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JNU to boycott Lyngdoh panel recommendations for student union polls

True in a way. See bro, I honestly believe that when there is a Muslim worldview investment involved, it will never mix with the rest. In terms of faith, most Muslims have and will always see themselves in one camp, regardless of their own political divisions. I only expect the rest of the world to do the same, be together and not give in, no matter what.
There was a reason why the person who proposed the two nation theory had a Kashmiri background :D

Yep when there is matter of faith involved and my.co religionists are being targeted i will stand for them particularly if they also happen to be from my ethnicity or even from a neighbouring ethnicity

When we find our interests threatened we will deal with the devils to protect them
JNU commies should be thrown off helicopters and executed.
There was a reason why the person who proposed the two nation theory had a Kashmiri background :D

Yep when there is matter of faith involved and my.co religionists are being targeted i will stand for them particularly if they also happen to be from my ethnicity or even from a neighbouring ethnicity

When we find our interests threatened we will deal with the devils to protect them
I know. I wish we could do the same. I personally don't mind. But most of my compatriots are too weak to contemplate the horrors. They may pay dearly for their naivete.
I know. I wish we could do the same. I personally don't mind. But most of my compatriots are too weak to contemplate the horrors. They may pay dearly for their naivete.
Yahaan ham wahan tum is the policy and it will remain so and your policies actually further worsen the situation what wasnt meant to be will always face hurdles in the long run

Ah poor me attitude again thats so typical of you guys koi naya manjan lao bhai ye purana ho gaya hay
Yahaan ham wahan tum is the policy and it will remain so and your policies actually further worsen the situation what wasnt meant to be will always face hurdles in the long run

Ah poor me attitude again thats so typical of you guys koi naya manjan lao bhai ye purana ho gaya hay
I only speak from my experience.

I am least bothered about Pakistan. And what Pakistan does to India. I am only concerned about what Indians can do to India.
I only speak from my experience.

I am least bothered about Pakistan. And what Pakistan does to India. I am only concerned about what Indians can do to India.
Not really you guys use haye mein masoom to carry out genocide

I was taking about the Kashmir specific policies
Not really you guys use haye mein masoom to carry out genocide

I was taking about the Kashmir specific policies
Yes. Most of us are. Your face to face interactions with Indians would have confirmed that. Never mind.
Yes. Most of us are. Your face to face interactions with Indians would have confirmed that. Never mind.
Well actions speak louder than words right?
What we see in the valley,near the loc,hear on your news and what we experienced in the last two centuries is a sample no?
Well actions speak louder than words right?
What we see in the valley,near the loc,hear on your news and what we experienced in the last two centuries is a sample no?
We have to be trained as soldiers like the Armed forces, beaten up to pulp at times (like us in particular) and bullied like the Anupam Khers to be like what we do.

For the rest... the vast majority would run away at the first sight of trouble. You KNOW that. :)
Any surprises ? Perhaps JNU is the only university that opposes it. JNU students are a rebbbbbeeeeeeellllllll after all ! Because abiding by the SC verdict is too mainstream for them.

As for Shehla Rashid, she's gonna bag a party ticket in J&K soon. Mehboob Mufti beware !!
which clauses are they opposing? I dont like attendance and pass mark/arrears as clauses. Student unions are supposed to bring democracy to a campus run as independent dictatorship(all universities are autonomous dictatorship) and I dont want that balance to be lost.
I dont want to be universities as another school where student will be treated as kids, and they need to do jee hazoori to teachers. Its also place to give us next generation political leaders, its not only a place to study.
Its also place to give us next generation political leaders, its not only a place to study.

Problem currently is that the universities currently are only doing the former and doing anything else but the latter.
Problem currently is that the universities currently are only doing the former and doing anything else but the latter.
that has little truth, just go to any uni, even shittiest uni, you will see students trying to get best marks to get a job.

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