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JIT couldn't find any corruption/public money fraud

Another poti without any logical answer. Lifestyle not matching source of income mean tax evasion. Tell me where JIT mentioned corruption in any public project? Do you think IK lifestyle match his tax declarations?
I don't care about IK, bcz he never did or had any public office and looted my rights and tax money.

I am concern about the thief Nawaz as it is who looted and destroyed my country.
JIT couldn't find any corruption. All they have is supposedly tax evasion case. You can put 99% of rich people in jail for that.

The JIT has declared that the Respondents (Sharif and Family) have failed to justify assets and means of income, and it has has recommended that a corruption case be registered against Mr. Sharif, his sons Hussain and Hassan, and daughter Maryam.
I have moved a petition against @Tesky in Supreme Court for Contempt of Court.

Let him join his Noon League bhais
How the h! Mian Nawaz shareef earned all this money in 1990s when they had their steel mills nationalised?

This is a million dollar question, which Imran Khan is advised not to press.

JIT couldn't find any corruption. All they have is supposedly tax evasion case. You can put 99% of rich people in jail for that.

being rich is no crime but tax evasion is a crime.
JIT uncovered criminal offences of very serious nature... you perhaps were sleeping!
I don't care about IK, bcz he never did or had any public office and looted my rights and tax money.

I am concern about the thief Nawaz as it is who looted and destroyed my country.

Potis can't get away with public office excuse. IK will never become PM so that means he can evade as much taxes as he like? Nawaz didn't loot country, no proof of corruption in public projects what so ever. Even this biased JIT can't find anything.
JIT couldn't find any corruption. All they have is supposedly tax evasion case. You can put 99% of rich people in jail for that.
99% people should be put in jail either it is rich or above the law... It is good start that tax evasion are addressed and other influential tax avert people be addressed and brought to the justice.

Another poti without any logical answer. Lifestyle not matching source of income mean tax evasion. Tell me where JIT mentioned corruption in any public project? Do you think IK lifestyle match his tax declarations?
The logic as has given by the JIT for NS does not practically follow the evidence that a person whose life style is above but he pays less... as such it is not big logic... if such logic is taken the majority people fall in this category...
Potis can't get away with public office excuse. IK will never become PM so that means he can evade as much taxes as he like? Nawaz didn't loot country, no proof of corruption in public projects what so ever. Even this biased JIT can't find anything.
People like you are a disgrace, who supports Godfather which has been proven beyond doubt he lied and concealment of assets, but wait more humiliation is yet to come for baboon league
They may have been guilty of tax evasion before court proceedings, but now they will be charged with fraud, forgery and perjury which are more serious criminal offences. Perjury carries a prison sentence of 7 years in Pakistan.
JIT couldn't find any corruption. All they have is supposedly tax evasion case. You can put 99% of rich people in jail for that.
Sure. So youre justfying the mysterious burn down of LDA and how would justify the massacre of min Haj ul Quran ?

YOu thought their Baduas were in Vain ? The people who were mercilessly gunned down by the pig

Tax evasion was how the powerful mob boss Al Capone was jailed.
Logic and facts are something beyond the patwaris imagination
Lol, not to mention they can now add forgeries, perjury and other fraud related points to any charge.

Maryam, in particular, can go down for a long time

I wonder what she was thinking when she presented forged documents. She should have been alarmed when the JIT requested the original!
I wonder what she was thinking when she presented forged documents. She should have been alarmed when the JIT requested the original!
Yar, wese this is definitely saazish against Nawaz, but not from PTI and army, but Noon League who worked for him. By all accounts, these are pretty shit forgeries

If they had wanted Nawaz to stay, they could have made much better forgeries and statements.
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