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Jews and Arabs dance together at Bahrain Chanukah party

Like your own 'Supreme Leader' has said; "Jews are not the enemy, Israel is".

There is no other religion closer to Islam than Judaism, not to mention Muslims and Jews have historically had good relations.

Until the Zionists hijacked Judaism like ISIS have hijacked Islam. Jews are 'ahlel Kitab', Zionists are Wagnerian Jews. They weren't immune to the virus of racism that was spreading through Europe circa 1900.;
were is rabbi rothschild. the funny thing is the elite khazar so call jew is going to sacrifice the lil jews for thier own agenda like false flag. gulf kings are more zionist than muslim.
Gulf Arabs love israel, none of them contributed significantly to the wars against them.
That's not entirely true, though.

In the 40s through 60s, countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait officially sent soldiers to fight against the Israelis. But a lot has changed since then.

From a geopolitical point of view, Israel doesn't pose a threat to the Gulf Arab states, therefore it's only natural that the Gulf Arabs don't perceive the Israelis as their real enemies.
in the 40's and 60's my grandpa too , set himself on a journey to mecca on his donkey , most of our family believe he didn't get there .. same could be said about the saudi and kuwaiti soldiers fighting israel .
That's not entirely true, though.

In the 40s through 60s, countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait officially sent soldiers to fight against the Israelis. But a lot has changed since then.

From a geopolitical point of view, Israel doesn't pose a threat to the Gulf Arab states, therefore it's only natural that the Gulf Arabs don't perceive the Israelis as their real enemies.

insignificant contribution on Saudi behalf compared to a state of similar size (iraq), population wise. Both don't border israel

The Gulf states experienced this phase of American influence after the 1991 gulf war, the US ended up with massive bases in nearly every GCC country. A reason why they're friendly to israel to this day.
insignificant contribution on Saudi behalf compared to a state of similar size (iraq), population wise. Both don't border israel

The Gulf states experienced this phase of American influence after the 1991 gulf war, the US ended up with massive bases in nearly every GCC country. A reason why they're friendly to israel to this day.
But even without American/Western influence, the Gulf states will never see Israel as a bigger threat than other countries. Saudi Arabia will always be more nervous about countries such as Egypt, Yemen, Iraq and Iran than about Israel.
If you get to define who-is-a-Jew then I get to define who-is-a-Muslim!

A Muslim is not bound by race. A Jew is. To be Semetic is to be a Jew. So, you dont get to define anything. What is one called when they 'hate Jews'? An anti-SEMITE. Semite being a racial classification. Therefore, you have already defined what a Jew is. A Jew is a Semite or of Semitic extraction. It is a racial definition. A Muslim us one who submits his/her Will to that of God. A Jew does not have such a compulsion.
A Muslim is not bound by race. A Jew is. To be Semetic is to be a Jew. So, you dont get to define anything. What is one called when they 'hate Jews'? An anti-SEMITE. Semite being a racial classification -
The term "anti-semite" was crafted about 150 years ago as a euphemism for Jew-hatred, since at that time religious discrimination was reprehensible but discrimination by "race" was not. It's only application was and is to the Jews and does not refer to other semites: link

As for who is a Jew and who is not: Jews are a people and Judaism is their religion. Thus you are a Jew by descent or conversion - which is really a form of adoption - not how you practice Judaism. Israel was thus founded on the principle of Jewish peoplehood, not religion, even if this is not what is taught in Pakistan's schools or accepted by most Pakistanis.
The term "anti-semite" was crafted about 150 years ago as a euphemism for Jew-hatred, since at that time religious discrimination was reprehensible but discrimination by "race" was not. It's only application was and is to the Jews and does not refer to other semites: link

As for who is a Jew and who is not: Jews are a people and Judaism is their religion. Thus you are a Jew by descent or conversion - which is really a form of adoption - not how you practice Judaism. Israel was thus founded on the principle of Jewish peoplehood, not religion, even if this is not what is taught in Pakistan's schools or accepted by most Pakistanis.

To be a Jew, ones mother must be Jewish. Semite is a race, Sammy Davis Junior might be the one Jew that you hold up as a trophy convert and wheel him out, but a true Jew is part of the 'Tribe'. The Levies and the Cohens etc etc etc... Then there are the Asheknazi Jews and the Sephardic Jews etc etc...... How about the Naturei Karta Jews? They are Jews too, but you dont like them because they heap scorn upon the State of Israel as do many other Jews. Judaism as it stands today is more a racial grouping than a religious one. It is as insular and as racist as anything the National Socialistiche Deutch Arbeit Partei came up with. You fool nobody. Israel is what Hitler wanted for the Germans-A state with racial and religious homogeneity. Please have this discussion with someone who doesnt know any better. Gilad Atzmon, Prof Shlomo Sands etc. Argue with them and their discourses. Jews with much more knowledge than me have defecated upon the idea of Jewish Statehood and exceptionalism.
Thease type of real peaceful jewish should be in control of isreal
Oh you mean those who doesnt want to do anything when Palestinian are doing daily terrorist attacsk on Israeli civilians?
Take your hypocritical Pro palestinian shades off and look why there is wall between Pal and Israel.

Israel is country with balls, they do protect their population from PLO terrorists.
Palestinians are the reason why peace is impossible.
Which side started numerous wars rather than talked? Which side tries to get their will by numerous terrorist attacjs on CIVILIANS?

You hypocritical jokes always cry when Palestinian dies in shootout with terrorists, but when Palestinian attacks Israeli dad and kills him, youre quiet and act as if nothing happened.

Fucking hypocrite.

Thease type of real peaceful jewish should be in control of isreal
You know who are the real Turkish muslims too? Those who dont hate on PKK quest for freedom, those are the real Turks, and those who dont deny the Armenian genocide, those should be in power in Turkey, right?

Ohhh but thats a different thing, right?
Judaism as it stands today is more a racial grouping than a religious one. It is as insular and as racist as anything the National Socialistiche Deutch Arbeit Partei came up with - .
I think your grip on reality is really low if you believe this stuff you just wrote. Picking and choosing writers and leaving out the preponderance of evidence (as opposed to volume of opinion) does not morally justify your views.
I think your grip on reality is really low if you believe this stuff you just wrote. Picking and choosing writers and leaving out the preponderance of evidence (as opposed to volume of opinion) does not morally justify your views.

My grip of reality? LOL! I live in the UK, I have lived in North London, I know plenty of Jews. So when you cant attack the argument you attack the person? If I was to post you links about the relationship between Judaism and racialism or racial exceptionalism, I could post you links all night long. Screw that. It takes 5 minutes to become a Muslim. Say the Shahadah, believe it and let Allah be your witness. A jew needs seven fucking years with a Rabbi to become a Jew! LOL! Hopefully they will quit half way, right? Davis Junior was given an easy ride though, wasnt he? Please feed your crap to someone who donesnt know any better.
My grip of reality? LOL! I live in the UK, I have lived in North London, I know plenty of Jews. So when you cant attack the argument you attack the person?
You didn't have an argument. You made assertions: "Judaism as it stands today is more a racial grouping than a religious one. It is as insular and as racist as anything the National Socialistiche Deutch Arbeit Partei came up with" and failed to muster facts to support them.
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