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Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

China start slower than Japan and US in industrialisation, of cos we are a little behind. Japan shall be ashamed of yourself that you have 100 years of idustrialisation and yet still not able to get number one spot. :lol:

We took only 30 years to knock Japan out of 2nd spot and another 10 years. China will be the number one and biggest. Japan then need to bow to Chinese for survival. :lol:

They are sitting on a volcano now exposed to the nuclear radiation.

They are never considering as a rich country for us.
Japan's Electronics Under Siege
Pressure for Sony Entertainment Spinoff, Shake-Up at Sharp Humble Former Technology Powerhouses

Updated May 15, 2013 12:12 a.m. ET
TOKYO—Hedge-fund billionaire Daniel Loeb's campaign to pressure Sony Corp.6758.TO -0.55% into spinning off its entertainment arm is the latest tremor to ripple through Japan's electronics industry, already reeling from unprecedented losses stemming from its lost standing in the technology world.

After a miserable past few years, marked by the rise of Samsung Electronics Co.005930.SE -0.27% and the dominance of Apple Inc., AAPL -0.37% Japan's once-powerful electronics manufacturers are grappling with outside investors and fed-up creditors looking to break the cozy and insular bonds that were once a hallmark of the country's corporate sector.

This shift in corporate Japan comes at a time of heightened optimism in the country for change and reform under the new government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Mr. Abe and his choice for Bank of Japan governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, unveiled an aggressive monetary policy aimed at breaking the country's long-running economic malaise. The measures are credited with helping to weaken the yen and push Japanese stocks higher.

"Sony stands at the crossroads of compelling corporate opportunity and massive Japanese economic reform," wrote Mr. Loeb, founder of Third Point LLC, in a letter that he hand-delivered on Tuesday to Sony Chief Executive Kazuo Hirai. "To maximize Sony's overall success, we believe the Company should change the structure of its ownership of Sony Entertainment."

Mr. Loeb's letter urged Sony to sell via public offering between 15% and 20% of its entertainment arm—composed of its movie and music businesses. Mr. Loeb said he sees as much as 60% upside to Sony's share price if the Japanese company followed his proposals, because the value of the entertainment business would be unlocked.

Sharp Corp. 6753.TO +0.70%said Tuesday it would replace its president and chairman in a rare public rebuke of management after it posted an annual net loss of ¥545 billion ($5.4 billion), the biggest in its 100-year history. The management shuffle follows a tumultuous year during which it scrambled to secure capital and warned about its future as a going concern, while creditors complained about the lack of leadership at Sharp.

"We need to say goodbye to the Sharp that we knew in recent years. We need to be ready to change everything at the company, other than the founding principles," said Sharp's new president, Kozo Takahashi, at a news conference.

The recent problems at Sony and Sharp are a microcosm of the industry's woes. Looking to protect its lead in bulky cathode ray tube televisions, Sony was late to the shift to flat-panel TVs and relinquished its lead to Samsung. As a result, its television business has lost money for nine straight years. All the while, Sony was too slow to cash in on new innovations such as e-readers and LED televisions, products first introduced by the company but made popular by rivals.

Meanwhile, Sharp spent billions of dollars to build a state-of-the-art LCD plant in Japan. When demand for flat-screen televisions slowed in the wake of the financial crisis and the yen rose sharply-hurting the competitiveness of its exports, Sharp's losses ballooned. Ultimately, it sold half of the factory to Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.2317.TW -1.18% , or Foxconn, which manufactures goods for Apple.

Japan's electronics manufacturers also failed to capitalize on their early advances in mobile technology. While Sony is now trying to break the smartphone duopoly of Samsung and Apple, Japan's firms largely missed the boom and are now paying the price as the do-everything devices encroach on traditional areas of strength.

In digital cameras, one of the few areas where Japanese electronics manufacturers are still dominant, sales are plunging especially for the point-and-shoot models. In the first quarter of 2013, global digital camera shipments are down 43% in the numbers of units, according to data from the Japan-based Camera & Imaging Products Association.

Mr. Loeb, whose Third Point has amassed about 6.3% of Sony shares worth about $1.18 billion, blamed Sony's troubles on spreading itself too thin. He argued that by selling off part of the entertainment business, Sony would reduce debt and gain liquidity to help streamline its electronics unit, whose "many strong businesses" are "obscured by a lack of focus."

"Many casual observers would be surprised to learn that while Sony is electronics, much of its current value is derived from a hidden gem—Sony's entertainment division," Mr. Loeb wrote in the letter. "To maximize Sony's overall success, we believe the company should change the structure of its ownership of Sony Entertainment."

Valuing the entertainment arm at about $10 billion, Mr. Loeb offered to "backstop" a potential subscription rights offering, for up to $2 billion or about 20% of the entertainment business, without taking any fees.

The move isn't necessarily hostile. The proposal is similar to what the company has already done at Sony Financial Holdings Inc., 8729.TO -1.06% which is 60%-owned by Sony and is publicly traded. Sony is weighing Mr. Loeb's proposal, said the person familiar with Sony's thinking.

Crippled by two straight years of record losses, Sharp has been forced to turn to rivals Hon Hai and Samsung as well as chip maker Qualcomm Inc. QCOM +0.32% for equity investments. In addition, it is in talks with its bankers to extend loan payment deadlines and has exercised an additional credit facility of up to ¥150 billion from its main lenders,Mizuho Financial Group Inc. 8411.TO 0.00% and Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. This additional borrowing is on top of a ¥360 billion credit line extended by the banks and others.

In a sign of greater control exerted by the banks, an executive each from Mizuho and Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ will join Sharp's management and take board seats, to help oversee restructuring. Sharp is facing a ¥200 billion convertible bond redemption in September and an additional ¥130 billion in bond redemptions in 2014.

Sharp has stayed afloat by selling its Tokyo office buildings, cutting salaries, and scaling back investments. Last year, it also cut 5,400 jobs globally, its first layoffs of domestic workers since 1950. It will continue to squeeze costs by limiting new hires, restructuring overseas units, and lowering capital spending for LCDs, it said.
They are sitting on a volcano now exposed to the nuclear radiation.

They are never considering as a rich country for us.

It's dangerous going to Japan. Many go there and get cancer from radiation. Their salashmi are not fit for human consumption. I expected cancer in Japan will increase by 200% in next few years. So sad for Japan. Tokyo is unsafe for human to live.

In the field of economics , highs and lows occur , they will bounce back. Such is the resiliency in Japanese organizations.
That's funny considering that it was Japan that revolutionized computer design and video game consoles as we know it.

per se, Nintendo NES, Nintendo SNES, Sega, Sony etc.

What about China? lol
I see your true colors are showing.
You're happy at the morbid living conditions Chinese workers have to endure in Foxconn?

Another western propangada? Foxconn employee are one of the better paid already. Tell me which western media is not biased towards China when reporting?

Just like how you are misled thinking China hack and steal US more. Right from the golden mouth of snowden, and CIA agent comfirm US is the biggest violator and Biggest hacker in the world compare to China.
How matter how hard how good Japan is trying to be, she is destined to be a second rate country, maybe the best second rate country.

While for China, we are born to become a first rate country. So comparing China with Japan is useless, since we are born different. China is destined to come at the top, while Japan is destined to remain as an underling just with different bosses at different periods.
China is a nation that will always be secondary to our national interest. China does not command awe from us. Awe and respect is reserved for the United States; the only country who defeated us in war.

Are you sure that you're not just a regular American? :no:

You don't sound much like a Japanese. Those guys hate America for nuking their civilian population centers, and due to their country being occupied by American soldiers.
Another western propangada? Foxconn employee are one of the better paid already. Tell me which western media is not biased towards China when reporting?

Just like how you are misled thinking China hack and steal US more. Right from the golden mouth of snowden, and CIA agent comfirm US is the biggest violator and Biggest hacker in the world compare to China.

@Beast ,

Don't be so delusional to foment awe and transcendentalist faith on everything Snowden says, to do so is naivete of you. As for the living conditions of workers in Foxconn, it is true, i have read reports and know Chinese students who studied in Japan for college and told me of some living conditions Chinese workers endure. This person, who's parents own a large manufacturing company told me this because the employees also were subject to such. In Japan, no such case of worker abuse happens. Given, much is demanded from Japanese workers , namely efficiency, but we abide by the concept of Kaizen, where worker's complaints are made known to the managment. There is a sense of worker's rights.

The same does not exist in China. And this is not something to be proud of !

In the field of economics , highs and lows occur , they will bounce back. Such is the resiliency in Japanese organizations.
No such thing exist. Sony is getting out of electronic business and go into finance and insurance. LOL The reason that you lose the electronic business is simple. Your products are not innovative and are of high cost compare to South Korea and China electronic products. You cannot compete if you have nothing to offer. That's why Sony and most of your giants are losing the battle in electronic business. In automobile, you do well. Thanks to us who perceive your car is for "best value add". Not best quality. Audi and BMW is China's favorite brand. In airplane business, you are no where to be found because you are not technological capable enough. None of your scientists have successfully conduct a manned space flight despite your country aspiration to become space explorer. That is reality and fact!

In the 21st cenutry, we will continue to eat up market share in consumer electronic product, software, chip, and soon to be airplane. We already beat you in your best product, which is bullet train.
Are you sure that you're not just a regular American? :no:

You don't sound much like a Japanese. Those guys hate America for nuking their civilian population centers, and due to their country being occupied by American soldiers.

We started that war with them because we made the first strike. They were a formidable enemy when my country was at war with the United States, they were relentless and humbled the full might of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Navy. We were once enemies, but we are now both strategic geopolitical allies and partners. We work with them and they work with us.
China is a nation that will always be secondary to our national interest. China does not command awe from us. Awe and respect is reserved for the United States; the only country who defeated us in war.

You're evading the reality.
Japan respects a country that dropped nukes on them. China, take note of that.
But what has Japan invented?

Shin Hayata raises the Beta Capsule and becomes..Ultraman !!


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