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jihadist talks about the connection between Al Nusrah and Israel


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
"Aisha Albakri" a 15 years old Saudi girl who had been in Syria for sexual jihad revealed the connection between Al-Nusra (branch of Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Syria) and Israel.
she has had sexual relation with hundreds of the Al-Nusra members including al-Joulani the leader of this terrorist group.

along al-Joulani, she travels to Israel and in this trip al-Joulani meets with Israeli officers to exchange information.

she added "I was pregnant and al-Joulani called himself the father of the child, after I saw the Jihadist's escape against the advancement of Syrian army I decided to return back to my country"

‘Seks cihadçısı’ndan ilginç itiraf: El Nusra’nın lideri, İsrail istihbaratından bilgi aldı

God willing, Syria crisis has revealed the true Identity of Al-Qeda and the hidden connection between this terrorist group and western countries including United States and Israel. it was just their another grave mistake pushing this fake Zionist regime to the end.
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یاالله برادر را تبلیغ مانند این ارسال کنید

یاالله برادر را تبلیغ مانند این ارسال کنید
let me tell you what you have written in Persian: "ya allah brother send propaganda like this"
so I have no Idea what you said.
let me tell you what you have written in Persian: "ya allah brother send propaganda like this"
so I have no Idea what you said.

I'm saying this is something you shouldn't post as it damages our image as Muslims. This thread is unfortunately gibberish, I don't know why you insist on spreading rumors like this since the Syrian regime is more important than anything else for you. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia brag about killing each other and causing a huge mess when we shouldn't be bragging about massacring our own civilians.
I'm saying this is something you shouldn't post as it damages our image as Muslims. This thread is unfortunately gibberish, I don't know why you insist on spreading rumors like this since the Syrian regime is more important than anything else for you. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia brag about killing each other and causing a huge mess when we shouldn't be bragging about massacring our own civilians.
which one of these you wanna deny? that nasty fatwa on youtube and facebook calling for sexual Jihads? official reports from Muslim countries about girls going for sexual jihads? Al-Qaeda being a terrorist group? Al-Nusra being a branch of Al-Qaeda?

in our view, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and groups like that are all the Zionist's creations, and they don't represent the Islam. it only damages the image of their supporters.

secondly, there are different versions of Islam and Muslims, I would never sum up all of their actions as Islam, each one has to defend it's believes, sexual jihad isn't in our believes, so I don't feel ashamed of it, and I don't need to hide it or defend it.

thirdly western countries are already publicizing these actions as Islam, my objection to these believes, behaviors and groups is the only defense of Islam.

the problem isn't bragging about the massacre, the problem is the massacre which has already happened, as I told you already, you have to either believe us or Saudis,Israelis,Americans and the rest.
which one of these you wanna deny? that nasty fatwa on youtube and facebook calling for sexual Jihads? official reports from Muslim countries about girls going for sexual jihads? Al-Qaeda being a terrorist group? Al-Nusra being a branch of Al-Qaeda?

in our view, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra and groups like that are all the Zionist's creations, and they don't represent the Islam. it only damages the image of their supporters.

secondly, there are different versions of Islam and Muslims, I would never sum up all of their actions as Islam, each one has to defend it's believes, sexual jihad isn't in our believes, so I don't feel ashamed of it, and I don't need to hide it or defend it.

thirdly western countries are already publicizing these actions as Islam, my objection to these believes, behaviors and groups is the only defense of Islam.

the problem isn't bragging about the massacre, the problem is the massacre which has already happened, as I told you already, you have to either believe us or Saudis,Israelis,Americans and the rest.

No such thing exists, and Daesh makes a very small portion of opposition and nobody takes them seriously. They cause more problems for opposition than anybody else. Such a thing does exist and you know with whom it does exist, it's a concept you're familiar with. Followers of Muhammad(SAW) don't follow concepts like that. These are all rumors and the clerics came out and said they had nothing to do with such fatwas. I follow their official facebook pages as well and they're lies. It's not black and white, ask Israelis and Americans who they would rather have in power, they'd both tell you Assad. None of the 'resistance' has fired a bullet at Israel for almost a decade soon. However, they made great efforts to save the regime with billions of dollars and thousands of advanced weapons. They never made that effort to fight Israel, only people that are not with Israelis are the Palestinians. However you and your axis, and the other Arabs are with them in every way imaginable and serving their interests in Syria. Saudis, Americans, Israelis, British and Iranians have caused some of the worst problems in our region. I don't believe any of them besides God and the truth.

Why are you posting false news and totally made up news? You should be ashamed of yourself for involving fictive 15 year old girls.

Find me one quote from any Saudi Arabian scholar either in written form or on video that encourages this practice. Find me one single evidence of any Saudi Arabian woman/girl being in Syria right now.

We don't engage in mut'ah like certain others do. Worry about this before writing nonsense and spreading false rumors.


"Aisha Albakri" a 15 years old Saudi girl who had been in Syria for sexual jihad revealed the connection between Al-Nusra (branch of Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Syria) and Israel.
she has had sexual relation with hundreds of the Al-Nusra members including al-Joulani the leader of this terrorist group.

Maybe this fictive girl has had sexual relations not only with hundreds of people (LOL) but thousands. Very convincing information indeed. Maybe she is/was also an lesbian.

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"Aisha Albakri" a 15 years old Saudi girl who had been in Syria for sexual jihad revealed the connection between Al-Nusra (branch of Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Syria) and Israel.
she has had sexual relation with hundreds of the Al-Nusra members including al-Joulani the leader of this terrorist group.

Whore pulling a train, Simple!!!!!!
It's disgusting to have sex with a zionist Al Qaeda
We should flamethrower this piece of filth
No such thing exists, and Daesh makes a very small portion of opposition and nobody takes them seriously. They cause more problems for opposition than anybody else. Such a thing does exist and you know with whom it does exist, it's a concept you're familiar with. Followers of Muhammad(SAW) don't follow concepts like that. These are all rumors and the clerics came out and said they had nothing to do with such fatwas. I follow their official facebook pages as well and they're lies. It's not black and white, ask Israelis and Americans who they would rather have in power, they'd both tell you Assad. None of the 'resistance' has fired a bullet at Israel for almost a decade soon. However, they made great efforts to save the regime with billions of dollars and thousands of advanced weapons. They never made that effort to fight Israel, only people that are not with Israelis are the Palestinians. However you and your axis, and the other Arabs are with them in every way imaginable and serving their interests in Syria. Saudis, Americans, Israelis, British and Iranians have caused some of the worst problems in our region. I don't believe any of them besides God and the truth.
while the originality of these fatwas are clear for me yet that fact is that whether these fatwas are real or fake doesn't matter, there are several of these so called fake wahhabi facebook profiles and sattelite channels and they have hundreds of thousands followers,

their visitors believe it and Al-Nusra will recruit them. and as I said there are official reports like Tunisian government about these girls going for Sexual Jihad. you can't deny it.
«الداخلية التونسية» تُفَكّك خلية «جهاد النكاح» في جبل الشعانبي | المصري اليوم
بالرغم من فبركة فتوى جهاد النكاح.. أكثر من 16 فتاة تونسية سافرن لسوريا بدعوى المشاركة
did you just denied the fight between resistance groups like (Hizbullah and Hamas) with Israel?
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