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Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds

PA helis depends upon US aid....
we just get those what Americans give us free of cost...
condition can't be improved till we change our priorities to depend on any other country for helis....
T-129 and WZ-10 are hope for me....:)

T-129 and WZ-10 are expensive sophisticated attack helicopters which would be wasted on these small taliban/****** punks what you need are work horses that can can endure alot of abuse and the weather/climate conditions that is why I would say go for Russian helis.
For Pakistani friends:

Please don't overlook the forest for the trees - These Jihadis are from more DIVERSE backgrounds -- what does this mean in relation to the so called WOT?? Does it suggest that WOT has had the effect of reducing the appeal of Jihadism?? or does it mean the opposite? And how is this the case after trillions of dollars and millions of lives and 12 years of a seemingly unending war??

See friends, we should look to the substance of this so called WOT and in particular how the US and the West are perceived - yes, perception is reality - US friends will seek to deny this and suggest that if only more military force is used we will succeed -- but obviously those who peddle this Jihadism (Wahabi/Salafi Takfiri) are being successful because they US and West are perceived by persons of more diverse backgrounds as using this WOT as a cover for designs judged hostile to Muslim majorities (individual experience and research may allow you conclude that these people are not wrong).

This is not a problem of ineffective border and immigration control, this is a problem of association with US policies.
T-129 and WZ-10 are expensive sophisticated attack helicopters which would be wasted on these small taliban/****** punks what you need are work horses that can can endure alot of abuse and the weather/climate conditions that is why I would say go for Russian helis.

Russia listen to India and wouldnot be willing to supply those coz India would not let them...
will no such chances till 2022+....
Russia and Pakistan's relations would improved till that time...
This will result in increased expenditure on borders and will affect security situation at J&K which is advancing towards normalcy and economic growth.

I am not counting human losses which are more important. We already have internal problems to deal with.

Seems like their agenda is "Hum to dubenge, tumhein bhi le dubenge Sanam" :hitwall:

Nothing is going to happen after 2014, India already has the tech of spy satellites and high tech fence along the border. They are about to send billions on border fences.

With out the support of Big super power these Jihadists cannot wage the war for such time. Where ever you find these Jihadists realize that these guys are supported by a state to create anarchy and Chaos.

Cut down the support of that state the insugency will decerease.
if borders can be guarded 24/7 on the indian side, why not the afghan side?

a million dollar question; Do even Afghanistan or People of Afghanistan accept borders?

Very difficult due to the terrain and landscape of the region.

Pakistan badly needs more helicopters the area is just to vast that is one of the problems.

and then we'd badly need fuel to make them work and so and so the never ending vicious circles just like it is with many things in our beloved Pakistan ...
@muse Sir this is exactly what they wanted. They are increasing their domestic security whereas creating an unstable region so that what they can't have, no one can have too.

Its all about adding some anarchy for a decade, de-stablize the system and let time take the leash as an unstable system will look for stable equilibrium. That trajectory to stable equilibrium may take decades, thousands of lives, denial of access to resources of the region to other countries.
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Drones can play a part for sure but more than that I believe helicopters are vital, the Mi-17V-5 Russian helicopter are rugged and reliable a true work horse that would be well suited for the role.

It can easily be brought down with stingers and those are readily available there, what happens if 2-3 go down, Pakistan cannot afford the losses.
Helicopter and more military action?? Actually it's more effective to use Police - but a genuinely enabled Police, trained investigators with an emphasis on intelligence and SIGINT and of course provide evidence that will stand up in court.

US and her Allies have 12 years of military action, what's been the result? even more radicalization. Lets look past these US diagnosis and prescriptions, these serve only US purposes are not designed for alleviating the problem but to exacerbate it.

KRAIT - Excellent!
“Foreigners are now afraid to come to Pakistan because of the drone strikes,” he says -

To these terrorists the much-heralded efforts of the Pakistani Army to combat terrorism don't even come to mind.
Helicopter and more military action?? Actually it's more effective to use Police - but a genuinely enabled Police, trained investigators with an emphasis on intelligence and SIGINT and of course provide evidence that will stand up in court.

US and her Allies have 12 years of military action, what's been the result? even more radicalization. Lets look past these US diagnosis and prescriptions, these serve only US purposes are not designed for alleviating the problem but to exacerbate it.

KRAIT - Excellent!

Sir last I checked our Tribal Area do not recon or accept Police/Judicial System don't think this will ever work with their traditions
Russia listen to India and wouldnot be willing to supply those coz India would not let them...
will no such chances till 2022+....
Russia and Pakistan's relations would improved till that time...

I do not think Russia or even India would mind I think they have already provided you guys 10 MI-17 helicopters already (unarmed versions)
Sir last I checked our Tribal Area do not recon or accept Police/Judicial System don't think this will ever work with their traditions

Sir, Check again whether Tribal areas are part of Pakistan or not and whether Pakistan government will Assert it's authority over all of Pakistan or whether it will cede territory to others, whoever these others may be?

Be fair, government, any government must employ coercion along with the delivery of services to gain acceptance and compliance - when the Pakistan government does both, it will have compliance - robbers do not accept the police, should the police then melt away?? The culture of lawlessness is hostile to the law - should the law then slither away?? Or should it assert itself and it's primacy?

It is because the people of the tribal areas do not assess that the govt of Pakistan will protect them that they accept these ****** lunes amongst them - demonstrate to them resolve to protect them and effective counter and punish the ******, you'll see a change of attitude among the ordinary general public.
It can easily be brought down with stingers and those are readily available there, what happens if 2-3 go down, Pakistan cannot afford the losses.

Not sure stringers are readily avaiable most were purchased back by the US after the end of the Afghan war and the ones that are left we do not know the condition of them even if they remain in working order.

To these terrorists the much-heralded efforts of the Pakistani Army to combat terrorism don't even come to mind.

There is a good reason why the Taliban/fundies have several named phrases for the drones I think one of them was bangana the Pashto word for a thunderclap – after the terrifying impact of a laser-guided Hellfire missile as it slams into a building, often obliterating everyone inside.

Wasps or Mosquitoes are also words used for drones.
Seal the border with 24 hours surveillance

Do you think you have the means to do that??All your troops are in the eastern border facing us.

PESHAWAR: Despite the fact that new battlegrounds have sprung up in Africa and the Middle East, the number of foreign militant recruits smuggled into the north-western tribal belt of the country is increasing and they now come from more diverse countries.
As Washington and Nato prepare to end their combat mission in Afghanistan, the Taliban say their foreign allies are drawn to other conflicts, despite their support networks in a region outside direct government control.
“Al Qaeda is shifting its focus to Syria, Libya, Iraq or Mali,” one member of the Afghan Taliban told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Local officials estimate the number of Arab fighters has fallen by more than a half or two-thirds in the last 10 years.
In the last two years, some al Qaeda Arabs left to take part in the civil war in Syria and the uprising in Libya. Others migrated to Iraq in 2003, and some to Somalia and Yemen.
But Saifullah Khan Mehsud, executive director of the Fata Research Centre, says uprisings in the Middle East have had a minimal effect on the Arab presence in Pakistan.
“Arab fighters are not leaving in big numbers,” he told AFP. “They have been there for 30 years and it continues,” he added.
The number of fighters from other countries is also rising, say witnesses in Miramshah, North Waziristan — the district with the largest concentration of Taliban and al Qaeda fighters.
More nationalities, same problems
Most of the current crop are Turkmens and Uzbeks, numbering between 1,000 and 3,000 fighters, according to officials, who have fled authoritarian secular regimes in their home countries to set up their own groups.
However, US officials say covert drone strikes have played a huge role in destroying training camps and disrupting al Qaeda in Pakistan.
Although North Waziristan locals say the strikes kill more Taliban than al Qaeda operatives, they have condemned foreign fighters to a life underground.
“They are low profile, they dress like locals, they avoid big meetings and above all they move all the time,” a journalist told AFP.
Mehsud says that foreigners are coming from a more diverse number of countries than in years past.
“A few months ago, we even welcomed some (two or three) people from Fiji for the first time!” says the Taliban member who spoke with AFP.
“There are more nationalities because they face the same problems. They tell us that they feel left aside by capitalism and discriminated by unfair laws, like the Swiss one on minarets or the French one on hijabs,” he adds.
However, local and Western officials say the number of Western militants have fallen to dozens compared to the several hundreds a few years ago.

Jihadis flock to Pakistan from more diverse backgrounds – The Express Tribune

If you don't deal with this problem now,One day they will do the same thing to Pakistan,they are doing now in Syria and Mali.
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