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Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

Let's get back to the topic. I apologize for my part in digressing.
@xunzi ,

Total and complete rubbish. The United States is a major trading partner, and a defense ally, but we have relations with a host of nations , and do not really need the United States for our own development. Japan is fully capable of addressing any security concerns by itself, as it has done. It is China that is uneasy about American presence in the region; in Japan and South Korea. We do not loose sleep over this.

You say dependency? Look at the economy of China, which is built on manufacturing and dependent on American consumerism; as well as Japanese consumerism.

Take this as a constructive criticism, dude, learn to be humble. Don't boast, and don't gloat. It is very unattractive. This is not a Japanese trait. Perhaps it is common for Chinese to do so.
The United States is not just your trading partner, they are your master and are in control your commercial and military industry. Without them, you collapse like 9/11 WTC. There is evidence to this. Back in 1980s during your rise, the US came in and told you directly to your face that they are not happy with your Yen currency and wanted you to appreciate it. You follow like a dog and the rest is history. 3 decades of inflation!

Trust me, no one is happy to have military base in their country unless that country is internally dependent on foreign goodwill and protection because they are not as strong it seems to suggest. You go independent, you rid alienating the US. There is consequence and price to pay if you do not listen to Uncle Sam's order and wish.

Our economy is 1/3 depend on export, rest is mostly government investment-led in infrastructure. But we will shift it into domestic consumption so the future is bright ahead as it will you and others that depend on our market rather than us depending on your market. Here is a fun fact. Majorities of what we export to the US are re-export type, meaning US firms operate in our country, make products and export out to the US consumer. The dependency on the US is mainly about keeping the US afloat so they don't cause trouble to us. We are their creditor. We want our debt payment and interest back. Another fun fact, you sold more to us. You depend on our consumerism. Look up your trade surplus with us. Your company survival depends on us. Not us on you.

We do not boast like you. It is response to your pride. We know you more than anyone else. Remember? We taught you this. You gain some success and try to show us. Guess what? We wake up and learn our past mistake. We will rule East Asia like old time.
He's right. What was the last thing China has made something innovating in the last few decades? The internet? Car? Plane? Give us something.
I believe the Chinese are capable of innovating if they tried hard enough without copying like some student copying from a test from another and using his/her mind.

The Chinese posters here are proud of China's accomplishments from thousands of years ago. How about repeating that?
I believe the Chinese are capable of innovating if they tried hard enough without copying like some student copying from a test from another and using his/her mind.

The Chinese posters here are proud of China's accomplishments from thousands of years ago. How about repeating that?

That is our goal.

Even with low levels of innovation, we have already managed to become nearly the largest economy in the world.

When we get back in the mindset of innovation like the Ancient Chinese had, there is no limit to how many times we can further multiply our economy after that.


also this:


Largest autmobile maker in US is Toyota Motor Corp. And no, its not GM.

Toyota is not going bankrupt.

When the world thinks of Japan the word "Quality" comes to mind. When they think of China the word "Quantity" comes to mind.

Now, in all things, always choose quality over quantity.

Car is not Japanese innovation. Why u are so proud of that?

It is true that Japs produce high quality car, but that is not innovation that Joe Bidden means.

I concur with you, they are good at copying. lol.
Why are u so narrowminded?

Dont u remember when Japanese were copying western products?

Unlike Japan that is already stagnant, china is still progressing rapidly. First China has beat Japan in economy, and soon will beat US. It is not difficult to imagine when China beat US in term of innovations and leave Japan in the dust in another or 2 decades from now.

Not to mention that half the cars on American roads are Japanese....including mine; vintage 1994 Toyota T100 pick up, still running like a stallion!


Same model and year but mine is silver & black. :smitten:

Japan were well known as capable to improve, not to innovate.

Those car is not Jap's innovation, but Japan is able to improve the quality thats why your car industry were struggling before.

I believe the Chinese are capable of innovating if they tried hard enough without copying like some student copying from a test from another and using his/her mind.

The Chinese posters here are proud of China's accomplishments from thousands of years ago. How about repeating that?

You were supposed to have started seen that now.

Example: dual sim card on mobile phone is china innovation.

Can Sony beat Oppo or Lenovo in term of Innovation? LOL
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*sniff...sniff* Do I smell the legendary American arrogance here?

Does Biden the bozo know that most of their 'American' scientists/innovators have their origins in countries like Japan, China, India, Germany, and so on? Is he aware that man behind their space program which is the center point of the 'great American dream', was a German called Von Braun??
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