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Jewish terrorist mob torches Palestinian orchard and attacks Israeli journalist


Jun 1, 2012
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Lag Ba'omer in Hebron: Settlers torch Palestinian orchard - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Lag Ba'omer in Hebron: Settlers torch Palestinian orchard

Haaretz photographer who tried to take photos of bonfire from up close, was attacked by settlers.

Settlers celebrate Lag B'aomer in Hebron / Photo by Emil Salman

Settlers in Hebron celebrated Lag Ba'Omer Saturday night by lighting a bonfire in an olive grove in the heart of the Palestinian neighborhood Tel Rumeida. The grove, which belongs to the al-Knibi family, is located in the front of a house inhabited by the Youth Against Settlements center, an organization that documents settlers, soldiers and police in Hebron.

The owners of the orchard and their children looked on with concern as the fire approached their olive trees, while the young Israelis who were celebrating burned the flags of the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and the team of international observers. The group, which began setting up the sound system right as Shabbat ended, played loud music, jumped around and sang as they passed around Palestinian homes, whose windows are protected by iron bars.


Settlers celebrate Lag Ba'omer in Hebron / Photo by Emil Salman
Haaretz photographer Emil Salman, who requested to take photographs of the bonfire from close up, was assaulted by several settlers. A policeman who was there asked he leave the area for fear he would disturb the peace.

A bit after midnight, a member of Youth Against Settlements called the police to complain about the music and the disruptions to residents. About 10 minutes later, the band stopped playing and several dozen youths remained in front of the dying fire.

In the past the owners of the orchard have filed complaints with the police and the Civil Administration about the dangerous and unauthorized use of their land, but in vain. A Civil Administration officer requested on Friday that the bonfire not be prepared on the private land, but he was ignored.

The residents of Hebron settlements began gathering trees and planks already on Thursday, and the foundation for the bonfire was prepared the next day in advance, so as not to desecrate Shabbat. The residents of Tel Rumeida say that the planks were taken from among the shops in the closed Palestinian market place.

On Mount Meron, at about midnight, the traditional lighting of the bonfires of the admorim (leaders of Hasidic sects) and the rabbis began, and will continue throughout the day, in daylight. The tanna (mishnaic sage) Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, whose eponymous celebration is marked on Lag Ba’omer, was accustomed to disputes with other tannaim, but it is doubtful whether he imaged a dispute about the commemoration of the day of his death like the one taking place this year.

While most of the educational institutions, youth movements and organizations will light bonfires Sunday evening on the eve of the 34th day of the Omer, according to instructions of the Education Ministry and the Chief Rabbinate, a large group of people refused to give up the bonfire on the original date, the 33rd day of the Omer (“lag” is the Hebrew equivalent of 33), the 18th of the month of Iyar. (According to tradition, Jews count the days between Passover and Shavuot, when the offering of the first wheat, the omer” was brought to the Temple.)
Lag Ba'omer in Hebron: Settlers torch Palestinian orchard - NationalIsrael News - Haaretz Israeli News source

Lag Ba'omer in Hebron: Settlers torch Palestinian orchard

Haaretz photographer who tried to take photos of bonfire from up close, was attacked by settlers.

Settlers celebrate Lag B'aomer in Hebron / Photo by Emil Salman

Settlers in Hebron celebrated Lag Ba'Omer Saturday night by lighting a bonfire in an olive grove in the heart of the Palestinian neighborhood Tel Rumeida. The grove, which belongs to the al-Knibi family, is located in the front of a house inhabited by the Youth Against Settlements center, an organization that documents settlers, soldiers and police in Hebron.

The owners of the orchard and their children looked on with concern as the fire approached their olive trees, while the young Israelis who were celebrating burned the flags of the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and the team of international observers. The group, which began setting up the sound system right as Shabbat ended, played loud music, jumped around and sang as they passed around Palestinian homes, whose windows are protected by iron bars.


Settlers celebrate Lag Ba'omer in Hebron / Photo by Emil Salman
Haaretz photographer Emil Salman, who requested to take photographs of the bonfire from close up, was assaulted by several settlers. A policeman who was there asked he leave the area for fear he would disturb the peace.

A bit after midnight, a member of Youth Against Settlements called the police to complain about the music and the disruptions to residents. About 10 minutes later, the band stopped playing and several dozen youths remained in front of the dying fire.

In the past the owners of the orchard have filed complaints with the police and the Civil Administration about the dangerous and unauthorized use of their land, but in vain. A Civil Administration officer requested on Friday that the bonfire not be prepared on the private land, but he was ignored.

The residents of Hebron settlements began gathering trees and planks already on Thursday, and the foundation for the bonfire was prepared the next day in advance, so as not to desecrate Shabbat. The residents of Tel Rumeida say that the planks were taken from among the shops in the closed Palestinian market place.

On Mount Meron, at about midnight, the traditional lighting of the bonfires of the admorim (leaders of Hasidic sects) and the rabbis began, and will continue throughout the day, in daylight. The tanna (mishnaic sage) Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, whose eponymous celebration is marked on Lag Ba’omer, was accustomed to disputes with other tannaim, but it is doubtful whether he imaged a dispute about the commemoration of the day of his death like the one taking place this year.

While most of the educational institutions, youth movements and organizations will light bonfires Sunday evening on the eve of the 34th day of the Omer, according to instructions of the Education Ministry and the Chief Rabbinate, a large group of people refused to give up the bonfire on the original date, the 33rd day of the Omer (“lag” is the Hebrew equivalent of 33), the 18th of the month of Iyar. (According to tradition, Jews count the days between Passover and Shavuot, when the offering of the first wheat, the omer” was brought to the Temple.)
Another lie of false flager propagandist. There is no any trees torched.
We expected you to say this!

His (always fact- and source-free) propaganda goes from bad to worse - it's not even worth the effort to reply him anymore; he does the job of making himself look like 'tard all by himself. I wonder why even insists - maybe he's paid to?
His (always fact- and source-free) propaganda goes from bad to worse - it's not even worth the effort to reply him anymore; he does the job of making himself look like 'tard all by himself. I wonder why even insists - maybe he's paid to?
Most probably he is paid to!
His (always fact- and source-free) propaganda goes from bad to worse - it's not even worth the effort to reply him anymore; he does the job of making himself look like 'tard all by himself. I wonder why even insists - maybe he's paid to?
RFS joined 2 years ago and:

* he created over 200 Israel bashing threads (although there is a dedicated thread on Israel Palestinian conflict where u can post ur stuff).
* several India bashing, and some Myanmar bashing.
* zero threads on Brazil or Latin America (where he says he belongs).
* zero threads on military or technology issues.
* all his threads are nothing but copy paste, but sometimes he distorts the title to make it even more anti Israeli.
* Often he lies. For example in the article:

"Israel aims to deport French photographer with ‘Arab-sounding’ name"

He changed the title to:

"Israel aims to deport French photographer for having an 'Arab-sounding' name"


I joined 4 years ago.

I created 63 threads, virtually all of them on military issues.
None of my threads was Palestinian bashing.

So lets people decide who is a payed propagandist.
Doesn't look like an orchard to me,Looks more like a small party from the photos. :confused::confused:
This type of extremist behaviour is common among Israelis and their supporters. Just look at what these "peace loving and always the victim" Israelis and their die hard supporters in the states say about muslims (you can see the entire Israel-Palestine issue from their perspective now):

he created over 200 Israel bashing threads
Oh, the horror! :cry:
More will be coming, though - it doesn't depend on me; it depends on your country. Get it to behave as less of an apartheid version of a nutjob neocon's dream state, and I won't post threads anymore if they disturb you so much.

Doesn't look like an orchard to me,Looks more like a small party from the photos. :confused::confused:
Don't be silly, no one said that was a picture of the riot itself. Certainly not the Haaretz itself -- it said it's a picture of the celebration of the holiday only. The picture is of relevance because the riot happened during that celebration. If 500's whining is based only on the fact that picture doesn't portray the riot per se, he's more of an idiot than I thought -- he doesn't even know how newspapers work. Bear in mind the article is syndicated by an Israeli Jewish newspaper, it has as writers two Israeli Jewish reporters, and it reccounts an attack relayed by an Israeli Jewish photographer, who was assaulted after asking the settlers to cover their party. Beyond the silly world of @500 's conspiracies, there's no reason whatsoever to doubt the sincerity of his account and of anyone involved. Newspapers fact check; crazy trolls on the internet don't.
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Don't be silly, no one said that was a picture of the riot itself.
If u cant show pics the STFU. And plz dont tell me that u cant because there are zillion correspondents around.

Bear in mind the article is syndicated by an Israeli Jewish newspaper
Haaretz is ultra left wing paper. And Amira Hass is craziest among them all. In contrast to ur beloved regimes Israel is a democracy, so we have people who write Palestinian propaganda just like u do.

Oh, the horror! :cry:
More will be coming, though - it doesn't depend on me; it depends on your country. Get it to behave as less of an apartheid version of a nutjob neocon's dream state, and I won't post threads anymore if they disturb you so much.
Again you are lying. There are million times worse things happening around the world, but you dont give a damn. You are nothing but payed propagandists and u dont even try to conceal that fact.

Doesn't look like an orchard to me,Looks more like a small party from the photos. :confused::confused:
Dont believe ur eyes. Believe to Amira Hass and RFS propagandists.


Its a torched orchard!
RFS joined 2 years ago and:

* he created over 200 Israel bashing threads (although there is a dedicated thread on Israel Palestinian conflict where u can post ur stuff).
* several India bashing, and some Myanmar bashing.
* zero threads on Brazil or Latin America (where he says he belongs).
* zero threads on military or technology issues.
* all his threads are nothing but copy paste, but sometimes he distorts the title to make it even more anti Israeli.
* Often he lies. For example in the article:

"Israel aims to deport French photographer with ‘Arab-sounding’ name"

He changed the title to:

"Israel aims to deport French photographer for having an 'Arab-sounding' name"


I joined 4 years ago.

I created 63 threads, virtually all of them on military issues.
None of my threads was Palestinian bashing.

So lets people decide who is a payed propagandist.
bro after all its defence.pk ;) indians and israelis are worst creatures for land of pure ;)
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