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JF-17 Block III Model Presented To The Participants

Possibly but that one is not a Bravo.
OMG !!!
Hiding in plain sight !!!
This 2p60 is the Block 3. Note it down !!!

It’s a single seater as well as having a bit canted down nose if you carefully observe the below cockpit + nose after the intake ends. This is AESA.

Compare with this one below, it is just straight or tilted upwards rather


I am positive !!!

Even if not a Block 3 but a modified B2 Alpha maybe, the last batch had some nose modifications for AESA.

Makes me recall the Super 7 back.

And also, if Mach 2.0 is true and DSI has been removed/intakes widened, Block 3 is a direct upgrade of Super 7 instead of Block 1 or 2 but adding the elements of Block 1,2,B

Ohh come on, PAC and PAF are to blame, they hyped up Block 3 as if they were making F-22 and the fanboys took their Ps skills to Youtube and SM
A Source tells me that this is the Model of JF-17 Block-3 that was presented to the PAF Air chief and other dignitaries who attended to witness the first flight of the type earlier this month.






1 - The lack of two additional hardpoints on the wing is dissappointing for sure. The JF17 needs to be able to carry more BVR AAMs to counter the payloads that the Rafale can throw at it. It is more of an issue, when you are facing off an airforce that can throw more missiles at you per plane, and where your opponents airforce is between 2-2.5x larger than you. This was a mistake that PAF failed to correct in the Block III, if the model is accurate.

Block III doesnot provide the JF17 the ability to perform a salvo-attack against a high profile target, it has now become its achilles heel. The increase in ECM/ESM and jamming means that multiple missiles can be countered and translated into a miss. A salvo-attack helps mitigate against this and ensures that at least one of them will strike home.

2 - The "splitter plate" is a modelling mistake/issue, ie the bump is still there but it was attached later with a different paint job, so it looks like a plate and not dsi.

3 - After careful consideration and thought, I dont see anything that makes me think that the model is anything other than a badly made Block 2 B model. Time will tell.
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A Source tells me that this is the Model of JF-17 Block-3 that was presented to the PAF Air chief and other dignitaries who attended to witness the first flight of the type earlier this month.


Only 6 hard point except under belly are not enough to counter Rafale.
From the outside, the intakes do look widened and the canopy looks like it has been adjusted more to the bubble canopy type.

I was hoping for the nose to have a sharp edge going along its sides rather than the rounded shape but pretty irrelevant I suppose.
From the outside, the intakes do look widened and the canopy looks like it has been adjusted more to the bubble canopy type.

I was hoping for the nose to have a sharp edge going along its sides rather than the rounded shape but pretty irrelevant I suppose.
And that is impossible and impractical for a nose or a light air craft with very small diameter/circumference !!!
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