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Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

China is a nation that will always be secondary to our national interest. China does not command awe from us. Awe and respect is reserved for the United States; the only country who defeated us in war.
Show some respect to Soviet Union. remember the Nomonhan ?

Japan occupied so much land during WW2,to a great extent,was because of the other asian countries were too weak.

If you compared Japan army with US or Germany , you were still lag behind western.

Japan army was not Germany army, you were not mechanized troops.

You're happy at the morbid living conditions Chinese workers have to endure in Foxconn?
Japanese workers are famous of their endurance.

And normal Japanese are proud of that .

I admire that character also.
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His statement, in my honest opinion, is rather correct. Too much copying and not enough R & D.
Speaking of plagiarism and copying, no one is better than the Japanese.

You didn't qualification said others.
Or they hack and steal it. The level of hacking conducted by Chinese government employees on American software companies and military sites is beyond pale.

Ancient Japan copying all of China, the text, clothing, music, religion, food, and even the capital of Japan is narrowed the scale after cloning the capital of China.

After the modern industrial revolution, the rise of the west, Japan began to copy western,

In the world in the 1970-1980 s, Japan has also been labeled the plagiarism and inferior product, isn't it?

Japan belongs to own thing how many? The Japanese, why you cars have four wheels, why is copied from the German car?

Speaking of government spies, the Japanese is no qualification said others.

Two Japanese spies in 2005 in China's xinjiang illegal surveying and mapping are caught, in 2010, a Japanese spy was caught at a military base in hebei province in China, the Japanese do this period in China, started from the end of the 19th century. Before 1931, "918" incident, the Japanese also sent a large number of spies to intelligence work in China.
Clearly they don't innovate enough, as compared to us. Even the united states is behind us. Chinese are not known for their technological sector, it is of inferior quality. The only country in asia that comes close to japanese would be the koreans.

China is not known for its innovation; it is known for their cheap labor. This is why most of Japanese manufacturing plants are in China. We outsource all unskilled labor there.
Fair enough .

Japan is the top1 innovating country in Asian now.

But be modest please . You say we only copy and use cheap labor , Did Japan copy western and use cheap labor at the beginning of industrialization? Did Japan ever suffer serious environmental pollution ?

We were the Top 1 country before 19 century, we mocked you Japanese Barbarian .

We lag behind the others now , but we are working hard to regain our position, it works very well now.

So before you mock us , at least become the Top1 please , even just for one moment .

If Biden said China currently is not working on any innovative project, he need to read this:

Get ready for the upcoming china technology innovation:

China working on 3000km/h vacuum Maglev trains

China working on 3000km/h vacuum Maglev trains | EUTimes.net

Chinese Loop Vacuum Tech Allows Super-Maglev Trains to Reach 1,800 MPH

Read more: Chinese Loop Vacuum Tech Allows Super-Maglev Trains to Reach 1,800 MPH | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building



With regular maglevs, more than 83 percent of traction energy is wasted through air resistance at speeds higher than 400kph (250mph). Dr Deng Zigang, associate professor of the Applied Superconductivity Laboratory at Southwest Jiaotong University, developed a tube that lowers air pressure in the running environment to 10 times less than normal. According to Dr Zigang, the ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport) systems might allow HTS Maglev trains to reach speeds of up to 1,800 mph. The technology could be first applied in military and space launch systems.

The next step in Dr Zigang’s research, whose target was achieved in February 2013, was to develop a ring of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) maglev vehicle that can accelerate to a certain speed, 25 km (15 miles) per hour. The vehicle was designed to accelerate to 50 mph (30mph) without passengers. Currently, the limiting factor regarding speed in the small radius of the ring (only 20 feet), but the team is conducting tests on a new system.

China working on 3000km/h vacuum Maglev trains | EUTimes.net
3000km/h ?

it will freak me out.
Don't worry about it. We will be "innovative" fast enough.

We have been growing this fast without being "innovative".

What happens if we are "innovative"??? :rofl:

(CNN) - Vice President Joe Biden blasted China on Wednesday in a speech about foreign policy, arguing the country hasn't produced anything innovative.

"China-and it's true - is graduating six to eight times as many scientists and engineers as we have. But I challenge you, name me one innovative project, one innovative change, one innovative product that has come out of China," the vice president said forcefully.

His comments came in a commencement ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The vice president stressed that the country's record on human rights has stymied its progress on other fronts, like innovation.

Biden recalled that during the 90s, there was growing concern Japan would become a major threat and economic competitor–"that Japan was the future," he said.

No longer just a factory, China is a mobile leader

Then, he said, people started saying the same thing about China. That's when he made his remark that even though China is producing more scientists, they aren't producing innovative products.

"And I want Japan to succeed as I do China," he continued. "But give me a break."

The vice president has argued in the past that China struggles with innovation.

Why China isn't an innovation powerhouse

When he visited the country in December, he urged young students at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing to challenge the status quo, saying "innovation can only occur where you can breathe free."

It's an argument he has brought to Chinese President Xi Jinping, as well.

"Everyone who made their way to America in the first instance came because their human rights were not being totally valued," Biden said he told the Chinese president. "It's stamped into the DNA of America."

China as an innovation nation

He has also talked about what he sees as a lack of Chinese innovation during trips to Iowa in 2012. At Iowa State University, he told students that China is "not innovating."

Other themes from Biden's speech Wednesday echoed President Obama's same-day address on foreign policy at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

Biden teams up with top donor to raise big bucks

As the combat mission in Afghanistan comes to a close, Biden told the graduates that they're still entering a world of obstacles.

"As we end an era of war, your mission may be different, but you will face challenges no less formidable and complex. Your work will be every bit as vital and we badly need you," he said.

"The poet Thoreau said, 'A bluebird carries the whole sky on his back.' Well you are Falcons, and you carry America on your back," he continued. "You carry America on your back. And America will have your back forever."

Over the past 2000 years, isn't japan spending most of its time copying???

That's funny considering that it was Japan that revolutionized computer design and video game consoles as we know it.

per se, Nintendo NES, Nintendo SNES, Sega, Sony etc.

What about China? lol
Japan is in fact not that innovative, plenty inventions came from China as we have been the undisputed number 1 for thousands of years in Asia. Basically Japanese culture is strongly influenced by our culture it's like seeing a little China. Only during the Meiji era did Japan start to gain more developed as they copied Western ideas. Because China and the rest of East Asia lacked behind did the Japanese manage to conquer almost the entire region. This is something the Japanese can never repeat again as the real big brother has evolved to what we see today. We are going through the same phase the Japanese had to go through in order for them to become developed. I remember hearing Westerners said the same thing about the Japanese: copy cats.
Because the Viet never copy.

They hate to learn.

They are hunter-gatherers which earns them a lot of international sympathy.
You have a strong case. Vietnam 's written language were taught to them by French. They did not bother to use Vietnamese surnames but use Chinese surnames.
Or they hack and steal it. The level of hacking conducted by Chinese government employees on American software companies and military sites is beyond pale.
the only things that I like about japan are its AV and childhood comics``if these can be innovations then ok you are the top innovator```

p.s my all-time favorite 'Dragon Ball' copied heavily from Chinese ancient fictions like 'the journey to the west' and the customs were dominantly Chinese and western``lol

wake up, you master of copy cat``:D
the only things that I like about japan are its AV and childhood comics``if these can be innovations then ok you are the top innovator```

p.s my all-time favorite 'Dragon Ball' copied heavily from Chinese ancient fictions like 'the journey to the west' and the customs were dominantly Chinese and western``lol

wake up, you master of copy cat``:D

DB is to mash up the Journey to the West and Alien vs Predator together into one piece.

So much 'originality' indeed.
You have a strong case. Vietnam 's written language were taught to them by French. They did not bother to use Vietnamese surnames but use Chinese surnames.
So what ? Does it bother you that we Viets got rid of Chinese as a national language ?
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