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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Director Sales and Marketing? Really? He can't speak one full sentence without a grammatical or pronunciation error. He doesn't even seem to know what he wants to say.

Postings/promotions must be based on future role requirement, not past performance. A sales & marketing guy is required to possess three things only, product knowledge, customer requirement and a way with words. Period.
The real question is, should uniformed personnel be selling and marketing? The answer is clearly no, but perhaps there is a dearth of sales and marketing talent for the defence industries.
More fundamentally, had someone from Western Europe been doing this talk, they would have stuck to their native language and perhaps the Air Commodore should have done the same. Zia-ul-Haq'a urdu medium idiocy left us neither here nor there (as in Urdu "na iddher ka, no uddher ka). The angraizi standards went down drastically and the urdu side of it never caught up. So now you have Pakistanis who neither speak good English nor Urdu with proper pronunciation (the latest trend to ape Americanized English is even worse!). Sometime back, in Islamabad, I saw on one of the street boards "Supreme Court of Pakistan" written out in urdu and I was dumbstruck by the silliness.
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There is nothing wrong with being Air Commodore, and he might have extraordinary skills in other areas, but like me, he doesn't seem to be a fluent speaker, hence a poor choice for the job. If you can't sell a bad product, it's understandable but if you can't sell an otherwise excellent product because of a bad salesman, that is just unfortunate.

Such examples of selecting wrong people for a highly public job tell a different story than all the talk of "merit" based system.

Air Commodore Sohail Saeed, what did you expect?
JF-17 "Thunder" goes into the 5th generation in times faster progress "Tejas" and AMCA: the preemptive move of China (part 2)

:: Apral 11/14/2017 at 17:45
Author: Evgeny Damantsev

JF17 Block III


A fundamentally new approach can be embodied in the iron of the new stealth variant of the JF-17 Block III, which has been dreamed for a long time by fans of the majority of the Pakistani military analytical forums, and which the Indian defense structures and well-read members of the forum are afraid of as a fire. Technological sketches of the perspective concept of the 5th generation JF-17X appeared on the network 3 years before the introduction of the Block II machines into the Pakistan Air Force. Before us is a fighter with the design features of the airframe, typical for the American low-profile F-35A. It is performed according to the traditional "mid-plan" scheme with a trapezoidal wing (about 42 m2 in area) and large aerodynamic influx at the root part of the wing, which gives the car an increase in maneuverability in comparison with the F-35A (there are no inroads in the latter). Air intakes of the car have a "month-like" shape without pronounced sharp points and angles along the leading edge, which plays not in favor of reducing the radar visibility.

The lantern of the cockpit is high and has a pronounced triangular shape, which is common to all fighters of the 5th generation. The forward part of the fuselage is flattened in cross section, slightly livened up, which is also typical for perspective unobtrusive fighters. The vertical tail fin is represented by 2 large stabilizers, characterized by a large sweep (about 40º) and a camber angle of 40-45º, which is typical for the F / A-18E / F gliders Super Hornet / Advanced Super Hornet and all modifications of the F-35. This design feature contributes to the dispersion of the radar radiation of the enemy radar, reducing the degree of its reflection. As the rudders of the direction, small deflectable rear segments of the vertical stabilizers are used. The horizontal tail fins (elevator rudders) are represented by standard 5-sided planes standard for unobtrusive aviation, which successfully "dump" electromagnetic waves of enemy radar complexes like vertical stabilizers. Taking into account that not all structural elements of the glider are distinguished by an unobtrusive radar appearance, the JF-17X will have an effective scattering surface in the range 0.5 - 0.7 m2 without arms on the suspension, which is approximately 3 times higher than that of the F-35A. More than 40% of the reduced ESR will be achieved not through the form of structural elements, but through the use of radio absorbing materials and coatings.

The most problematic design feature of the JF-17X can be the principle of deploying missile-and-bomb weapons. Starting from the sketches given in the Asian Internet, one can speak about the absence of internal compartments of weapons on the barely noticeable modification of "Thunder". As podkryvye suspension points, which are on the fighter 6 units, we use the usual heavy pylons, each of which can be safely positioned as "+0.01 m2" to the total EPR. Each "open" URVW type PL-12 / 21D is still approximately "+ 0.05 - 0.07 m2" to the ESR. As for the ventral points of the suspension, they can be from one to three on the new version. Each of them is half-recessed into the fuselage (the similar design of the placement of URVB R-37 is used on the MiG-31BM). Thus, only 55% of the projection of the missiles will be open for irradiating enemy radar, but in total this will give up to 80-95% of the open ammunition, bringing the total EPR to 1 m2. Up to the 5th generation the fighter clearly does not hold out! A similar situation is observed today with the ambitious Chinese "stealth" project JH-7B, where the multipurpose tactical fighter JH-7A wants to turn into a car of the 5th generation.

The solution to this situation may well be equipping the JF-17X with stealth containers of the Enclosed Weapons Pod type. One machine can carry a similar container at the central ventral point of the suspension 1, designed to accommodate 4 guided air-strike fighters of the PL-12 / 21D type, the 1st YJ-91 or the small-sized controlled air bombs. The container type EWP has a multi-faceted body shape, forming EPR within 0,02-0,05 m2. For the release of missiles and bombs a large two-wing hatch is used at the bottom of the container. Today, EWP containers are tested in ground-based anechoic chambers, as well as on board the experienced tactical fighters of the 5th generation J-20 and will soon be adopted by the Chinese Air Force. Similar containers are used in the most modern versions of the American fighter F / A-18E / F - "Advanced Super Hornet". When using the EWP, the JF-17X will be able to win a long-range aerial battle from Rafal, Tejas, and in some cases from Su-30MKI. In the melee, the JF-17X will continue to give way to the Su-30MKI, the Rafalam and the Mirages, as information on the installation of a new type of TRDDF has not been received.

Since practically every modern tactical aviation unit of the "4 ++" generation has an optic-electronic sighting complex operating in the infrared sighting channel on board today, it is worthwhile to introduce an assessment of the level of the infrared signature of the fighter. The JF-17X in this respect is more than good, as in the F-35A / B / C. Strong heating from the combustion products of fuel is exposed only to the engine nozzle. The engine itself is in a nacelle of much larger diameter than the engine body. Due to this, several layers of heat-absorbing materials can be laid between the TRDDF body and the internal generator of the nacelle. On IR photos made by amateur infrared cameras, it is clear that the thermal signature of the F-35A is almost the same as that of the F-22A: the tail of the fuselage is completely "cold". Such infrared visibility will be characteristic of the JF-17X.

JF17X Stealth

There is one more interesting concept, the JF-17X, which was recently introduced on Chinese and Pakistani resources. On technical sketches is presented a similar single-engine fighter with a mid-mounted trapezoidal wing. Unlike the previous version, there is much greater similarity with the machines of the 5th generation. The air intakes have an angular trapezoidal cross-sectional shape with back and inwardly chamfered lateral and upper edges (as in F-35A). The nose of the fuselage has a pentagonal cross-section with a developed lower edge (as in J-31). On this sample there are no pylons for hanging the PL-10E missile on wing tips, and the rear wing tip is represented by a 45-degree bevel to reduce the radar visibility when the aircraft is irradiated from the rear hemisphere. The same bevels are also found on vertical stabilizers. Nevertheless, there is still a shortcoming with the external deployment of weapons. This modification of the JF-17X is a radical and rather expensive modification of the Block III version, and therefore its debugging and serial production is unlikely, as very soon a full-fledged fighter of the 5th generation J-31 Krechet will enter the arms market. There is also a full-fledged internal weapon compartment with a more reliable twin-engine power unit, and, finally, an expanded optional set for avionics and weapons, backed up by service centers for the Shenyang company.

Today, Beijing is making every effort to gently and confidently oust Washington's "tentacles" from Pakistan, and is keen to establish comprehensive military-strategic cooperation with Islamabad as soon as possible. For this, the Celestial Empire uses a whole range of military-political and economic instruments based on the anti-Indian strategic concept that is common with Pakistan, because Delhi is the main "pole" of the actively developing "anti-China axis": India-Vietnam-Japan-Australia-South Korea. In view of this, the beginning of the purchase of unobtrusive J-31 fighters from the Shenyang company is just around the corner, and before that the power of the Pakistani Air Force will be supported by the latest serial version of the JF-17 Block III fighter, and possibly its first stealth JF- 17X.
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Of what?

Dubai at least they announced rather disclosed Nigeria and Mianmar as customers intact operators ??

He might be asking about any further sales related news during the Dubai airshow.

Alas! the Gulf Arabs have too much money, so they won't be purchasing JF17 Thunder. They like shiny and expensive things.
The other Arabs, where it had a chance, Syria and Gaddafi's Libya are not in a position to purchase it. Egyptians also got bankrolled for their disruption of Morsi and Saudi support.
Isnt Air Commodore = Army Brig ?

Guy of that rank cant even speak english?

Doesn't matter, as long as he is good in what he has been primarily brought up to be. One of my English teachers was born in the U.K., he had a perfect British accent. But in 2008 he decided to move back to Pakistan as his kids were not fluent enough in Punjabi and Urdu. He feared them getting detached from their roots. At the university I have seen him greet Goras with a Punjabized English.
He would often ask as not to be more English than the English.
He might be asking about any further sales related news during the Dubai airshow.

Alas! the Gulf Arabs have too much money, so they won't be purchasing JF17 Thunder. They like shiny and expensive things.
The other Arabs, where it had a chance, Syria and Gaddafi's Libya are not in a position to purchase it. Egyptians also got bankrolled for their disruption of Morsi and Saudi support.
Yes it is the Arabs fault, that initially the JFT didn't have an OBOG, or a dual seater. Somebody should wake them up.
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