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Jinnah Speech -- Muhammad Ali Jinnah founder of Pakistan

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@ Leader : Thanks...its always a pleasure to listen to Our Father ! But Alas, we've failed Him and Our Martyrs; I shudder to imagine how we might be able to, when the time comes, stand before Jinnah without burying our heads in shame !
@ Leader : Thanks...its always a pleasure to listen to Our Father ! But Alas, we've failed Him and Our Martyrs; I shudder to imagine how we might be able to, when the time comes, stand before Jinnah without burying our heads in shame !

its not over yet, listen to what he is asking us... donot lose hope, is the message...

when some journalist asked Jinnah what if you failed? he said something like It doesnot matter, I will try my best and on the day of judgement I want to stand up in front of God and hear him say Jinnah you did well.
its not over yet, listen to what he is asking us... donot lose hope, is the message...

when some journalist asked Jinnah what if you failed? he said something like It doesnot matter, I will try my best and on the day of judgement I want to stand up in front of God and hear him say Jinnah you did well.

God Willing He did not fail. What God wanted from Jinnah, He did it but WE failed him.
@ Leader : Thanks...its always a pleasure to listen to Our Father ! But Alas, we've failed Him and Our Martyrs; I shudder to imagine how we might be able to, when the time comes, stand before Jinnah without burying our heads in shame !

Feudals have failed him not us
Feudals have failed him not us

No..we the lot of us have relinquished our collective responsibilities to the Motherland ! Answer me honestly...how many of the hallowed 'us' do you think truly go the extra mile for Pakistan ? My observations point towards - Not many.
If Pakistanis keep supporting leaders like zardari or feudals or exteremists than surely Pakistanis will fail him. Make your country stand on it's feet, don't look for assistance from any one. Strengthen the economy by heavily investing in business & providing jobs for other people. Unite & be a Pakistani, don't forget how many gave their lives just to get Pakistan.

And some say Quaid-e-Azam was secular. Quaid-e-Azam was a blessed person and even without being loud or emotional, he knew how to deliver one of the best inspiring speeches in the world.


Without any shadow of doubt, he is one of the greatest leaders of the world and I'm so proud Allah blessed us with his leadership.
Any arguments on him being non-religious or agnostic..
Die in the first 1:30 of this speech.
And being a man of principles that MA Jinnah was, I doubt that first 1:30 was a staged lie.
Brought tears to my eyes! What a powerful speech, one of the most inspirational one.

This actually rubbishes the theory of Quaid being secular. People who spread this lie and confuse the Nation should die of shame. Thanks to Brasstacks for this wonderful video and digging out this speech, it's from 30th Oct 1947, it was a huge crowd in Lahore which came to listen to Quaid.

These words are 'out of this world', "Bulwark of Islam".

"All I require of you now is that everyone of us to whom this message reaches must vow to himself and be prepared to sacrifice his all, if necessary, in building up Pakistan as a bulwark of Islam..."

its not over yet, listen to what he is asking us... donot lose hope, is the message...

when some journalist asked Jinnah what if you failed? he said something like It doesnot matter, I will try my best and on the day of judgement I want to stand up in front of God and hear him say Jinnah you did well.

Allah clearly states in Quran not to be ally with Christians and Jews (i.e Israel, Britian who are clearly the enemies of Islam) and those who take them as friends are among them. So in this regards, jinnah did not failed to amuse Britishers. From freemasons to politicians all were his friends who also influenced his life. If Pakistan was created in name of Islam does not mean its purpose was to serve Islam other wise Saudi Arabia is 10000000 times more Islamic then Pakistan. Btw Jinnah associated himself with islam every now and then to keep fooling Muslims about his religiosity then i wonder if he ever performed Hajj or Ummerah if he was that close to god.

"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)"

"O ye who believe! Take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport - whether among those who received the Scripture (i.e., the Bible) before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have Faith (indeed). (The Noble Quran, 5:57)"

Brought tears to my eyes! What a powerful speech, one of the most inspirational one.

This actually rubbishes the theory of Quaid being secular. People who spread this lie and confuse the Nation should die of shame. Thanks to Brasstacks for this wonderful video and digging out this speech, it's from 30th Oct 1947, it was a huge crowd in Lahore which came to listen to Quaid.

These words are 'out of this world', "Bulwark of Islam".

"All I require of you now is that everyone of us to whom this message reaches must vow to himself and be prepared to sacrifice his all, if necessary, in building up Pakistan as a bulwark of Islam..."


Mere speeches does not matter other wise it does not make him any better then Nawaz sharif etc who use speeches to fool Muslims.
Allah clearly states in Quran not to be ally with Christians and Jews (i.e Israel, Britian who are clearly the enemies of Islam) and those who take them as friends are among them. So in this regards, jinnah did not failed to amuse Britishers. From freemasons to politicians all were his friends who also influenced his life. If Pakistan was created in name of Islam does not mean its purpose was to serve Islam other wise Saudi Arabia is 10000000 times more Islamic then Pakistan. Btw Jinnah associated himself with islam every now and then to keep fooling Muslims about his religiosity then i wonder if he ever performed Hajj or Ummerah if he was that close to god.

"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)"

"O ye who believe! Take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport - whether among those who received the Scripture (i.e., the Bible) before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have Faith (indeed). (The Noble Quran, 5:57)"

Mere speeches does not matter other wise it does not make him any better then Nawaz sharif etc who use speeches to fool Muslims.

Mere copy paste's from translations dont prove accusations based on thin air either..
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