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Xinhua: China unveils supporting measures for childbirth, parenting


Nov 4, 2011
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Xinhua: China unveils supporting measures for childbirth, parenting

Xinhua, August 16, 2022

BEIJING, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities on Tuesday introduced a raft of policies for prenatal and postnatal support, focusing on reducing the burdens on families, in a bid to promote balanced long-term population development.

The supporting measures include better maternal care services and public-benefit childcare services, improved maternity and parental leave policies, preferential policies on housing and taxation, and the fostering of fertility-friendly workplaces, according to a guideline released by the National Health Commission in collaboration with 16 other departments.

If having babies were awarded with houses, the birthrate will be skyrocketing. Having a baby to get a house is way easier than working hard over 20 years to have one.
If having babies were awarded with houses, the birthrate will be skyrocketing. Having a baby to get a house is way easier than working hard over 20 years to have one.
Exactly. Have a baby, get an apartment free from the government. The government can payoff sellers and real estate developers and populate different parts of each city with young families.

A baby boom starting now will slow the economy for the next 2-3 decades, but by 2049 put China back on track for a stable population pyramid, with today’s millennial only children being the top of the pyramid, and a small percentage of the population. Otherwise China’s population is expected to half in the next 50-80 years.

The policy of a free apartment should be extended to event one that has a kid starting in 2023, so couples with just one child are also incentivized to have another child.

China may also need to have a guest worker policy to help with senior care, so the guess workers can also spend money locally on housing, and shrink the 12% residential vacancy rate.
Xinhua: China unveils supporting measures for childbirth, parenting

Xinhua, August 16, 2022

BEIJING, Aug. 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities on Tuesday introduced a raft of policies for prenatal and postnatal support, focusing on reducing the burdens on families, in a bid to promote balanced long-term population development.

The supporting measures include better maternal care services and public-benefit childcare services, improved maternity and parental leave policies, preferential policies on housing and taxation, and the fostering of fertility-friendly workplaces, according to a guideline released by the National Health Commission in collaboration with 16 other departments.

what are the exact measures though? the link does not have any additional information.
If having babies were awarded with houses, the birthrate will be skyrocketing. Having a baby to get a house is way easier than working hard over 20 years to have one.

..er.. perhaps you should get busy and make some more babies.
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