buying Geo TV thru 3rd party arrangement

India’s National Security doctrine is ‘defensive offense’ against Pakistan

India NSA causing acute threat to regional, global peace
London Institute of South Asia

How India’s RAW manipulates, funds media
The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

All of them are Ahmed Qureshi.

Purveyors of fiction
By George Fulton
Published: December 16, 2010

For those who don’t know Ahmad Quraishi, according to his website — ahmedquraishi.com — he is “a public policy writer, commentator and broadcaster”. In reality, he is widely known to be a crude propagandist for the army/intelligence nexus. At least Leni Riefenstahl’s Nazi propaganda films had artistic value. Noxious, yes, but art nonetheless. Sadly, no such claim can be made of Quraishi’s leaden prosaic prose.

He is also “one of the founders of PakNationalists, a supposed forum focusing on shaping Pakistan’s foreign and domestic policy options”. Actually it’s an anti-India bile-spewing machine that spreads untruths, smears and uncorroborated stories. His most recent article on his website, entitled “Guardian uses WikliLeaks for Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?” is an astonishing convoluted defence of the fake cable that was exposed by Cafe Pyala and subsequently picked up by the Guardian correspondent, Declan Walsh and this newspaper’s blog section. The phrase ‘twisting in the wind’ comes to mind.

Quraishi begins by attempting to undermine the original story of the fake cable: “(The)Guardian’s Islamabad correspondent Declan Walsh claimed the stories were ‘credited to the Online Agency, an Islamabad-based news service that has frequently run pro-army stories in the past. No journalist is bylined’. Fabulous, only that it is not accurate. The story was published by the ‘Daily Mail of Pakistan’, a newspaper launched recently and staffed by journalists coming from the newsrooms of Pakistan’s frontrow newspapers.”

He goes on to say: “A large part of the original Pakistani report is credible. It was published by a prominent news organisation and the story has four names in the byline. The Guardianunethically tried to link the story to Pakistani intelligence agencies by suggesting the story comes with ‘no byline’ and can’t be sourced. The Guardian’s Mr Walsh compensated his lack of investigation by offering his own conspiracy theory that the report was planted by Pakistani intelligence agencies.”

Let’s state some facts. All the newspapers that ran the story did credit it to the Online news agency. No byline was given by any newspaper. It cannot be sourced. Ah, but what about this ‘Daily Mail of Pakistan’ that he quotes. Unfortunately, this is not an authentic newspaper but one that peddles propaganda. (It was ‘The Daily Mail of Pakistan’ that planted the bogus story that the Pakistan spot-fixing scandal was orchestrated by the Indian intelligence agency RAW.)

What about the bylines Mr Quraishi mentions on the ‘Daily Mail of Pakistan’ website? It’s true that the fake cable story is bylined “From Suzie Wang in Washington, Christina Palmer in New Delhi, John Nelson in Kabul and Ahmad-Almurad in Cairo”. The only problem is that these people don’t exist. They are figments of his imagination. I would love to meet Suzie Wang from Washington and Christina Palmer who apparently works in New Delhi.

Yes, it’s highly likely that the ‘Daily Mail of Pakistan’ — and all these other bogus websites (again Cafe Pyala has done a brilliant expose of these bogus sites) — are probably paid for by a budget that we, as taxpayers, and our elected officials do not have permission to scrutinise. Good to know, isn’t it.

So the question that comes to mind is: what is the point of Ahmed Quraishi’s article? He has been proven to peddle half-truths and misinformation on some rather shady websites. As a self-described nationalist, I am sure he would defend what he was doing as being for the greater good of Pakistan and its people. But I subscribe to Charles De Gaulle’s view of nationalists and nationalism: “Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.” Mr Quraishi is a hate-monger. One must also wonder how much Mr Quraishi really loves the people of this country since he seems to make a living peddling half-truths to them.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 17th, 2010.
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