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Jinnah ka pakistan ya Abul kalam


May 7, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Jinnah ka pakistan ya Abul kalam

now what can we say ? strange but quite right ...isnt it?
Most of the tehreeek e pakistan karkun are Ahmadis, bahais, Ismailis...
All deobandis, barelvis, ahle hadeeth rejected the proposal of pakistan
Why is that so??????????
Pakistan has been a strong Pakistan under the Military rule. Pakistan had a double digit growth rate under Ayub Khan and Pervez Musharraf. The Army should hold new elections and let Imran Khan come to Power. Don't allow any Politician without a college degree to run for elections.
Pakistan has been a strong Pakistan under the Military rule. Pakistan had a double digit growth rate under Ayub Khan and Pervez Musharraf. The Army should hold new elections and let Imran Khan come to Power. Don't allow any Politician without a college degree to run for elections.

...and the drones attacks in Pakistan were also the gift of a Pakistani Army General. Just Sayin'...
...and the drones attacks in Pakistan were also the gift of a Pakistani Army General. Just Sayin'...

It was a drone attack that killed Baitullah Mahsud who was a sworn enemy of Pakistan and a paid stooge of Indian Raw. so I have not complained much about the Drones. I am still waiting for the Drones to kill Hakimullah Mehsud. Just saying....
It was a drone attack that killed Baitullah Mahsud who was a sworn enemy of Pakistan and a paid stooge of Indian Raw. so I have not complained much about Drones. I am still waiting for the Drones to kill Hakimullah Mehsud.

...and you will wait for that till how many Pakistanis are killed?
final word...

So those who criticize Jinnah are basically scums of the earth?
So inorder to avoid being lable as a kaffir or a traitor in Pakistan we should glorify Jinnah as if he is a god.
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So those who criticize Jinnah are basically scums of the earth?
So inorder to avoid being lable as a kaffir or a traitor in Pakistan we should glorify Jinnah as if he is a god.
no, be truthful and unbiased, but none of us is so.....
Quaid-e-Azam was not a prophet so we can expect mistakes from him , but over all he was genuine leader who provided Muslims of india with land of their own....

Most of the tehreeek e pakistan karkun are Ahmadis, bahais, Ismailis...
All deobandis, barelvis, ahle hadeeth rejected the proposal of pakistan
Why is that so??????????
totally wrong and fully biased view, how can 1% can represent 99%,
PAKISTAN was and is loved by all Muslims except those who had interests of their own.......
u need some good book reading....
Jinnah ka pakistan ya Abul kalam


I think a better comparison would be to this:


did Mr Azad predict the lot of Muslims in India

in particular:

Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Recently, Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report admitted that 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs! It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share. The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) . A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel — a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community.’
no, be truthful and unbiased, but none of us is so.....
Quaid-e-Azam was not a prophet so we can expect mistakes from him , but over all he was genuine leader who provided Muslims of india with land of their own....

totally wrong and fully biased view, how can 1% can represent 99%,
PAKISTAN was and is loved by all Muslims except those who had interests of their own.......
u need some good book reading....

Few mistakes? One of his very very very small mistake was that he implemented institutions based on western model and every now and then made mere speeches which declared that Pakistan would be based on Islamic principles. This not only causes confusion among Muslims but divisions! And before you boost about superman jinnah who carved Pakistan out of the map in reality it was infact British empire who created Pakistan. Pakistan boundaries were not only created by British empire but its entire institutions as well.

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