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Jews and Arabs dance together at Bahrain Chanukah party

You didn't have an argument. You made assertions: "Judaism as it stands today is more a racial grouping than a religious one. It is as insular and as racist as anything the National Socialistiche Deutch Arbeit Partei came up with" and failed to muster facts to support them.

Ah, the shyster lawyer in you, right? Quibble over words? Oy Vey! Let's do that all night long Shlomo.
The dancing highlights that personal associations can serve to moderate political conflicts. Of course, those who promote blind hatred trash such contacts for this very reason.
The dancing highlights that personal associations can serve to moderate political conflicts. Of course, those who promote blind hatred trash such contacts for this very reason.

Personal association? What are the Israeli or Jewish laws on marrying a goyim? Pray tell us.
Ah, the shyster lawyer in you, right? Quibble over words? Oy Vey! Let's do that all night long Shlomo.
Now there is a personal attack from someone who has no counter-argument. No need to do this "all night long." So what if you don't concede? Anybody can see it, whether you admit to defeat or not.
No there is a personal attack from someone who has no counter-argument. No need to do this "all night long." So what if you don't concede? Anybody can see it, whether you admit to defeat or not.
Nope. It was was it was-a personal attack. You know it and I know it. Forget everyone else here Shlomo and tell me, what are the Israeli/Jewish laws on marriage? Dont be a liar and/or a hypocrite. Muslim laws are there for everyone to see. Why do you hide behind obfuscations and lies? Who do you think you are dealing with here? I have been in the homes of Jews. The next thing I will ask you is about Jesus and his blessed Mother Mary (may Allah bless these Holy souls with all His love). You know what's coming next right? I can quote you the Thalmud and Senhedrin if you like?
...Dont be a liar and/or a hypocrite....The next thing I will ask you is about Jesus -
Pakistanis, if you don't have the gumption to call NakedLunch out for his hypocrisy, what right to you have to assert that Pakistanis deserve democratic freedoms, rather than be mere servants of mind-slaving autocrats?
Pakistanis, if you don't have the gumption to call NakedLunch out for his hypocrisy, what right to you have to assert that Pakistanis deserve democratic freedoms, rather than be mere servants of mind-slaving autocrats?

LOL! What's the matter? Cant defend yourself?
Lol.. a zionist troll talkin about hypocrisy.

Hasbara trolls. I have dealt with plenty of them and their Hindu copy cats. This guy (Soloman whoever) is a figment of his own imagination. He cant defend himself, Judaism or Israel so he calls upon Pakistanis to defend him! LOL! Imagine Israel without the backing of Western Civilisation? LOL! That's why I have always said to people, 'In Allahu ma'a sa'abireen'. Have patience. They havent got a leg to stand on, and time is everyone's enemy. Just wait and see.

lol thats effin hilarious mate :rofl::rofl:

What , do you expect me to post pictures of saudi arabia's non-existant female soccer team ?
lol you started it. :omghaha:
ahem kuwaiti
That's not entirely true, though.

In the 40s through 60s, countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait officially sent soldiers to fight against the Israelis. But a lot has changed since then.

From a geopolitical point of view, Israel doesn't pose a threat to the Gulf Arab states, therefore it's only natural that the Gulf Arabs don't perceive the Israelis as their real enemies.

ahem kuwait is not so innocent. baby incubitor propaganda against saddam.
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