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JF-17 and LCA development comparison

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DSI doesn't help in maneuvering, and also I was talking about comparable maneuverability between LCA and JF-17 where LCA is better.

yeah better with...

ADA said in a statement that the following would bridge the gap between initial and final operational clearance: integration of beyond visual range weapons, gun, rockets, guided and unguided bombs, and the further expansion of its flight envelope to -3.5 to 8G (-2 to 6G for IOC) and 24-degrees angle of attack (22 for IOC).

Livefist: IAF Grudgingly Accepts Tejas IOC, Wants 83 Mk-IIs
Isn't it the truth that PAF would go shopping for European radar, EW or weapons for JF 17, if they could afford it? Would JF 17 then be a Chinese - European fighter? Obviously not, Pakistan had it's share in the development and owns half of the fighter including all necessary rights, which makes you to a partner although most parts are developed and produced in China.
I have already discussed it subsequently
JF-17 vs LCA means Pakistan can't do anything without joint venture with Chinese whereas Indians always dare to do things alone.

yeah alone..

either you are fool or your officials are fool...

What actually happened between 1983 and 2000? First, let us take the promise of indigenous development. In 1986 an agreement was quietly signed with the United States that permitted DRDO to work with four US Air force laboratories. The to-be-indigenously-developed engine for the LCA -- Kaveri -- was forgotten and the US made General Electric F-404 engine was substituted. Radar was sourced from Erricson Ferranti, carbon-fibre composite panels for wings from Alenia and fly-by-wire controls from Lockheed Martin. Design help was sought from British Aerospace, Avion Marcel Dassault and Deutsche Aerospace. Wind tunnel testing was done in the US, Russia and France. As for armaments -- missiles, guns, rockets and bombs -- every last item was to be imported.

rediff.com: Admiral J G Nadkarni (retd) on the sad tale of the Light Combat Aircraft
Its a wasted comparison.. everybody knows JF-17 is miles ahead than LCA..

Lets compare specs.


LCA- some crappy stuff from GE, which is not a good company and that GE414 which powers F-18s and next gen grippens are known to be faulty.

JF-17 - now RD-93 , the only notable product that Russia makes, (even though the same engine is made in India, its still made in India , hence could be faulty).

Later the latest chinese engine WS -10 with the best of technology, the decade can offer will power J.F-17s

Also in specs the LCA has more power and thrust, but its of no use .. acceleration, milaege etc are in JF's favor. We all know russian engines are less maintenance than GE


LCA- rumoured to have composites but its not an advantage. It also has delta design of j-10s, EFT,Gripens, rafales which is old technology.

JF-17 - full composite ( data u have in net is wrong as PAF keeps lots of stuff secret)


LCA- some Isreali stuff ( we all know that Isreali technology fails ,even rockets were successful against their Iron dome)

JF-17- Chinese - ek dum first class, proven , ahead of a generation stuff.


LCA- Isreali, Indian, french and what not ( everybody knows too many cooks spoils the broth) hence a BIG fail.

JF-17s- Chinese.. single vendor, world class, lots of african nations and few middle east AF's die for it in their jets.


LCA- some Isreali ELBIT dash which is inferior to chinese as its Isreali.

JF-17 - Chinese HMD which can be compared to EFT or Raptor in coming batches and will be present in J-20, J-31, J-32 etc.

Targeting pod

LCA- lightning targeting pod from Rafael which is inferior to most systems available.

JF-17 - Chinese- KG300G hailed as the next generation in technology.

Weapons <--- my favorite part.

LCA- some Russian, some french, some Isreali, some Indian ( come on what is that a United nations weapons package)?? we all know too many cooks spoil the broth ... hence failure...

Even mighty Meteor a2a is supposed to arm LCA... we know its not operational and will be obsolete in front of chinese tech.

JF-17 --Chinese- PL 1,2,3,4,5..(best in the class), even has Pirahna ( not the fish_) and the best missile ever AIM.. do i need to say more.

So we can see the clear winner is JF-17 . :tup:

Sigh.. now I've realized that our and Western media is very biased. I'm done with brainwashing stories. I'll not not buy their stories and throwing the following table in garbage bin..in favor of supa dupa JF17...

JF-17 vs LCA means Pakistan can't do anything without joint venture with Chinese whereas Indians always dare to do things alone.

LOL alone huh :lol:
C my post number 185's second last video in this thread.
Named ''How Indigenous LCA is'' then c the very next video abt Pakistan's contribution in JFT project which we say is a joint venture not domestic or indigenous fighter.
Sigh.. now I've realized that our and Western media is very biased. I'm done with brainwashing stories. I'll not not buy their stories and throwing the following table in garbage bin..in favor of supa dupa JF17...


What a rubbish info its all taken from PT01 but JFT's production model is based on PT04 not PT01.
Also abt specs c the video i posted Analysis Jf17 vs LCA in post # 185 its second video n also if u wish to learn more n truth then c all the videos of post # 185. U will get all yr answers.
Sigh.. now I've realized that our and Western media is very biased. I'm done with brainwashing stories. I'll not not buy their stories and throwing the following table in garbage bin..in favor of supa dupa JF17...


are you being sarcastic?
bullshit piece of crap this chart is...
LOL alone huh :lol:
C my post number 185's second last video in this thread.
Named ''How Indigenous LCA is'' then c the very next video abt Pakistan's contribution in JFT project which we say is a joint venture not domestic or indigenous fighter.

Pakistan join the JF-17 when large part of it was done by China and China was about to abandon it. JF-17 is not a great aircraft either that's why its still looking for a buyers and Chinese themselves never inducted it.

Your comprehension is so weak, importing components and joint ventures are different thing. :lol: Infact design of JF-17 is rippoff of Russia's Mig-21 which Indians are about to abandon. :enjoy:

let me prove...

first off,IZMIR chart turkey contradicts most of stupid claims in above chart..


coming to useful load,

JF 17 has 4000+ KG which was showed in dubai press release...

for LCA you should read this...

same will help you for engine thrust claims

LCA needs new engine to be worthy of combat - Indian Express


according to the IOC standards tejas can pull 6 g's...and the angle of attack is 22 degree...
and son,the FOC has been post poned till 2015...

wait for block III production which is supposed to commence by all most the same time as LCA will be entering into service...
Your comprehension is so weak, importing components and joint ventures are different thing. :lol:

Radar was sourced from Erricson Ferranti, carbon-fibre composite panels for wings from Alenia and fly-by-wire controls from Lockheed Martin. Design help was sought from British Aerospace, Avion Marcel Dassault and Deutsche Aerospace. Wind tunnel testing was done in the US, Russia and France. As for armaments -- missiles, guns, rockets and bombs -- every last item was to be imported.

I think the comprehension problem is with you actually :azn: Where exactly do you see some joint venture here ...
Radar was sourced from Erricson Ferranti, carbon-fibre composite panels for wings from Alenia and fly-by-wire controls from Lockheed Martin. Design help was sought from British Aerospace, Avion Marcel Dassault and Deutsche Aerospace. Wind tunnel testing was done in the US, Russia and France. As for armaments -- missiles, guns, rockets and bombs -- every last item was to be imported.

I think the comprehension problem is with you actually :azn: Where exactly do you see some joint venture here ...

OMG, you still don't know what is joint venture and what is importing the components. :hitwall::rofl:
Your comprehension is so weak, importing components and joint ventures are different thing. :lol: Infact design of JF-17 is rippoff of Russia's Mig-21 which Indians are about to abandon. :enjoy:

you made it alone...then why foreign assistance...???
infact you should think before you speak...

for design,
whats funny is that LCA's design is helped by dassault and its tailless delta configuration...and for your info this design is getting outdated now..since no jet iN production uses tailless delta config.
typhoons and rafales have canards to increase manuvrability..

as far as the design of jf 17 being based on MIG-21 goes,
this does not change the fact that JF 17 performs well today in skies( on par with F-16 early models like many of think tanks and senior members have discussed it )
while LCA blah blah...6g's is limit and 22 degree of AoA...:P
found an interesting read...

before calling it crap...point out mistakes with credible proofs..specially my indian friends...


JF-17 is nearly as maneuverable an F-16A (most maneuverable from F-16 family),it can pull 8.6 G's as per official statements however some PAF people claim that it can do the same as an F-16 ie 9gs.

Similarly, IAF test pilots that have flown LCA are praising it's maneuverability, the fly by wire system, the MMI and so on, but would you expect something else from pilots that were used to use 3 to 3+ gen single role fighters no matter in which air force? Most likely not, that's why these kind of statements won't help you to compare both fighters witheach other.

The rest is indeed, not reliable, because the author mainly uses speculated figures, weapons or capabilities (China has developed JXX, that's why Chinese avionics in JF 17 must be good :rolleyes:), he even gets the radar ranges wrong, which both are for 5m2 targets, while the maximum detection range of bigger targets is between 200 and 300Km for both radars, just like for any comparable radar of that generation. Not to forget that he obviously has chosen the fields where JF 17 has some advantage (ceilling), while ignoring others. No mention of RCS, which is important for BVR combats, no mention of dry TWR, no mention of operational costs (2 x RD93 in the life of 1 x GE 404 for example)...
hole crap @ mylovepakistan and Umair Nawaz u dimwits read the thread title , its not JF-17 and LCA performance rather its JF-17 and LCA development , now if you any credible source which provides valid proof to Pakistani contribution to JF-17 please post or else shut ur trap holes ,

@ Umair Nawaz really youtube video ..? that's the best you can come up with ..?:lol:
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