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Originally posted by Sid@Feb 24 2006, 08:38 PM
Block 60 is of course the most advanced F-16 fighter but it is only UAE specific. No other country can acquire the same jet as far as I understand of the agreement between UAE authorities and LM.
[post=6200]Quoted post[/post]​

my point is that there is nothing like that,what you said in the second post abt cost/unit is the factor of why blk 60 is not offered to PAF
Another news Musharaf (Our Presid) claimed that JF-17 has the same capability as of F-16 block52, why block-52 not the block 10 or 15, because of the type of avionics they are going to install and BVR on thunder are equal to block-52.

The source of this info is the yesterdays (25th feb) jang news link. on Jang.com.pk

Some 1 has posted the pic of general sitting in cockpit of thunder. Has any1 got more pics plz post it!!!!!!!!
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The above pictures are of the JF-17/FC-1 cockpit unless PAF goes for more advanced. :GUNS: :banana2:
During the build up of FC-1. Chinese had a difficult time cataching up with western technology/standards but they were finally come close to it.

There is also a news that the detection and tracing capability is twice smart compare to of the 3rd generation fighters.
Bull: You still did not get it my friend. Block 60 was not offered to the PAF because it &#39;cannot&#39; be offered to anyother airforce other than UAE&#39;s. Its more like, they have a copyright to that specific Block because in addition to buying those ACs for &#036;80mil a pop, they had funded the development of newer techs to be put on the Block 60. Unless PAF concludes an understanding with the UAE authorities and &#39;they&#39; give LM the green-light, there is no chance for the PAF or anyone else getting that specific Block.

The cost per unit that I was talking about, was in relation to a &#39;new&#39; Block being offered to PAF (a customized version of its own) which wasn&#39;t done because PAF wasn&#39;t buying enough and in any case, the price tag would be too much for PAF to bear.

melb4aust: If the defense community starts believing JANG newspaper for its claims, then I&#39;m sure the end of world isn&#39;t that far off. It was JANG that claimed more than a year ago that the deal for Gripen ACs had been signed and their deliveries would start within the year, remember? This just might be another piece of yellow journalism since I have not seen any other media outlet reporting Musharraf to have said that.

Its not just the avionics that tell you how advanced a fighter jet is. Besides, Jf-17s western avionics haven&#39;t even been decided on as yet. Once again, I repeat, Jf-17 is a Medium-tech fighter designed to form the bulk of airforces that cannot afford high-tech fighters in big numbers. Even sheer patriotism doesn&#39;t warrant Jf-17 being compared to Block 52 or like some forums have, comparisons with Raptors. It is just ridiculous.
Originally posted by Sid@Feb 27 2006, 03:20 AM
Bull: You still did not get it my friend. Block 60 was not offered to the PAF because it &#39;cannot&#39; be offered to anyother airforce other than UAE&#39;s. Its more like, they have a copyright to that specific Block because in addition to buying those ACs for &#036;80mil a pop, they had funded the development of newer techs to be put on the Block 60. Unless PAF concludes an understanding with the UAE authorities and &#39;they&#39; give LM the green-light, there is no chance for the PAF or anyone else getting that specific Block.

The cost per unit that I was talking about, was in relation to a &#39;new&#39; Block being offered to PAF (a customized version of its own) which wasn&#39;t done because PAF wasn&#39;t buying enough and in any case, the price tag would be too much for PAF to bear.
melb4aust: If the defense community starts believing JANG newspaper for its claims, then I&#39;m sure the end of world isn&#39;t that far off. It was JANG that claimed more than a year ago that the deal for Gripen ACs had been signed and their deliveries would start within the year, remember? This just might be another piece of yellow journalism since I have not seen any other media outlet reporting Musharraf to have said that.

Its not just the avionics that tell you how advanced a fighter jet is. Besides, Jf-17s western avionics haven&#39;t even been decided on as yet. Once again, I repeat, Jf-17 is a Medium-tech fighter designed to form the bulk of airforces that cannot afford high-tech fighters in big numbers. Even sheer patriotism doesn&#39;t warrant Jf-17 being compared to Block 52 or like some forums have, comparisons with Raptors. It is just ridiculous.
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:lol: Comparison of thunder with F-22 thats funny man. But i cant neglect the fact that it can be comparable to block-52. All depends on avionics. well i think again we r finding ourself for the same useless chitchat about thunder&#39;s avionics which r still to be decided.

I was just quoting what i read in the jang news.
Guys Sid is correct.

As far as the Block 60 being offered to the Indian Air Force. Block 60 couldn&#39;t be given to any other country, because it was specifically made for UAE, but again India was being offered Block 70 not Block 60, with Block 70 not that it would be more advanced to Block 60, it would just be to meet the requirements of IAF. The Block 70 was a title given by Indian News papers like Kerala, and other bias sources.

Lockheed Martin was only agreed that it would be able to create F-16 if approved by India to meet IAF needs. The F-16 probably is still in consideration but i dont see that IAF will pick on it and will waste its resources on it just to show the world that we have the advance fighter than Pakistan.

If India goes for American equipment we will see a major strategic political change, where India shouldn&#39;t go because of the unreliability.
Nice video Zee&#33; Good to see that you have used the cricket streaming technique for showing Military videos on the forum. :)

Keep it up.
Nice work man. i guess that is the best way of putting some useful videos on the posts. even Webmaster can create a separate link for videos and such stuff.
I think videos should be put up in some sort of a video gallery and not in thread posts. It is makes the thread open slowly and at times the video doesn&#39;t run. I&#39;m sure some other people might be having this problem as well.
Yes thats what i was saying, the video is running but not as frequently as it should be, even i ve got the ADSL. So i dono whats the problem. But by implementing strategy mentioned by sid we may be able to overcome this.
Originally posted by melb4aust@Mar 1 2006, 10:30 AM
Yes thats what i was saying, the video is running but not as frequently as it should be, even i ve got the ADSL. So i dono whats the problem. But by implementing strategy mentioned by sid we may be able to overcome this.
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the multimedia forum has to be more active,there shud be forums for posting other pakistani stuff,like photos from your city, or soemthing interesting.it will just help in improving the forum
I guess SID was right man. Suffa look at ur spelling errors buddy, dono which aircrafts ur talking about.

Note: his post deleted.
Originally posted by Suffa@Mar 1 2006, 06:50 AM
well i have a point in mind about JF-17 payload what do u think guy JF-17 is inferior due to low payload and payload does matter and if we get a good engine to carry 2 BVRAAMs each side with a pair of AGM-65 each side as well asl well 1 fule tank on each side means total 9 hard point 4 each side well if JF-17 have 9 hard points wowww then JF-17 become a real super falcon :)like F-16 falcon
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