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Let s for example look at engines---water cooled engines---they are also cooled by air---. There is a heat dissipation system---the radiator---that is in front of the incoming air.

The liquis cooled systems arwe basically less expensive


What the israelis do all the time---.
the isrealis don't have a nuclear neighbor that can panic and reach for the red button. your words of wisdom please?
the isrealis don't have a nuclear neighbor that can panic and reach for the red button. your words of wisdom please?


Why are you fearing death---my son---. A believer of faith and yet scared of the enemy action---.

The neighbor maybe be nuclear---but it ain't going nuclear for the loss of few aircraft---.

Why are you fearing death---my son---. A believer of faith and yet scared of the enemy action---.

The neighbor maybe be nuclear---but it ain't going nuclear for the loss of few aircraft---.
but india did loose a few aircrafts, it lost a chopper, a bison and the raptor of the east not to mention 8 deaths (6 soldiers and 2 pilots).

and who said anything about being afraid of death? but as a wise man once said, why should we die when we have the option of making the poor bastard on the other side die for his country while we live to fight another day?

and did you call me "son"? dude I'm probably your age if not older...
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but india did loose a few aircrafts, it lost a chopper, a bison and the raptor of the east not to mention 8 deaths (6 soldiers and 2 pilots).

and who said anything about being afraid of death? but as a wise man once said, why should we die when we have the option of making the poor bastard on the other side die for his country while we live to fight another day?

and did you call me "son"? dude I'm probably your age if not older...


At 64---I still top the chart here except for a couple of other older hags hehehehe. You are 47---so okay---.

There is nothing wise over here about this decision---but everything pointed towards COWARDICE---.

There is NO FIGHTING ANOTHER DAY. If Paf could not take advantage when things were put on a platter and platter and none of the Paf pilots had the ballz to take a shot to get started---retirements---pensions---promotions---.

As the indian general stated awhile ago---" we thank the pakistani military for teaching us to fight ".

Americans have a saying---" the bad guy has only got to succeed one time ".

Pak military can play multiple dramas---but the enemy has to succeed "that" one time to break through---
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At 64---I still top the chart here except for a couple of other older hehehehe. You are 47---so okay---.

There is nothing wise over here about this decision---but everything pointed towards COWARDICE---.

There is NO FIGHTING ANOTHER DAY. If Paf could not take advantage when things were put on a platter and platter and none of the Paf pilots had the ballz to take a shot to get started---retirements---pensions---promotions---.

As the indian general stated awhile ago---" we thank the pakistani military for teaching us to fight ".

Americans have a saying---" the bad guy has only got to succeed one time ".

Pak military can play multiple dramas---but the enemy has to succeed "that" one time to break through---
dude...I asked you what should the PAF have done, you said do what the isrealis do, I said that nukes are involved, you said, so? followed by the same old criticism for the sake of criticism. with all due respect to your age, but you can't possibly blame me for not taking you seriously...I'm sure that even if the PAF had bombed new delhi to the stone ages, you still wouldn't be satisfied & find a way to criticize that as well.
dude...I asked you what should the PAF have done, you said do what the isrealis do, I said that nukes are involved, you said, so? followed by the same old criticism for the sake of criticism. with all due respect to your age, but you can't possibly blame me for not taking you seriously...


I care less if anyone takes me seriously or not---. I am not here for show---.

I place my observations with historical precedence substantiating it---.
GIBS clearly has view over the front seater.

Not sure in the past people have argued how would the light in it's position help the IFR and insisted that it was MAWS.

View attachment 710076
Persistence pays, got a breakthrough from the Pope's visit to Iraq:

Here are the wind and engine inspection lights (by the L & the I) on the pope's plane and and they are displaced several feet from the engine. I am might measure the distance later.


These are the actual light and they are very much pointing sideways, and not only that the cover is also an optical device further directing the light where it is needed
Screenshot 2021-03-07 110227.png

Below is how they look in operation:

Here is a schematic. Lights 7 & 8:


  • NkIoE.jpg
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Oh well ... the PLAAF is all doomed! :blink:

They operate a "modern" trainer that is still equipped with simple hinges on its canopy! So back-ward and outdated, that surely can be rated a hint, that also all their claims for the J-20 being a true stealth fighter are fake ... it is in fact all faked, a faked AF! :omghaha:

Eventually my most favourite Indian analyst will see this and makes a report out of it. :azn:
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