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JI chief Munawar hypocrisy badly exposed in Jawab Deh


Jun 8, 2010
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This segment is a must watch, your 40 mint would not be wasted. Some highlights from this segment

Host: You protest against killings in Egypt but don't protest 40 K pakistani civilians why?

JI Chief: stutters

Host: You openly condemns US, but why don't put Saudia, UAE name on banners as they are themselves spreading US agenda?

JI chief: stutters

Host: You just said you consider every statement of Taliban correct but few days ago in some previous show, you denied a statement of Taliban Why?

Ji Chief: Stutters

Host: Ask Valid question on rape and 4 witnesses unavailability

JI Chief: Gives the worst answer

and long list of questions of which JI chief give such answers that makes a person shoot him at point blank

This thread especially deserve one mention @Zarvan. MR DO WATCH THIS SEGMENT. He represents the confused mentality and ideology that you so forcefully spreads here

@Hyperion @Jazzbot @Leader @pkuser2k12 @mr42O @Pukhtoon @Spring Onion @Oscar @Patriots @pak-marine @Areesh @mjnaushad

Jawab Deyh ( Syed Munawar Hasan Exclusive Interview )
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This segment is a must watch, your 40 mint would not be wasted. Some highlights from this segment

Host: You protest against killings in Egypt but don't protest 40 K pakistani civilians why?

JI Chief: stutters

Host: You openly condemns US, but why don't put Saudia, UAE name on banners as they are themselves spreading US agenda?

JI chief: stutters

Host: You just said you consider every statement of Taliban correct but few days ago in some previous show, you denied a statement of Taliban Why?

Ji Chief: Stutters

Host: Ask Valid question on rape and 4 witnesses unavailability

JI Chief: Gives the worst answer

and long list of questions of which JI chief give such answers that makes a person shoot him at point blank

This thread especially deserve one mention @Zarvan. MR DO WATCH THIS SEGMENT. He represents the confused mentality and ideology that you so forcefully spreads here

@Hyperion @Jazzbot @Leader @pkuser2k12 @mr42O @Pukhtoon @Spring Onion @Oscar

Jawab Deyh ( Syed Munawar Hasan Exclusive Interview )

Syed Munawar Hassan should give straight answers and not to dodge

on talibans claims:

on statement of taliban it was given after APC as taliban said they only trust pmln and juif even in APC of juif just before elections

PTIs Niazi has also said give us link of person who always claims responsibility on phone

These claims of ttp comes from media and everyone knows how pro army or pro Pakistan agenda they pursue

case in point media silent on BLA,BRA punjabis,sindhs and sarakis killed in Baluchistan even on attacks on BLA on relif efforts in Baluchistan earthquake now at present

when punjabis,sindhs and sarakis are identified and seperated from others in Baluchistan and martyred the media tells us 6 were targeted etc etc but not says specifically punjabs,sinds or sirakis

on rasing voice against saudis and uae:

Army first should contact saudis and uae and also give proof to roshankhyal and islamist parties in Pakistan ji will condem them ji doesnot condem saudu and arbs on role in afghan jihad

The anchors link afghan jihad and claims ttp and afghan taliban are the same so saudis, Islamist Pakistani parties and army is responsible thats why ji dont condem them

i have seen Farid paracha criticizing terrorist a.k.a FSA in Syria and usa + arb backing . first ji was of the though Asad is butcher in begging of Syrian crisis but later as all we saw that it was Libya allover again and FSA are just terrorists on usa arab leash

and what could be more anti arab than supporting pak iran gas pipeline which Munawar hassan of ji supports while juif oppose

on protesting Pakistanis martyred

again ji fared parach has said always like imran that do talks if it fails than do operation against them at all costs

what other party has protest against pakistanis martyed regularly pmln,ppp,pti etc

ji and islamist are always viewed by this media as pro army and agencies and are taunt by same media as army,agencies agents

on rape cases:

the ulma council has already give decision and legal fatwa to government of Pakistan that dna should be used as aiding evidence but not as sole evidence other evident like witnesses and other aiding forensic and scientific evidences or others sources like video of that of animal act in Lahore and hospital video of person leaving girl in Hospital

their concern is that if it is consensual between male and female and after that it is called rape on bases of dna than it will be problem

all favor should be given to women

also see how other countries pursue such horrible cases

on shooting ji they are not going anywhere jadah,uk,south africa so if some mushy friends or ppp mqm have problems they can try
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never liked religious parties, nor will I ever like, when they use Islam, it seems as if they are holier than thou !

saying follow islam follow islamic laws is not using islam

it is another gem by liberals

the same legislation is done by members of islamist parties as other saviors of democracy parties like pmln member or ppp member

the same funds are dispensed by islamist MNA or MPA on halqa or constituency as ppp pmln or any other party they dont just do Allah Allah and they also like other parties talk about agenda of the parliament

when did the Pakistani leaders and army get guideline from islamist parties

these parties/army dictators follow their own agenda and what they want to sell be it democrazy or roshan khyali for 60+ years . the party head dont even consult their party parliamentarians rather consult islamist parties

these liberals also targeted Imran Khan as he told columnist jang Ansar Abbasi that liberals target him because of ptis manifesto of Islami filahi riasat

now all are on some post someone is in PCB other ambassador u.k someone became supreme court bar president a.k.a asma bb and talks against islam,Pakistan and army and calls them selling islam they themselves enjoyed such privileges in every dictators era and era roshan khyal and right wing party era
Jaamat . omg !!! The biggest Fitna we have in Pakistan is this one !!!!
What he says in answer to the rape question is absolutely despicable. This man disgusts me. He still believes that rape victims should not come out to report the crime and that it should be hushed up.
This segment is a must watch, your 40 mint would not be wasted. Some highlights from this segment

Host: You protest against killings in Egypt but don't protest 40 K pakistani civilians why?

JI Chief: stutters

Host: You openly condemns US, but why don't put Saudia, UAE name on banners as they are themselves spreading US agenda?

JI chief: stutters

Host: You just said you consider every statement of Taliban correct but few days ago in some previous show, you denied a statement of Taliban Why?

Ji Chief: Stutters

Host: Ask Valid question on rape and 4 witnesses unavailability

JI Chief: Gives the worst answer

and long list of questions of which JI chief give such answers that makes a person shoot him at point blank

This thread especially deserve one mention @Zarvan. MR DO WATCH THIS SEGMENT. He represents the confused mentality and ideology that you so forcefully spreads here

@Hyperion @Jazzbot @Leader @pkuser2k12 @mr42O @Pukhtoon @Spring Onion @Oscar @Patriots @pak-marine @Areesh @mjnaushad

Jawab Deyh ( Syed Munawar Hasan Exclusive Interview )

When it comes to rape no witness is required but in case off elder or grown up people DNA would only establish that sex took place and they protest against Egypt because they killed their own people and same was done by Pakistan army which under musharraf conquered its own people on orders from USA so first ask your army to act like Muslims and stop conquering its own people and yes saudia and USA should stop following USA otherwise they would be soon history but at least they don't sell their daughter like we sold Mafia and by the some off his statements recently are quite anti Taliban and chanels also blamed church attack on TTP first than said its jandullah in shorts media itself is involved in playing games after all USA gives 50 million dollars in aid to this traitor media
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When it comes to rape no witness is required but in case off elder or grown up people DNA would only establish that sex took place and they protest against Egypt because they killed their own people and same was done by Pakistan army which under musharraf conquered its own people on orders from USA so first ask your army to act like Muslims and stop conquering its own people and yes saudia and USA should stop following USA otherwise they would be soon history but at least they don't sell their daughter like we sold Mafia and by the some off his statements recently are quite anti Taliban and chanels also blamed church attack on TTP first than said its jandullah in shorts media itself is involved in playing games after all USA gives 50 million dollars in aid to this traitor media

Pak Army killed which innocent people? Show us the proof or else refrain from Bhutaan baazi

Hazrat Ali (R.A) fought kharjis, who demanded implementation of islam so does it mean Fourth guided caliph rule was unjust and he was trying to conquer his own people?

Think and correlate events before shooting blanks in the air.

Surah Al Maida Ayah no. 16. Who ever creates Fasad on earth should be dealt with iron hand. TTP is creating fasad fil Arz in Pakistan. Hence Pakistan army has a legitimate reason to fight them off.Had Taliban style government ruling Pakistan, we would not have gotten Atom bomb, as all mullahs are against "WESTERN EDUCATION". Thank God for that they kept moderate people in power

And we sold Our daughter to AMerica? You can do better. At Least read Afia Ex husband story about Afia.


Nation Daughter had American passport right? She lived in America,,, married to terrorist (second marriage). Why she was planning Terrorist attacks on America then?

Kisi aurat ko zayb dayta hai wo Dehshaht gard hamlo mai barh charh kar hissa lai?

Americans picked up one of their own citizens on charges of terrorism.

If she remained a peaceful citizen. She would not had to see such torture. Blame her for her own actions. Stop Blaming Pakistani state for that.

Pakistan is not a land where every Tom dick harry can com and plane attack on America/Europe. Sooner they/you get this through your skull,,, better it would be. Or else when you have to face consequences, don't cry like babies after ward.
There is a thing called IJMAA. The thing which isn't covered in Quran and Sunnah. You have to make law on basis of Ijmaaa. Society has evovled very much. 4 pious witnesses are practically impossible. We are not living in a tribal society that we have to implement such laws as it is.

GOD gave you these MULLAHS a brain. Which they still don't use. Make laws on basis of Ijma which cover today realities and modern trends instead of implementing those tribal laws as it is.
There is a thing called IJMAA. The thing which isn't covered in Quran and Sunnah. You have to make law on basis of Ijmaaa. Society has evovled very much. 4 pious witnesses are practically impossible. We are not living in a tribal society that we have to implement such laws as it is.

GOD gave you these MULLAHS a brain. Which they still don't use. Make laws on basis of Ijma which cover today realities and modern trends instead of implementing those tribal laws as it is.
Sir Shariah laws which are told in Quran and Sunnah are clear and they are for all times and every society Mr those which we don't find in Quran and Sunnah Ijtihad can be only done about that and your Army used F-16 and other fighter jets and attack helicopters Mr which has resulted in mass casualties of civilians let this war end you will know in result of Army operations far more civilians have died than bombing by Taliban even when mostly Air Force says when they bombed the area and killed 50 or 40 or 30 Taliban often those later on don't turn out to be Taliban Mr they often are civilians because the USA don't have that precision technology and your Air Force is not even close to USA Sir and USA has killed more civilians in Afghanistan than Taliban let this war end and soon after this war you will have most horrible figures coming out and soon many supporters of Army operations are going to have their heads down in shame and disgust
This munawar molvi is disgusting. Extremely disgusting
I've worked with JI aur Jamiyyat guys for several years. During my post graduation, I used to teach in an academy and its principle and owner wsa JI guy to his core. This was Mushi's peak time and MMA used to protest a lot against Mushi those days and as a result police used to do crackdowns against JI leaderships to sabotage the expected protest. That guys used to hold secret meetings of JI leadership at his home in night and JI leaders Qazi Hussain, Liaqat Baloch etc used to come there..

Bottom line, they are worst hypocrites I've ever seen. They always talk about Islam and always give you religious lectures etc but they literally have stooges in their party. The worst criminal in my area used to be their Jamiyyat head at that time, and the same guy was their MPA candidate in recent elections from this constituency.

They are army haters, democracy haters (yes), taliban sympathizers and fake religious party. Talk with any of JI guy, criticize him or his party and see him loose temper in a minute and turn into an animal.. :yuk:
saying follow islam follow islamic laws is not using islam

it is another gem by liberals

the same legislation is done by members of islamist parties as other saviors of democracy parties like pmln member or ppp member

the same funds are dispensed by islamist MNA or MPA on halqa or constituency as ppp pmln or any other party they dont just do Allah Allah and they also like other parties talk about agenda of the parliament

when did the Pakistani leaders and army get guideline from islamist parties

these parties/army dictators follow their own agenda and what they want to sell be it democrazy or roshan khyali for 60+ years . the party head dont even consult their party parliamentarians rather consult islamist parties

these liberals also targeted Imran Khan as he told columnist jang Ansar Abbasi that liberals target him because of ptis manifesto of Islami filahi riasat

now all are on some post someone is in PCB other ambassador u.k someone became supreme court bar president a.k.a asma bb and talks against islam,Pakistan and army and calls them selling islam they themselves enjoyed such privileges in every dictators era and era roshan khyal and right wing party era

This is not as simple as you have put. religious political parties like JI and JUIF are the ugliest, JI's student wing is caught collaborating with Al-Qaida. what else you need?
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