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27th February,2002 . . . truth vs Hype

Long back I got a sms .....
"who are we to call ourselves hindus or muslims when there is Ram in Ramzan and Ali in Diwali"....alas it falls on deaf ears.
but you know what..one funny thing about....ram in ramzan and ali in diwali........
both ram and dilwali.....are celebrated in india from the time of Rama ...and that may be say if true in some BC year(no one know when rama was born......and yes if before krishna - the city of dwaraka found is 12000 years old.......then rama is way before that...)
then its us who have used those words before and not the otherwise........
so, its useless to say ali appears in diwali is our adaptation......
I think u should understand what I mean to say.....:ashamed:
@chak de INDIA nice read. :tup:
but you know what..one funny thing about....ram in ramzan and ali in diwali........
both ram and dilwali.....are celebrated in india from the time of Rama ...and that may be say if true in some BC year(no one know when rama was born......and yes if before krishna - the city of dwaraka found is 12000 years old.......then rama is way before that...)
then its us who have used those words before and not the otherwise........
so, its useless to say ali appears in diwali is our adaptation......
I think u should understand what I mean to say.....:ashamed:
Hmmm yes I also believe hinduism is one of the oldest religion to have survived for so long.
I can understand what my student is pointing at. :-)
Hmmm yes I also believe hinduism is one of the oldest religion to have survived for so long.
I can understand what my student is pointing at. :-)
Thank you.......
....teacher praise is always ..appreciated....
its good to have a teacher...who understands his/her students....:-)
(I am in cloud nine....)
Thank you.......
....teacher praise is always ..appreciated....
its good to have a teacher...who understands his/her students....:-)
(I am in cloud nine....)
yes...I am a good boy.....:partay::partay:

Iska kya matlab hai..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iska kya matlab hai..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 18951
chor na jaan de weera jo hua ho chukka ghodra me marne wale aur marne wale dono ka hi hisaab ho chukka hai rahi baat media ki to shadi byah me "hijro" ko bhi to bulaya jata hai chahe achha lage ya burra in congressi pithuon ke paas aur koi baat nahi bachi hai jane de unhe bhi to apni "roji-roti" chalani hai

chor na jaan de weera jo hua ho chukka ghodra me marne wale aur marne wale dono ka hi hisaab ho chukka hai rahi baat media ki to shadi byah me "hijro" ko bhi to bulaya jata hai chahe achha lage ya burra in congressi pithuon ke paas aur koi baat nahi bachi hai jane de unhe bhi to apni "roji-roti" chalani hai

I am ready for that...:cheers:
Yes "ppl like me" like to see the political angle in such riots.Because the religious ppl are provoked by the politicians to fight against other religions and others sects.The proof of this should be how ppl in India vote for leaders of their own religion/sect.
Political leaders our come from same society which we come from they our Just a Mirrors which Reflects Core of the society in which we live in.

Sorry I belong to a very middle class family.....brought up with very middle class values.You seem to have mistaken me for an elite one and ergo this picking on my post for no reason.
Middle Class what about the Poor class of the country Have Asked them Here you Just making Opinion on your own individual thinking Not For All Society

Statement 2
And you're contradicting yourself.
You also see the political angle in this as much as I do.
answered above

And what about you???
Which category do you belong to???u
What is the truth or the "non" fake version you belive in???
Well Me IM an Atheist My views our Based on Humanism Not mere Religious Fanaticism But Its My Views as Individual Same Like Your Views Differs from me

Hysteria of secularism???
Let me confirm I am completely sophrosyne.
Ground realities.....yes I can see that.
As soon as somebody shows symptoms of being neutral,he/ she are shammed and sullyied by religious extremists.
I respect other religions and I expect ppl to reciprocate.I hate it when religion is used for discrimination.

As soon as somebody shows symptoms of being neutral,he/ she are shammed and sullyied by religious extremists.
I respect other religions and I expect ppl to reciprocate.I hate it when religion is used for discrimination.
I believe in meliorism...and that must be one reason India thrived for thousands of years as one the largest and oldest civilisation.
To me my religion is not just a religion but my way of life,which teaches me to be disciplined.
But to egomaniacs, religion is a way to show others inferior.And i pitty such ppl.
Its Your Views, Look In Hinduism you Can Go beyond the Level of Religion Itself In Atheism Did you aspect it in Other religions Too If yes Its Your View Think it Deeply
Atheism in Christianity
Christianity, as a theistic and proselytizing religion, tends to view atheism as heresy. According to the Book of Psalms 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart,1 there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good." However, high rates of atheism have been found among self-identified Christians in the United States. For example, 10% of self-identified Protestants and 21% of self-identified Roman Catholics were found to be atheists in a HarrisInteractive survey from 2003

There is no single Christian approach toward atheism. The approach taken varies between Christian denominations, and Christian ministers may intelligently distinguish an individual's claims of atheism from other nominal states of personal perspective, such as plain disbelief, an adherence to science, a misunderstanding of the nature of religious belief, or a disdain for organized religion in general.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes this explicit. While it identifies atheism as a violation of the First Commandment, calling it "a sin against the virtue of religion", it is careful to acknowledge that atheism may be motivated by virtuous or moral considerations, and admonishes the followers of Roman Catholicism to focus on their own role in encouraging atheism by their religious or moral shortcomings:

(2125) [...] The imputability of this offense can be significantly diminished in virtue of the intentions and the circumstances. "Believers can have more than a little to do with the rise of atheism. To the extent that they are careless about their instruction in the faith, or present its teaching falsely, or even fail in their religious, moral, or social life, they must be said to conceal rather than to reveal the true nature of God and of religion."

Atheism in Islam
In Islam, atheists are categorized as kafir (كافر), a term that is also used to describe polytheists, and that translates roughly as "denier" or "concealer". The noun kafir carries connotations of blasphemy and disconnection from the Islamic community. In Arabic, "atheism" is generally translated ilhad (إلحاد), although this also means "heresy". Muslims are not at liberty to change their religion or become an atheist.

The Quran is silent on the punishment for apostasy, though not the subject itself. The Quran speaks repeatedly of people going back to unbelief after believing, and gives advice on dealing with 'hypocrites':

Sura 9:73,74

"O Prophet, strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,-- an evil refuge indeed. They swear by God that they said nothing [evil], but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was [their] only return for the bounty which God and His Apostle had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back [to their evil ways], God will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter. They shall have none on this earth to protect or help them."

— Qur'an, sura 9 (At-Tawba), ayat 73-73

As i Said Above My Views Not Based Mere Religious Fanaticism.But on Views of My facts that i presented Practically
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