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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Yes, if required basis as onboard refueling. Miniscule if any. Its not a technical enigma.

CFT are used on as required basis. Yes block3 wings, LERX and posteior fuselage has been re-worked from scratch. Increased payload and fuel capacity. It will harbor a posterior spine similar to B eventually.
Thanks mam,that's best news for me regarding JFT in 2019.
I dont recall seeing a single pic of a JF17 with CFTs :what:
photo shopped pictures are shared a lot
block 3 is no different to block 2 in outlook please be clear about that
dont get your hopes high to expect something dramatic
. the only difference is some avionics I would wait for official announcement about what will block 3 consist of
before that all the talk of radars, engine, avionics, weapons, endurance and its outlook are mere speculation and wishful thinking
Yes, if required basis as onboard refueling. Miniscule if any. Its not a technical enigma.

CFT are used on as required basis. Yes block3 wings, LERX and posteior fuselage has been re-worked from scratch. Increased payload and fuel capacity. It will harbor a posterior spine similar to B eventually.
Yes, if required basis as onboard refueling. Miniscule if any. Its not a technical enigma.

CFT are used on as required basis. Yes block3 wings, LERX and posteior fuselage has been re-worked from scratch. Increased payload and fuel capacity. It will harbor a posterior spine similar to B eventually.

Not sure but i think your answer is mixing up aar probe (reference to 2014) and internal additional fuel tanks (block 3) to conformal fuel tanks like seen on f-16 block 52 , typhoon and Rafael etc new generation aircraft

Cft were never seen/ disclosed or tested on jf so far except few photoshops pics from fanboys

I guess time will tell

Conformal fuel tanks


If accurate, then it looks like the JF-17's CFTs are going to join the H-2/H-4 and the Mirage ROSE I's alleged BVRAAM as things we know exist, but will never see in the public. It seems the PAF is content with letting folks view the JF-17 as more of air defence fighter or short-range attacker than anything else.

Not sure but i think your answer is mixing up aar probe (reference to 2014) and internal additional fuel tanks (block 3) to conformal fuel tanks like seen on f-16 block 52 , typhoon and Rafael etc new generation aircraft

Cft were never seen/ disclosed or tested on jf so far except few photoshops pics from fanboys

I guess time will tell
I'm wondering if that's the case as well. But if the Block-3 is based on the JF-17B, i.e., retains the dorsal spine, then they can use that spine for fuel (though the footage we have seen seems to show wiring instead of a fuel area).
If accurate, then it looks like the JF-17's CFTs are going to join the H-2/H-4 and the Mirage ROSE I's alleged BVRAAM as things we know exist, but will never see in the public. It seems the PAF is content with letting folks view the JF-17 as more of air defence fighter or short-range attacker than anything else.

I'm wondering if that's the case as well. But if the Block-3 is based on the JF-17B, i.e., retains the dorsal spine, then they can use that spine for fuel (though the footage we have seen seems to show wiring instead of a fuel area).
Somethings are better left unsaid, after all we saw rhe effects pf revealing our Sigint ability by the Indians rushing to the Israelis.
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