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Jews and Arabs dance together at Bahrain Chanukah party

Oh you mean those who doesnt want to do anything when Palestinian are doing daily terrorist attacsk on Israeli civilians?
Take your hypocritical Pro palestinian shades off and look why there is wall between Pal and Israel.

Israel is country with balls, they do protect their population from PLO terrorists.
Palestinians are the reason why peace is impossible.
Which side started numerous wars rather than talked? Which side tries to get their will by numerous terrorist attacjs on CIVILIANS?

You hypocritical jokes always cry when Palestinian dies in shootout with terrorists, but when Palestinian attacks Israeli dad and kills him, youre quiet and act as if nothing happened.

Fucking hypocrite.

You know who are the real Turkish muslims too? Those who dont hate on PKK quest for freedom, those are the real Turks, and those who dont deny the Armenian genocide, those should be in power in Turkey, right?

Ohhh but thats a different thing, right?
I mean European Jews current Jews of isreal population are not from original 12 tribes of Jews they are converted in late 1800 the original Jews of Bible are black African and they are cursed. Read Bible. Deuteronomy 28. Watch thease videos Africans American slaves are actually original jews from 12 tribes of isreal and they are suffering
. American Negros. Are actual Jews. Most people don't know that actual history of American black population
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I mean European Jews current Jews of isreal population are not from original 12 tribes of Jews they are converted in late 1800 the original Jews of Bible are black African and they are cursed. Read Bible. Deuteronomy 28. Watch thease videos Africans American slaves are actually original jews from 12 tribes of isreal and they are suffering
. American Negros. Are actual Jews. Most people don't know that actual history of American black population
Wow, you just went full illuminati... I believe Jews are the ones God gave Israel.
Lol.. a zionist troll talkin about hypocrisy.
An internet "troll" is someone who engages in inflammatory divergences from the subject topic. So yes, I can talk about that with authority, as anyone reading this thread can see. It's the difference between what things are and what they are called. People who seek truths look to reveal the former, whereas those who are afraid of the truth resort to the latter.
You don't have jews in Iran?

Wiki counts more than 60 synagogues in Iran with almost half of them in Tehran alone.

They have a Jewish member of Parliament.

After Turkey, Iran has highest number of Jewish population among Muslim countries. (Remember Turkey is secular while Iran is an Islamic Republic.)

While according to wiki, jewish number dont increase above 100 in arab countries.
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