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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

That looks like the backseat of the JF17B to me - esp when you look at the lack of a proper HUD in the reflection of the visior - but what appears more like a "HUD Repeater" ....
It's C. Notice upward opened canopy. Bs open sideways.
Is the J-10CE radar a scaled up version of this radar or based on a different radar? If it’s different, is it a matter of the cooling mechanism and/or power supplied to the radar? Also how many T/R modules on the J-10? Would 1200-1300 be a fair estimate?

At a 1000 T/R modules and the JF-17’s relatively small size, the Block 3 is shaping up to be a formidable platform in the hands of the skilled pilots of the PAF.
It's like comparing apple and strawberry :

RBE2AA was the prototyp of RBE2 with USA T/R modules. US modules quite big and not so powerfull (it offered only 25% more range than RBE2PESA).

The real and serialy produced RBE2 with active modules is called RBE2-AESA. It uses european T/R modules.
The perf is a 100% increase range over PESA. The numer of T/R is classified. The only pic available of the active array is that of AA model.... It is quite evident that the number of modules is over 1000 to explain part of the gain in range.

I also wonder how the JF-17 can power suchan AESA radar
Not really the problem. If a classical array radar, with a range of X and consumming Y watts, an AESA radar with the same X range will need less than Y electrical supply.
Do you really think he knows the difference.
I can not argue, Know what you think, Fancy and juicy headings, and no substance....

That's JFT-B, not Block-3.
Thank you. Did not see it.

Falcon Strike Syndicate


JF-17B has not only added beauty to the Thunder Series but a major capability boost too. Dual Seater Thunder is not only a trainer but it has potential for other special roles in future including guided weapons control, electronic warfare and swarm control.
I can not argue, Know what you think, Fancy and juicy headings, and no substance....

Yes certainly no substance like copy pasting same image on three different threads.... Multiple times.


Smart Heads Up Display (SHUD) installed on the JF-17C Block-III is one of its most distinct feature as its bright green reflections are visible from distance, thus easy to identify the new Thunder.

As per PAC, JF-17C Block-III will be equipped with Live Virtual Construct (LVC) training system.

This will greatly enhance the pilot combat training by simulating large threat environment, thus ensuing near to actual combat scenario at extremely low cost.

JF-17 Instructors from ground will be able to generate air and ground threats in the cockpit of JF-17 students in air. This mean that all Block-III pilots will be able to daily train in combat intensive environment which was otherwise only available during large scale exercises.



Smart Heads Up Display (SHUD) installed on the JF-17C Block-III is one of its most distinct feature as its bright green reflections are visible from distance, thus easy to identify the new Thunder.

As per PAC, JF-17C Block-III will be equipped with Live Virtual Construct (LVC) training system.

This will greatly enhance the pilot combat training by simulating large threat environment, thus ensuing near to actual combat scenario at extremely low cost.

JF-17 Instructors from ground will be able to generate air and ground threats in the cockpit of JF-17 students in air. This mean that all Block-III pilots will be able to daily train in combat intensive environment which was otherwise only available during large scale exercises.

That's a game changer.
Virtual threats created in flight on the aircraft display?
Way better than ground based simulation.
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