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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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True, we need 3 squadrons at least of Su-35 or Chinese J-1X fighter to be deployed at least in Peshawar, Karachi and Gawadar, what do you think m I right about positioning the planes? and why in 2 years?

Instead of relying of out sources we need to develop our own technologies, and start giving attention, towards new developments in the field of aerospace, because atleast in next 10 years India not capable enough to attack us! so in these ten years, we need to develop our own resources.

Secondly its my Idea that instead of giving attention, towards conventional weapons, we also need to develop unconventional weapons, to develop the uncomfort in enemy lines.


pakistan solo star
Instead of relying of out sources we need to develop our own technologies, and start giving attention, towards new developments in the field of aerospace, because atleast in next 10 years India not capable enough to attack us! so in these ten years, we need to develop our own resources.
Secondly its my Idea that instead of giving attention, towards conventional weapons, we also need to develop unconventional weapons, to develop the uncomfort in enemy lines.

Bro, our leadership just don't have vision for the nation, they want to get what they can and wait for their term again. We just don't have funds, Sat based weapons with ASAT capability will make us more potent power and make our enemies think more twice to do misadventure, but our current conventional capabilities are not upto par with 21st century standards which should be upgraded first.
Bro, our leadership just don't have vision for the nation, they want to get what they can and wait for their term again. We just don't have funds, Sat based weapons with ASAT capability will make us more potent power and make our enemies think more twice to do misadventure, but our current conventional capabilities are not upto par with 21st century standards which should be upgraded first.

are you serious ? talking about ASAT for pakistan ?
are you serious ? talking about ASAT for pakistan ?

I was reply a post, please read in that context, I just suggest unconventional way of make our defense more strong in response to that post, although its not needed now.

Brothers, i dont saw any unconventional weapon in Army, Airforce, or in Navy.

We just relying on building Tanks, but remember tank easily tackle with good ATW.
We just relying on building Planes, Yes planes are important but easily tackle with BVR or WVRs Missiles.
We just relying on building Frigates and Missile boats, but both easily tackle with ASW.

So keep building conventional weapon, means giving opportunity to enemy to think as per books.


Brothers, i dont saw any unconventional weapon in Army, Airforce, or in Navy.

We just relying on building Tanks, but remember tank easily tackle with good ATW.
We just relying on building Planes, Yes planes are important but easily tackle with BVR or WVRs Missiles.
We just relying on building Frigates and Missile boats, but both easily tackle with ASW.

So keep building conventional weapon, means giving opportunity to enemy to think as per books.

Sorry Danish.
Iam getting old but still dont think my faculties have deteriorated this far that I dont get the angle that the poster is coming from. What did you mean to say .If you are saying we should look at force multipliers then how should we do that in the environment of constant resource constraint and rampant corruption. Help would be appreciated.
Sorry Danish.
Iam getting old but still dont think my faculties have deteriorated this far that I dont get the angle that the poster is coming from. What did you mean to say .If you are saying we should look at force multipliers then how should we do that in the environment of constant resource constraint and rampant corruption. Help would be appreciated.


The prolem that I have with these young bucks is that they open their mouths and nothing comes out----they learnt to talk, but they don't know what to say.

You he to be realistic in your approach and dreams---wanting it and owning are two different things----.

There is an american terms that we use all the time---you got to Take Baby steps---. What is there---a miracle happening in pakistan that in ten years taht they might get something out of this world----!
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Sorry Danish.
Iam getting old but still dont think my faculties have deteriorated this far that I dont get the angle that the poster is coming from. What did you mean to say .If you are saying we should look at force multipliers then how should we do that in the environment of constant resource constraint and rampant corruption. Help would be appreciated.


Sir i objected humbly in front of you! the Budget of Armed forces never halted in Passed. So saying that corruption halted the resources is rather harsh!
I m talking about the new ideas.
31 Years of Army Rule in Pakistan, but in their rule they never came up with new ideas. We are just investing in conventional weapons.

Sir, i hope you know the history in second world war, when germany deployed the tanks, then allies not have a idea what to do, and how should tackle a tank, it will took almost 4 years to develop new idea that how a tank will be tackle.


Sir i objected humbly in front of you! the Budget of Armed forces never halted in Passed. So saying that corruption halted the resources is rather harsh!
I m talking about the new ideas.
31 Years of Army Rule in Pakistan, but in their rule they never came up with new ideas. We are just investing in conventional weapons.

Sir, i hope you know the history in second world war, when germany deployed the tanks, then allies not have a idea what to do, and how should tackle a tank, it will took almost 4 years to develop new idea that how a tank will be tackle.



You need to talk about the new idea that was used to tackle the tank----.

You need to talk about the new idea that was used to tackle the tank----.


I just saying that we as a Nation, abslutly not investing in Research & Development of New Ideas in all the Fields of Milltary!


I just saying that we as a Nation, abslutly not investing in Research & Development of New Ideas in all the Fields of Milltary!


In my opinion ...

Developing new ideas and bringing them to something implementable requires specialized industrial expertise and infrastructure and lots and lots of funds. We simply don't have any of the above.

All we can do at the moment is reverse engineer, limited redesign and perform limited tweaks and modifications to already acquired items (limited).

You have to understand that Pakistan is a country which has a very weak automotive industrial base. We only have assembly plants and true manufacturing base is mostly restricted to the level of ceiling and pedestal fans.

We are long ways off from where we need to be in the context you are presenting.
Not developing a strong or adequate industrial base can be discussed in a separate thread ...

In fact whatever we have achieved in defense manufacturing till now in the absence of an industrial base, is quite commendable.
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we are doing research in the field of miltary .........the new jf17 block 3 is also going to have a stealth coting....slowly this research will also expand in other fields............for now , we also have some other problems to finish like terrorism..corruption....and foreign egressions...u see india daily fires on borders and afghanistan on saying of india fires on our border....u know we have to first finish these things from our country then we should go for education and research.
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