With due respect the problem in Myanmar should be taken in historical aspect and deeply. The main cause of Myanmar Rohingiya Muslims suffering is hatred generated in Buddhist majority population, the main liability is on British who brought Rohingiya/other communities from subcontinent and used them to strengthen their illegitimate control on Myanmar. Then after their expulsion the Rohingya Muslims were relatively more economically better as compared to Budhists. There was hatred or animosity towards them meanwhile just in recent past this animosity came out in bitter manner, we may count BD rivalry also. What we as Muslims should do is to work and invest for overall betterment of the Myanmar economy and social contacts with Myanmar Govt should be strengthened, rather tackling the hatred with hatred. On other side every nation has right to defend themselves and Bangladesh is for time being a hostile place for Muslims of Pakistan. Even Ummah concept is shattered by champions of religion like Iran and KSA, how we can blame Myanmar. Pakistan can play a dual role of prospering Myanmar defense and also for betterment of Rhingya people despite that all other economically well Muslim countries have done little for them.