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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

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yes turkey may be the right option but only if they agree to cooperate,,

it may damage there relations with americans so they may not take the chance,,

many people will point to the F16 upgradation plan by turkish firm but it is still on paper,,,not practically started or even agreed i guess,,,,
i think that we should not trust on America . And we should 4get the F16 it is time to look forward.

But i have one question any body tell me please how JF 17 will stand against MKIs in fight even when they are backed by Phalcons.:crazy::crazy::crazy:
simple like this viedeo

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i think that we should not trust on America . And we should 4get the F16 it is time to look forward.

But i have one question any body tell me please how JF 17 will stand against MKIs in fight even when they are backed by Phalcons.:crazy::crazy::crazy:

why forget them?? these F-16s tipped with AMRAAMs and JDAMs backed by ERIEYE will be the cheapest and the most effective MRCA!
the first JF-17 block may not be so effective aganist the MKI but it still will be fitted with BVR missile which our air force lacks at the moment but the next and 3rd block will be a serious threat for MKI.
PAF has had the idea o have he f16 as a bonus, now they ecen do no longer expect them. If afer a few years the Americans are still trying to sort out under which conditions the block52 should be deliverd then there is a big shame for the deal. I think some finance is already shifted from F16 towards JF16 upgrade and fc20 options. With these kind of good weather friendship from the US you can be sure that there is a storm on every corner.

Hello Munir, what about acquiring used F-16 from other countries in surplus sales etc..
I think Israel and Turkey are gearing to induct F-22, US it self would be following.
Can we also not ask Venezuela to sell their (I believe idle) F-16.
JF-17 Thunder Multi-role Fighter - Current Modification in progress, but do know when they will come in production, basically flaps, leading edge flaps, , all moving parts on wings and tail etc. + 2 under intakes , 1 each hard point , my estimate 200-250kg max weight perhaps to carry pods or maybe 500lb bombs such as MK82, in past it was said that weight reduction of ~200kg may be more due to it so empty weight will come close to ~6000kg may be less, so does normal take off < 9000 KG ~8800Kg

What is that black colored border at the air intakes?
Any news about engine? Had JF-17 been tested with WS-13?
What is going on with WS-13 since its certification!
What is that black colored border at the air intakes?
Any news about engine? Had JF-17 been tested with WS-13?
What is going on with WS-13 since its certification!

not yet i guess

the problems with russian deal were sort out so at the moment pakistan is quite happy with them!!
and personally i also think that the russian engine will be better that the chines one!!
why forget them?? these F-16s tipped with AMRAAMs and JDAMs backed by ERIEYE will be the cheapest and the most effective MRCA!

brother no one disagrees with the capabilities of F16,, the problem is that we are not getting them soon as whenever the dealis made some sanctions come along which delays the transfer,,,

now the problem is that i think when we will get these planes they will be just tin cans as worlds technology would have been advanced to som seventh or eight generation aircraft as you must FORGET TO GET THESE PLANES IN 2010 as promised by americans but i assure you that by 2010 america will find a thousand bloody reasons to delay the deal further and this will go on as such for ever!!!!
brother no one disagrees with the capabilities of F16,, the problem is that we are not getting them soon as whenever the dealis made some sanctions come along which delays the transfer,,,

now the problem is that i think when we will get these planes they will be just tin cans as worlds technology would have been advanced to som seventh or eight generation aircraft as you must FORGET TO GET THESE PLANES IN 2010 as promised by americans but i assure you that by 2010 america will find a thousand bloody reasons to delay the deal further and this will go on as such for ever!!!!

ch oh come on!!!

4 PAF F-16 block 15 are already in US for MLU M3 with our air force personals and they will be delivered in 1st Q of 2009 along with AMRAAM JDAM etc.. starting from next year "2009" Turkish Aerospace Industries will be upgrading our F-16s In PAC or in Turkey.
mind you we will be paying about 10 million dollars per plane for these upgrades and they will be Block 52 equivalent.
The brand new F-16 block 52+ is on track and i heard from few AFM members that the work has already been started. the first batch should be delivered in 2011.
their will be no god dam 6th or 7th generation fighters even a concept in 10-15 years!
Well y PAF not acquiring a Strong powerfull radar so that whole this tension of JF17 would comes to an end.:pakistan:

Also Plasma stealth capabilities may makes JF stealthy

WHAT u people think
Well y PAF not acquiring a Strong powerfull radar so that whole this tension of JF17 would comes to an end.:pakistan:

Also Plasma stealth capabilities may makes JF stealthy

WHAT u people think

I think you should go to the intro section and introduce your self.
4 PAF F-16 block 15 are already in US for MLU M3 with our air force personals and they will be delivered in 1st Q of 2009 along with AMRAAM JDAM etc.. starting from next year "2009" Turkish Aerospace Industries will be upgrading our F-16s In PAC or in Turkey.
mind you we will be paying about 10 million dollars per plane for these upgrades and they will be Block 52 equivalent.

this is not true as per my information,,
the planes will be upgraded to block 40,, still no news about there BVR capability,, helmet mounted sight will be a good addition though others may include
The AN/APG-69(V)9 radar that is currently being installed on new F-16 Advanced Block 50/52 aircraft
* Color cockpit displays
* The Modular Mission Computer and new avionics processors
* The Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
* The Link 16 datalink
* New identification-friend-or-foe (IFF) transponders
* AN/AVS-9 night-vision goggles
* Upgraded navigation systems; and
* BAE Systems' AN/ALQ-178(V)5+ electronic-warfare (EW) system, mounted internally, with radar-warning and jamming capabilities for aircraft self-protection
the pakistan govrnment was more keen in mid life upgrade from US but as always it is being delayed,,

the block 52 system about which 23march talked were to be deleivered in 2007-2008 then delayed to 2009 and now to 2011 and wait and see whats up next!!!!

yes there is a point in turkish upgrades where they offered a targetting pod named Aselpod which is clamied to be better that sniper and lightining III which pakistan is currently using
Man where are you getting your information from?! :blah:

Item 3: F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification Kits - $1.3 billion

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU) modification and Falcon Star Structural Service Life Enhancement kits consisting of:

* APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS);
* AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems;
* AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems;
* Have Quick I/II Radios;
* Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals (MIDS-LVT);
* SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability;
* Reconnaissance pod capability;
* Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units (for training);

MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits;

* 21 ALQ-131 Block II Electronic Countermeasures Pods without the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM); or ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures Pods without DRFM;
* 60 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems;
* 1 Unit Level Trainer;
* 10 APG-68(V)9 spare radar sets.
the pakistan govrnment was more keen in mid life upgrade from US but as always it is being delayed,,

the block 52 system about which 23march talked were to be deleivered in 2007-2008 then delayed to 2009 and now to 2011 and wait and see whats up next!!!!

yes there is a point in turkish upgrades where they offered a targetting pod named Aselpod which is clamied to be better that sniper and lightining III which pakistan is currently using

2007? 2009? lol what are you talking about?
pakistan started F-16 negotiation from 2005 then in 2006-7 US allowed F-16 sales then came the potential sale which i just listed above. then around 2007 US agreed to upgrade PAF F-16s in 2008 and it has been started. US has also diverted some of WOT funds for this program. According to ACM the new F-16 block are on track which will be delivered in 2011-12, though the political intervention is another problem for F-16s.
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