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Jinnah VS A.Kalam Azad

Bull **** :rofl: Justifying the existence of our country ? Seriously , do we need to prove it to you ? :azn: ... We are fine here , Thank you very much !

When you say " better without Pakistan " , actually you mean " better without 40% majority Muslims " ! Shows how much you hate Muslims ... Height of hypocrisy !

tell me did you see this and thank Allah for Pakistan and think Azad was wrong?

A Zillion reasons to escape from India
Make no mistake. Jinnah is considered a hero by the Indians for voluntarily taking India through a long overdue de-toxification routine.

What is this " de-toxification ? :azn: Try to explain !
I think Azad was living in a dreamland. The massacre of Muslims in India even today proves that fact. Muslims are under represented in Indian government even today and still are not having the same access to education there. No body can dispute that Muslims living in Pakistan have achieved far greater not only in national terms but also on individual basis from science to wealth. The notion that Jinnah was wrong is a fallacy to be avoided at all costs since it is being propagated to weaken Pakistan's foundation. We have to remember though that Azad was a learned man but he was talking only theoretically and only in his own constructed dreamland and had virtually no public support. While people were with Jinnah and were willing to die for him on streets. Since such political decisions have to e made on democratic principles not on some imagined theories, Jinnah was right on this and Azad was wrong. It is as simple as it gets. And even Allama Iqbal was of the view of creation of a nation for Muslims and I see him as a much greater theorist than Azad ever was. We should be very careful of these revisionist ideas that pop up from time to time. These do not serve anything for Pakistan except adding to Indian imagination and fantasy.
Maulana Azad: A practicing Muslim. Son of the soil. Mass leader.

Jinnah: Not a practicing Muslim. No roots among the people until 1940. No following until 1940.

Maulana Azad: A peaceful man.

Jinnah: Called Direct Action Day. Triggered mass riots resulting in heavy loss of life and bloodshed in Bengal, especially Kolkata.

A reality Check.

Jinnah charisma among indian muslims: 1946 General elections, Muslim League won "majority" of muslim seats. If Azad was a Mass leader of Muslims then how many muslim seats won by Indian congress Care to mention Mr.Genius?

Sarojini Naidu had called him (M.A. Jinnah) the 'ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity in 1916. Jinnah efforts Led to Congress and Muslim league joining hands in form of "Lucknow Pact". So 1940-1916 = 24 years. How the hell a man who has no following is being titled ambassador and bringing Major rival parties to negotiation table?. Mr Jinnah attended round table conference in 1930 or 1931. how come an unknown person attended the round table conference?

M.A.Jinnah: Show one criminal record of Jinnah that shows he was a criminal? AN ambassador of muslim hindu unity is considered more Peace loving then some Azad type Guy, Now that's a harsh reality.

Direct Action Day: Prove That Muslim league was behind Mass riots or Hindu Mob was not behind the Mass riots Calcutta.

Mr. it is easy to make tall claims, so properly do research before opening your rotten mouth and brain.
Why don't you read 365 and

If you are bringing the quality of living standards in India.

HDI is a parameter , India comes under a medium development , not good enough but good scope for improvement.

tell us why when all of you want to leave the toilet that is India

all of us want to leave? was there a poll conducted for all of us

as described by that untouchable Indian and yet you think Azad was a hero for suggesting Muslims were wrong to want a homeland

Some of feel it didn't have purpose.
If going to Jail is the objective here then from the British government point of view, Moulana Azad was just a terrorist / criminal spreading anarchy. And for all the precious time he wasted in jail, he deprived his supporters of his leadership. That is not a smart move on behalf of a leader.

It is obvious you won't understand India's freedom struggle, as it was a India's freedom movement, whereas muslim league was a subservient to british entity.
I was not even responding to you nor will I in the future considering that you have the reasoning ability of a pre-born foetus.

Please don't bother responding.

This is what some of you inhuman Indians do with foetus

Fetus Killing

Women to men ratio were feared to reach 20:80 by the year 2020 as female fetus killing is rampant. Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, told Indian Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury to Reuters. According to the 2001 census, the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys, while in the worst-affected northern state of Punjab, it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys. The availability of ultrasound sex-determination tests leads to such mass killings in India.

Around 11 million abortions are carried out in India every year and nearly 80,000 women die during the process, says a report from Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)

I wonder if that traitor to his people Azad knew this. Would he have changed his mind?
British POV is immaterial. Even today they consider many Indian freedom fighters, terrorists.

That's OKAY. That's expected of them. They WERE the bad guys of those times.

It's not really surprising of a people whose queen proudly sports a an object of loot in her crown.

However, to witness the same behaviour from present day Pakistanis, people who were with us for centuries and suffered the British rule with us for centuries, is surprising and downright contemptible.

And you consider Kashmiri freedom fighters to be terrorist..so the colonial British mentality is still alive and kicking in India.

This is what some of you inhuman Indians do with foetus

Fetus Killing

Women to men ratio were feared to reach 20:80 by the year 2020 as female fetus killing is rampant. Ten million girls have been killed by their parents in India in the past 20 years, either before they were born or immediately after, told Indian Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Chowdhury to Reuters. According to the 2001 census, the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys, while in the worst-affected northern state of Punjab, it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys. The availability of ultrasound sex-determination tests leads to such mass killings in India.

Around 11 million abortions are carried out in India every year and nearly 80,000 women die during the process, says a report from Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI)

I wonder if that traitor to his people Azad knew this. Would he have changed his mind?

In Gandhian India, Parent kill you!
I think Azad was living in a dreamland. The massacre of Muslims in India even today proves that fact. Muslims are under represented in Indian government even today and still are not having the same access to education there. No body can dispute that Muslims living in Pakistan have achieved far greater not only in national terms but also on individual basis from science to wealth. The notion that Jinnah was wrong is a fallacy to be avoided at all costs since it is being propagated to weaken Pakistan's foundation. We have to remember though that Azad was a learned man but he was talking only theoretically and only in his own constructed dreamland and had virtually no public support. While people were with Jinnah and were willing to die for him on streets. Since such political decisions have to e made on democratic principles not on some imagined theories, Jinnah was right on this and Azad was wrong. It is as simple as it gets. And even Allama Iqbal was of the view of creation of a nation for Muslims and I see him as a much greater theorist than Azad ever was. We should be very careful of these revisionist ideas that pop up from time to time. These do not serve anything for Pakistan except adding to Indian imagination and fantasy.

Brother you are so right these Incredible Indians are delusional they are trying to leave india and they are trying to tell us who was a better representative for us ie traitor Azad rather than Quaid

Always the enemy loves quislings and Hindus have by their actions proved they are our enemies

The shiny India ai'nt so shiny actually !

But yaar they want to leave it and they knock Pakistan to prove traitor Azad was a hero to us lol

Somebozo that was a good find lol


Somebozo that was a good find lol

It is obvious you won't understand India's freedom struggle, as it was a India's freedom movement, whereas muslim league was a subservient to british entity.
Enlighten me , about the first Governor General of India ? :azn: ... Subservient ? :lol: ... You guys became so much used to Farangi Raj that you asked the last Mountbatten to stay as the top most leader of your country ... Pretty rich coming from you guys freedom struggle and such ! What struggle are you referring to ?
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