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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

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I think they will blend the design of the fuselage a bit more if that coincides with your idea. however, i still find the JF-17 aesthetically pleasing, at least a lot more the Hal Tejas.

it shares the clipped-delta wing design of the F-16 with DSI intakes. That pretty much means it will be a highly maneuverable jet. Let's hope they get a better engine with a higher TWR and no smoke.
If i'm not mistaken EJ-200 is the one that is used in EF. My question is will it be available to PAF to be installed on JF-17 provided with the complexity of the relationships specially when china too is involved in the project. Besides even if it is would it be a wise decision to go for a european engine when sactions can be placed at any time and could bring the whole project to a complete halt.
You missed the "standard" part...the Chinese WS-12 is aiming for EJ200 performance.
Is their any chance for pakistan to opt for Russian radars? if we can get RD-93 why not radars too?

Name: Zhuk-M
Type: Slotted Planar/PESA/AESA
Range: 90 to 200 km, depending on variant
Curently fitted in SU-27 and Mig-29

The N010M Zhuk-M is an advanced variant of the original N010 Zhuk radar introducing advanced air to surface functions like mapping and terrain following. The radar forms part of the MiG-29SMT upgrade, the Zhuk-ME finding success on export MiG-29 aircraft to countries like India. The radar features improved signal processing has a detection range of up to 120 km vs a 5 m2 RCS target, with up to 10 targets tracked and up to 4 attacked at once in air to air mode [5]. In air to surface mode the radar can detect a tank from up to 25 km away and a bridge from 120 km away, a naval destroyer could be detected up to 300 km away and up to two surface targets can be tracked at once. The radar has a weight of 220 kg and a scanning area of +/- 85 degrees in azimuth and +56/-40 in elevation. The antenna is an electronically scanned slotted planar array and has a diameter of 624 mm.
So, this is the final section that they had on JF-17 from this most recent edition of Kanwa.

Just a short summary on the above information that are not repeated in the interview

* Originally expected the Chinese radar to be KLJ-10, but that's not the case
* Galileo Avionica still wishes to win JF-17 contract due to their success with F-7PG. They believe that Pakistan is getting Chinese radar firm to fight out first and then getting the winner to fight out with Western radar firms.
* China has offered a weapon package of SD-10, LT-2 and LS-6, but PAF has yet to finalize on their plans.
* Starting from January 2008, PAC will produce 15-20 JF-17s per year. Current plan is 15 for 2008 and 20 for 2009. Finally hopes for 50% of JF-17 production in PAC.
* PAC wishes to be able to do repairs on RD-93 in the future.
* Pakistan wishes to eventually have a full digit quadriplex FBW system.
* Norinco displayed a 500kg LGB called GB-1 in IDEAS 2006, similar to Krasnopol, which they somehow developed for guiding artillery and aerial bombs.
* Norinco is not only trying to sell it for JF-17 but also A-5. At this point PAF thinks A-5 is about to retire, so has no interest in putting it on there.
* GB1 bomb is similar in out appearance to LT-2, but with different guidance.
* PAF got GBU-12 (paveway LGBs) from US and also the license production for GBU-12's laser guidance pod. LT-2 and GBU-12 are pretty much from the same generation, so LT-2 is facing "domestic" competition.
great work - webby
This is interesting. Just two days ago I was looking for infomation on JF-17 load-outs and I found nothing to suggest it can carry weapons on the inner wing pylons. The above photo shows an LGB on the inner pylon.

It would be kind is somebody could do an updated loadout table.
China's NRIET outlines fighter radar improvements

Reuben F Johnson JDW Correspondent - Beijing

Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (NRIET) has revealed details of its airborne fighter radar programmes at CIDEX 2008 in Beijing.

Representatives of NRIET at the Chinese defence electronics exhibition told Jane's in early April that the KLJ-7 radar installed in the FC-1/JF-17 - the fighter aircraft developed jointly with Pakistan - has undergone improvements from its original configuration. The system can now "manage up to 40 targets, track up to 10 in track-while-scan [TWS] mode and engage two targets simultaneously", they said.

NRIET is the major supplier of fighter radar systems to Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, which produces the FC-1/JF-17 and J-10 fighter aircraft.

Like other Chinese companies, NRIET has made progress in upgrading the performance of its systems and has benefited from the advances that China's industries have made in designing more robust and state-of-the-art components. NRIET said that work had started on developing an AESA fighter radar, but that details of this programme were classified.

Through joint development and co-operation with the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) on the JF-17 variant of the FC-1 and from bilateral discussions with other foreign defence companies, NRIET is believed to have gained access to a number of overseas radar systems that have been used for testing and development of the KLJ series.

Concerns were raised in some quarters in March when it was confirmed that French officials were in talks with Pakistan about the sale of radar systems for use in the JF-17 - the worry being that Beijing would also gain access to the technology.

Officials from Russia's Phazotron radar design centre previously told Jane's that NRIET had purchased two Zemchug radars that it uses for "A/B comparisons of their radar's performance against our design".

However, they hastened to add that China's radars "are not copies of our designs. It is not correct to call anything that the Chinese build a copy because they use their own components [and] their own electronic circuit boards. Some of their designs may appear to be analogues of someone else's design but they are not copies".

NRIET has also been known as Research Institute No 14 or Nanjing Radar Plant 720 and is the largest of the China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC) consortium's research institutes. CETC is the largest military products industrial group in China.
Just a misunderstanding here, isnt it KLJ-10 that is to be used in the JF-17 or its just another media error?
Just a misunderstanding here, isnt it KLJ-10 that is to be used in the JF-17 or its just another media error?

i think Jane's a pretty authentic source of info.!
As far as J-17 is concerned, which information source is more trustworthy the Janes or the Pak government agencies ? Yesterday I saw one video, on that video they compared the turn rate of the J-17 and the F-16. The F-16 completed the turn two seconds ahead of the J-17, yet previously I was given the impression that the J-17 is superior to the F-16 in every respect.
As far as J-17 is concerned, which information source is more trustworthy the Janes or the Pak government agencies ? Yesterday I saw one video, on that video they compared the turn rate of the J-17 and the F-16. The F-16 completed the turn two seconds ahead of the J-17, yet previously I was given the impression that the J-17 is superior to the F-16 in every respect.

I will always be cynical if something is sold to me as “better in EVERY respect”!.

I have seen the video you are talking about. It was produced to compare turn rates while the two clips/demonstrations were not done to specifically demonstrate their best turn rate.
I was given the impression that the J-17 is superior to the F-16 in every respect.

JF17 is described as being 80% as capable as some early F16 models.
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