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Jinnah VS A.Kalam Azad


The head of the largest Muhajir party in Pakistan Altaf Hussain has said partition was the biggest blunder in the history of Mankind.


Altaf is a British agent living with the hospitality of MI6 in London. Clearly we need to distribute the Indian agency statistics along with UN agency statistics collated by our untouchable friend to all in MQM

The head of the largest Muhajir party in Pakistan Altaf Hussain has said partition was the biggest blunder in the history of Mankind.

If Col Elahi Bakhsh is to be believed ( he was the doctor looking after Jinnah towards his final days), then according to him Jinnah said more or less that although I have made Pakistan, I think I have made the biggest mistake of my life. And this was just before his death.

The fact that you keep quoting a blogpost without actually communicating shows how insecure you are.

In any case, Pakistan is a reality and is not going anywhere. Try to actually follow what Jinnah said how he wanted relations with India (like US-Canada).

And do read my post and attached reference material

This indian obsession with the independence of Pakistan is weird, it's happened - we are not going anywhere.
Who told you sonny, Azad was proven to be wrong, and the Quaid has proven to be right.

Thank you my brother did you read those statistics by that untouchable Indian about how bad thing are in India??

Did you thank Allah we are not part of that??

Did you appreciate the sacrifices our forefathers and the Quaid made to insure we were not part of the above

God that Azad bloke was so wrong but it is easy to say in hind site when you see these statistics
If UK is as you state India is worse.

Oh, Did they stopped calling you with your special name in UK? Does that make them worse or better than India or even better than Pakistan - tell me? So why not give them a break and catch the next flight to your home country?? Also stop sending your kids to Pakistan for that special training..
Thank you my brother did you read those statistics by that untouchable Indian about how bad thing are in India??

Did you thank Allah we are not part of that??

Did you appreciate the sacrifices our forefathers and the Quaid made to insure we were not part of the above

God that Azad bloke was so wrong but it is easy to say in hind site when you see these statistics

I thank my forefathers every day, that I was made in Pakistan.
I would like to congratulate the Indians below who along with Pakistanis have succeeded in Leaving India. I wonder if Mr Azad ever though there would be such a massive exodus from India because things could or would get so bad in India

Maximum Indians get US citizenship after Mexicans in 2011
Washington, Apr 13 ,2012, (PTI) :
Indians were the second largest group of foreigners who obtained American citizenship in 2011, according to an official report.

After Mexico, India in 2011 was the second leading country of birth of new citizenship in the United States, the report released by the Department of Homeland Security said.

In 2011, as many as 694,193 persons obtained American citizenship.

The leading countries of birth of new citizens were Mexico (94,783), India (45,985), the Philippines (42,520), China (32,864) and Colombia (22,693), the report said.

The largest number of persons naturalising lived in California (151,183), Florida (87,309) and New York (76,603), it said.

Even though India retained its second spot, in actual figures the number of Indians who obtained American citizenship dropped over the past two years.

In 2012, as many as 61,142 Indians were naturalised, while in 2009 the figure was 52,889.

According to the report, 36 per cent of persons naturalising in 2011 were born in Asia, followed by 31 per cent from North America and 12 per cent from Europe.

Mexico was the leading country of birth of persons naturalising in 2011 (14 per cent).

The next leading countries of origin of new citizens in 2011 were India (6.6 per cent), the Philippines (6.1 per cent), the People's Republic of China (4.7 per cent) and Colombia (3.3 per cent).

The 10 countries with the largest number of naturalisations accounted for 48 per cent of all new citizens in 2011.

"From 2010 to 2011, the number of naturalisations increased among immigrants from all regions except Asia.

The decrease in naturalisations of Asian-born persons during this period is partly due to a decline in the number of naturalisations of persons born in India and the People's Republic of China who were granted LPR status under employment-based preference categories," the report said.

The Department of Homeland Security said, until the 1970s, the majority of persons naturalising were born in European countries.

The regional origin of new citizens shifted from Europe to Asia due to increased legal immigration from Asian countries, the arrival of Indochinese refugees in the 1970s and the historically higher naturalisation rate of Asian immigrants.

Consequently, Asia has been the leading region of origin of new citizens in most years since 1976, it said.
Never mind, let them read the your so called statistics of jokers and laugh at your lack of Intellect!!

On Topic -
Maulana predicted how Pakistan will look like and that is exactly how it is today? Jinnah thought at least Muslims away from Hindus can live in peace but the thought itself badly badly failed.. Bangladesh is the past and today we everyone vs Punjabi Muslim fights.. Come one, if you really respect Jinnah then drop all your weapons and start living in peace and let your minority live in peace as well.. Kidnapping and forcefully converted young girls is a horrendous crime for humanity but the way it happens in Pakistan it appears they consider it Allah's work..

Never mind you not responding to the article - look at what the article content and then you cant dispute or comment on it so your logical approach is bury your head - this is normal Indian phobia.
On topic - before making comments about issues in our nation one would think you lived in a land of plenty and where everything is perfect. Are you blinded by whats in your own back garden? Forget minorities - look how you treat your fellow hindus and have a little think before commenting on your neighbors issue. Indians on this thread are quick to point and deflect rather than looking at yourselves - pathetic.
I think this has not become a Jinnah v A Kalan Azad issue - you guys have taken , like your normal obsessive nature leads you to an India V Pakistan issue. We are all patriotic and believe our house is in better order than any others - so either post something relevant to topic and cut the rubbish and enflaming material.
Oh, Did they stopped calling you with your special name in UK? Does that make them worse or better than India or even better than Pakistan - tell me? So why not give them a break and catch the next flight to your home country?? Also stop sending your kids to Pakistan for that special training..

Listen mate you cant compare India to Pakistan and you now want to compare UK.

We have free universal healthcare aka NHS, you my lucky (lucky cos you escaped along with Pakistan from India) Indian friend

have this:


India today allocates lower than one per cent gross domestic product (GDP) to health. According to United Nations calculations, India’s spending on public health as a share of GDP is the 18th lowest in the world. 150 million Indians are blind. 2.13 per cent of the total population (21.9 million) live with disabilities in India. Yet, only 34 per cent of the disabled are employed [Census 2001] India has the single highest share of neonatal deaths in the world, 2.1 million.

107,000 Leprosy patients live in India. 15.3 % of the population do not survive to the age of forty. Serpent attacks kill as many as 50,000 Indians while the cobra occupies a hallowed place in the Hindu religion. Heart disease, strokes and diabetes cost India an estimated $9 billion in lost productivity in 2005. The losses could grow to a staggering $200 billion over the next 10 years if corrective action is not taken quickly, says a study by the New Delhi-based Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.

There are only 585 rural hospitals compared to 985 urban hospitals in the country. Out of the 6,39,729 doctors registered in India, only 67,576 are in the public sector and the rest either in private sectors or abroad, pointing towards the severity of the problem. According to a survey by NSSO (National Sample Survey Organisation), 40 per cent of the people hospitalised have either had to borrow money or sell assets to cover their medical expenses. Over 85 per cent of the Indian population does not have any form of health coverage.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in India. India accounts for one-fifth of the global TB incident cases. Each year about 1.8 million people in India develop TB, of which 0.8 million are infectious cases. It is estimated that annually around 330,000 Indians die due to TB. [WHO India]

Do you reckon Mr Azad thought about health issues when he was being self serving and wishing bad on Pakistan cos his vision had not come to be?
Never mind you not responding to the article - look at what the article content and then you cant dispute or comment on it so your logical approach is bury your head - this is normal Indian phobia.
On topic - before making comments about issues in our nation one would think you lived in a land of plenty and where everything is perfect. Are you blinded by whats in your own back garden? Forget minorities - look how you treat your fellow hindus and have a little think befor commenting on your neighbors issue. Indians on this thread are quick to point and deflect rather than looking at yourselves - pathetic.
I think this has not become a Jinnah v A Kalan Azad issue - you guys have taken , like your normal obsessive nature leads you to an India V Pakistan issue. We are all patriotic and believe our house is in better order than any others - so either post something relevant to topic and cut the rubbish and enflaming material.

Yaar they started it for 2 days I was restrained I did not want to show them the mirror but all they wanted was to discuss semantics with Oscar. These Indians cant handle the truth they can't handle the truth these statistics are from Indian agencies and UN agencies yet they will not look at them they were put together by an Indian untouchable who knows the suffering. These few internet warriors want to turn everything around to criticize Pakistan. I mean this Azad he was wrong, he failed he was an Indian Chamberlain but they want to make him a hero cos he made self serving statements knocking Pakistan and he was being a troll. They want a troll Azad as a hero
Altaf is a British agent living with the hospitality of MI6 in London. Clearly we need to distribute the Indian agency statistics along with UN agency statistics collated by our untouchable friend to all in MQM

When millions of Muhajirs in Karachi stop listening to him, then I will believe that he has no influence on MQM.

Until then, he is only one of the Pakistani who has said that.

And when are you going to respond to this post or have you accepted it?

By the way, you know what is funny, Jinnah and Muslim League members just like their Hindu Mahasabha counter parts never spent any time in British Jails

On the other hand, Maulana Azad spent YEARS in jail under the British. Think about it before you disparage Maulana Azad as an Indian Chamberlain and who is really one.
Never mind you not responding to the article - look at what the article content and then you cant dispute or comment on it so your logical approach is bury your head - this is normal Indian phobia.

On topic - before making comments about issues in our nation one would think you lived in a land of plenty and where everything is perfect. Are you blinded by whats in your own back garden? Forget minorities - look how you treat your fellow hindus and have a little think befor commenting on your neighbors issue. Indians on this thread are quick to point and deflect rather than looking at yourselves - pathetic.

I think this has not become a Jinnah v A Kalan Azad issue - you guys have taken , like your normal obsessive nature leads you to an India V Pakistan issue. We are all patriotic and believe our house is in better order than any others - so either post something relevant to topic and cut the rubbish and enflaming material.

A lot of Indians have responded to that junk and to be honest it's not worth anybodies time except for Pakistanis desperately trying to justify their existence.. Isn't that an Indiaphobia for you guys?

It was perfectly Jinnah vs Azad debate before your Chacha Jaan(if that is not your duplicate id) jumped in with an open display of his lack of intellect with that stupid blog post of his.. Ask him to go through ruppeenews and he will find much more similar stupid Pakistani written articles up there. May be it will help him some how..

Bottom line is - If Jinnah was alive today then I am sure looking at the state of Pakistan he would have realized what a blunder of the mistake was Pakistan?

Anyways I am not all concerned about you because that was one of the best thing that happened for India..
india needs to stop it's obsession with partition, it's 6 decades ago.

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