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Pakistani "engineers" can't just "tweak" an off the shelf product. If it was an easy fix it would've been done by the manufacturer long before.

And PAF has mechanics working for them not engineers just FYI.
PAF engineers are being educated and trained at PAF Academy Risalpur, College of Aeronautical Engineering (affiliated with NUST). The college offers undergraduate programs in Aerospace and Avionics Engineering. Young engineers achieving GPA 3.0 or more are being sent for post graduation qualifications including MS leading to PhD from various top foreign universities abroad.

Similarly PAF aero technicians are being graduated from School of Aeronautics (SoA) and School of Electronics (SoE) Karachi.

Young engineers and technicians undergo a very comprehensive training program during their career progression.

Moreover, PAF engineers are not only confined to Aircraft or related equipment maintenance and manufacturing process management but also carrying out research and development at various centers. In addition to these assignments, engineers holding MS and PhD qualifications are also tasked to teach undergraduate courses in CAE.

So, please do not underestimate PAF aeronautical engineers and aero technicians. Both are adequately educated, skilled and experienced in their fields.

Hence, possibility of tweaking old RD-93 fuel system at PAC cannot be ruled out. Also appreciate, that JF-17 users are the sole customers of RD-93 engine. Till now about 150 to 200 RD-93 engines are being held with JF-17 users. Hence, this quantity will not "motivate" the manufacturer to "tweak" older RD-93 engine free of cost.

Upgradation of RD-93 to RD-93MA was done under contract between Chinese and Russian manufacturer.
JAS-39's hinges are on the inside just like the L-15 trainer, the sour thumb issue is that the hinges are on the outside for the JF-17, just like JL-9 trainer. 3 for JF-17B vs 4 for JL-9 hinges.

PS: After downing few cold ones, those hinges on JF-17B don't look so bad till next morning.
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Have you also heard of licensing, void warranty/support, tempering with OEM equipment? There are many more terms that defines that a product can't be changed unless authorized by OEM.

And PAF has mechanics to replace parts to keep the fleet running.

The "engineers" would make their way to PAC not PAF. I actually studied aircraft maintenance "engineer" in Canada. We're parts changer and nothing more.
I don’t even know where to begin to respond. You are erroneously mixing jobs/roles with qualifications and capabilities/capacity.
The “Engineer” in AME as designated by Civil Aviation Authorities of Canada, UK and Pakistan is an elevated moniker for A&P Mechanic designation by FAA. You only need to be high school graduate to do AMT courses.
Similarly not everyone in PAF Engineering branch is a Squadron Engineering Officer involved in flight line maintenance. Even in routine maintenance activities many field modifications are invented and then standardized upon. It is the same pool of engineers that graduate from CAE that staff the PAC facilities and are involved with managing line and depot level maintenance activities. CAE is a world class facility within the resources available.
Have you also heard of licensing, void warranty/support, tempering with OEM equipment? There are many more terms that defines that a product can't be changed unless authorized by OEM.

And PAF has mechanics to replace parts to keep the fleet running.

The "engineers" would make their way to PAC not PAF. I actually studied aircraft maintenance "engineer" in Canada. We're parts changer and nothing more.
The courses you are mentioning in your field of study are being covered at School of aeronautics and school of electronics, Karachi where PAF technicians undergo basic, intermediate and advance training and education. These technicians are further trained on the job at various level of maintenance process. All junior technicians are being continuously monitored, supervised and trained by their superiors or sometime engineers. Some of these technicians are also assigned in manufacturing and overhauling process at various depot level maintenance facilities and PAC. PAF human resource management is one of the most modern system implemented to attain optimum skilled and experienced human resource at various maintenance and manufacturing facilities.

Whereas PAF engineers complete their undergraduate studies in College of Aeronautical Engineering (CAE) PAF Academy Risalpur. CAE is affiliated with National University of Science and Technology (NUST). The undergraduate engineering courses cover subjects like aerodynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, aircraft designing, electronics, computer engineering and many more. All these courses are being taught by highly qualified professors holding MS and PhD qualification from world elite universities including MIT, Stanford and many more.

Engineering graduates scoring GPA 3.0 or more are being sent for higher studies at various foreign universities offering engineering courses related to field of aerospace engineering.

In addition to this PAF had also took initiative to open an Air university at Islamabad offering courses in various fields such as science, social science, business management, engineering and medical science. College of Flying Training PAF Academy Risalpur is also affiliated with AU and offer BS degree in BS (Aviation Sciences and Management) with specialization in Fighter, Light Communication Aircraft, Helicopter Air Defense, Air Traffic Control, Logistics. The part of senior faculty comprises of retired PhD and MS engineers from sister military services.

Apparently your statement about your field of study reveals that it is related to career as license aviation engineer who work as maintenance engineers at various Air ports. Yes, license aviation engineers supervise first and second level maintenance of passenger aircraft, meaning supervision of reported fault trouble shooting, part replacement and clearance for airworthiness.

Tweaking/upgradation/modification/major repair and indigenous manufacturing are always done with or without permission of OEM. In RD-93 case, it is most apparent that PAF and their Chinese partners must have contacted the Russian manufacturer to address the problem, for which a contract was also signed between Chinese firm and Russian manufacturers, but due to its low priority, PAF and/or Chinese partners might have taken the initiative to carry out indigenous "tweaking".
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2019 news

In addition to the eight aircraft rolled out in late December, the PAF expects to receive a further 14 JF-Bs in 2020 and four more in 2021, according to the chairman of the PAC.

This means 12 block3 and 4 reaming dual seater in 2021 for paf, the block 3 for 2020 and 2021 would total 14 , the 2020 are consider pre production

No, it's a nightlight for the aerial refuelling probe. Block I and II aircraft do not have any MAWS on the intakes, only the Block III has MAWS (IR based, as apposed to UV based in Block I/II) on the intakes.
Beautiful, and true to form and function . The display console in the rear cockpit is higher up since there can be no HUD for the rear pilot. The forward vision is not restricted because the GIBS is sitting higher up. We assume that would be the instructors seat.

I think that's the HUD repeater, not the upfront control panel.
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