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Jharkand: childbirth on road in chandil

Teenage girl forced to give birth in the street after hospital refuses to help her


Pathetic! Shocking! Disgraceful!

Jharkhand is a state under the control of the sanghi chaddie criminals. This is what happens to the people when a bunch of hardened criminals who worship the cow and drink its urine run a government.

This is the supa powah India that RSS PDFers boast about. This is the sanghi chaddie model of "governance" of Modi and the BJP sanghi chaddie criminals.

Shupa powah India? India under Modi and his sanghi criminals is a disgrace to humanity and civilization!
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being born in yindu and being born yindoo is a misery and indelible curse in and by itself. what difference does it make if a cow gave birth to a calf in a stinky hospital bed or on a street overflown with sewer. the destiny is certainly the same for the creature being given birth to: being fed to the savage and avaricious wolves that operate yindu's political and economic machines that devour the poor and low castes.

hapless yindoos...
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