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Jinnah VS A.Kalam Azad

No INDIAN leader was capable of managing the affires of a large nation at that time, so that we made him stay and learn how to Govern that is the reason we have a strong people elected civil government that is not toppled by power hungry Generals
Now are you implying that they were so incompetent not to handle the affairs of their country ? I would have understand if he was the head of some specific institution but seriously the head of the WHOLE FREAKING INDIA ! NO WAY ...

Doesn't matter ... We were always better under dictator rule :lol:
Reply My Post. I presented you some solid facts. Indians running away from facts. Indian muslims in 1946 elections voted Muslim league and Muslim league won 425 seasts out of 496..... Now tell me who was favourite among indian muslims at that time CONGRESS PRACTICING MUSLIM AZAD or MUSLIM LEAGUE NON PRACTICING JINNAH......

:lol: Congress boycotted the election :rofl:

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Enlighten me , about the first Governor General of India ? :azn: ... Subservient ? :lol: ... You guys became so much used to Farangi Raj that you asked the last Mountbatten to stay as the top most leader of your country ... Pretty rich coming from you guys freedom struggle and such ! What struggle are you referring to ?

how many of epic leaders of pakistan opposed the british, how many "muslim leader who adhered to concept of pakistan" fought against bristish occupation... you can see the list for your own embarrasment...

muslim league ""Resolved that this meeting, composed of Musalmans from all parts of India, assembled at Dacca, decide that a Political Association be formed, styled All-India Muslim League, for the furtherance of the following objects:
(a) To promote, among the Musalmans of India, feelings of loyalty to the British Government, and to remove any misconception that may arise as to the intention of Government with regard to any of its measures.
(b) To protect and advance the political rights and interests of the Musalmans of India, and to respectfully represent their needs and aspirations to the Government.
(c) To prevent the rise, among the Musalmans of India, of any feeling of hostility towards other communities, without prejudice to the aforementioned objects of the League.""

Apart from that;
From 1947 to 1956, Pakistan was a dominion in the Commonwealth of Nations. Pakistan has had two monarchs. In 1947, King George VI relinquished the title of Emperor of India, and became King of Pakistan. He remained King of Pakistan until his death on 6 February 1952. Upon his death, Queen Elizabeth II became Queen of Pakistan.

Bravo patriots
Now are you implying that they were so incompetent not to handle the affairs of their country ? I would have understand if he was the head of some specific institution but seriously the head of the WHOLE FREAKING INDIA ! NO WAY ...

Doesn't matter ... We were always better under dictator rule :lol:
then enjoy your future in Detension by the Pakistani Army
Look at how Indians treat their own religion people the untouchables. I wonder if that traitor to his people hero to the enemy of his people knew this:

Discrimination against Dalits

Crime against Dalits occur every 20 minutes in India. Every day 3 Dalit women are raped, 2 Dalits are murdered and 2 Dalit houses are burnt down! These figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste Hindu individuals. Official figures show that there are still 0.343 million manual scavengers in India from Dalit community. More than 165 million Dalits in India are simply abused by their Hindu upper castes for their birth! . [HRW Report2007]
i am amazed at the height of stupidity here, calling and Indian leader traitor by pakistanis... he was not even pakistani, how the hell you label him a traitor... seems like people educated in england do not have the basic grasp of the language....

Because you do not understand Islam. He was a traitor not to land but to his people. I believe some day even Muslims in India will rise up in a Arab spring kind of movement and demand their full rights. You have been massacring them for a long time now eg. during artificial riots. You think they have forgotten. Just because they are gagged and can not talk does not mean they have forgotten. It is only a matter of time. India will break up eventually as my father always say. It is made of plethora of people who do not remotely match each other. Whether people in Assam, Kashmir, Muslims in Heydarabad, Sikhs, Bhudists and Hindus, north Indians and South Indians. The pot is still cooking. Rest assured of that.
i am amazed at the height of stupidity here, calling and Indian leader traitor by pakistanis... he was not even pakistani, how the hell you label him a traitor... seems like people educated in england do not have the basic grasp of the language....

Because you do not understand Islam. He was a traitor not to land but to his people. I believe some day even Muslims in India will rise up in a Arab spring kind of movement and demand their full rights. You have been massacring them for a long time now eg. during artificial riots. You think they have forgotten. Just because they are gagged and can not talk does not mean they have forgotten. It is only a matter of time. India will break up eventually as my father always say. It is made of plethora of people who do not remotely match each other. Whether people in Assam, Kashmir, Muslims in Heydarabad, Sikhs, Bhudists and Hindus, north Indians and South Indians. The pot is still cooking. Rest assured of that.
Look at how Indians treat their own religion people the untouchables. I wonder if that traitor to his people hero to the enemy of his people knew this:

Discrimination against Dalits

Crime against Dalits occur every 20 minutes in India. Every day 3 Dalit women are raped, 2 Dalits are murdered and 2 Dalit houses are burnt down! These figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste Hindu individuals. Official figures show that there are still 0.343 million manual scavengers in India from Dalit community. More than 165 million Dalits in India are simply abused by their Hindu upper castes for their birth! . [HRW Report2007]

did someone remind you 1971...3 millions pakistanis were massacred by PA
:lol: Congress boycotted the election :rofl:

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We dont give a rat's behind about what Najam Sethi has to say about anything ... We know where he gets the money from and where does his loyalty lies ! So stop playing these silly Youtube games ... Otherwise I can get you hundreds :azn:
Because you do not understand Islam. He was a traitor not to land but to his people. I believe some day even Muslims in India will rise up in a Arab spring kind of movement and demand their full rights. You have been massacring them for a long time now eg. during artificial riots. You think they have forgotten. Just because they are gagged and can not talk does not mean they have forgotten. It is only a matter of time. India will break up eventually as my father always say. It is made of plethora of people who do not remotely match each other. Whether people in Assam, Kashmir, Muslims in Heydarabad, Sikhs, Bhudists and Hindus, north Indians and South Indians. The pot is still cooking. Rest assured of that.

i think you should into pakistan also..already happened...pakistan is not even what Jinnah had left
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